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Posts posted by oafckev

  1. I agree but I can't see the club doing a U-turn on this one as they must of had talks about whether to give it Hudds in the first place. Fair enough if the Yorkies were doing well but their not and its highly unlikely that they'll bring more than 1500 and even if they do bring 1700ish then it's just going to cause more problems for the home fans moving and only benefit Huddersfield fan's. Also whilst were top of the league I expect more casual fan's to turn up and I think the chances of Oldham having more fans in the RRE is a big one.


    Leeds & Leicester games yes but this one we shouldn't be moved.

  2. I saw a few leave when Millwall went 3-1 up now you'd think they'd of learnt a lesson on that comeback wouldnt you! I've left with about 5mins to go but only if the game is dead and burried. I don't really care about the players feelings at the end because I cheer them on during the match plus sometimes they don't deserve a clap off and leaving early stops me booing/hurling abuse.

  3. Of course, hypothetically speaking, if a fan was to listen to what the steward was saying and do as they were asked, rather than seeking out confrontation in a childish show of defiance, then hypothetically the steward might not treat that fan like a child...


    The way I see some stewards (not all, some are fine) talking to fans is disgracefull. Some supporters do deserve to be thrown out, but the lack of seeing who is a decent fan and who is a trouble causer is the main problem with them. Some are bullies and they love the buzz of throwing people out which is why I personally think the Police are better as they are trained in how to treat people with respect but know who is out to push their luck and they deal with them properly.

  4. If we got 5200 home fans against MK Dons then I'm sure we could get just over 2000 more fans in with the lure of a local derby and Oldham sitting nicely at the top of the league. I dont think we should of given Huddersfield the large section but thats already been sorted out at the ticket office so nothing can be done there.


    I think the Oldham public will turn up and pay £20 if were doing well so promotions on hold for this game. A bit of good advertising in the Chron saying £18 tickets in advance and kids under 12 for £3 will help nicely. Maybe even hand out leaflets in the Main Stand & Chaddy End advertising Season Tickets and if Oldham put on a good performance they might be tempted to jump on the bandwagon. £50 Season Tickets for Under 16's is a bargain so push that and hopefully they'll drag a parent along. These are the times when money can be made at Oldham whilst the club are doing well. If Oldham lose form then it might be a lost chance for the rest of the season to get fans through the gate.

  5. Ok maybe the club will have to put up a net and it will cost them money but won't the atmosphere being created at Boundary Park get more people inside the ground rather than put them off if we all sat down in silence? Me personally I'd get rid of half of the stewards and use the Police we have to sort out the crowd problems as I think they don't over-react to petty situations and I think they deal with situations better. Some power mad man with a yellow jacket who earns £20 for his troubles talking to you like an child doesnt really get me to sit down.

  6. All this 'why should I move mentality' is pathetic. The stand is big enough to accomodate all types of fan. Like when grounds had terracing and you had some ejit next to you, you'd simply just move away from him and stand somewhere else. The problem is when the stands full and you can't move, then I can see you'd have a stronger reason to complain. I fully understand that persistant standing is against the rules but so what? The club isnt going to get the stand shut down because people are stood up. You watch any other game on TV and you see persistant standing, have any of them clubs been punished? no. The fact that someone paid £20 to enter a ground and stare at the away following is totally upto them no matter what your opinion of them is. I like to sing, stand and watch the match and I think most people who have been to the games this year would agree that the atmosphere due to moving in the RRE has dramatically improved. The stewards should only step in when the crowd goes over the top ie throwing coins and bottles over the moat. But it seems most of them just want to show off their 'power' and to me they stir up more than they should. Yesterdays atmosphere was a good one so lets not ruin it eh.

  7. The divide was laughable as was the standard of stewarding yet again. Few lads stood up and no aggro then bang stewards come in getting everyone to sit down so more people get angry and it ends in more people stood up ?! Leave us be and most likely people tend to sit down or police themselves. The fact that the club had complaints about standing/swearing/atmosphere previously obviously shows that the minorty are always heard as the 'family section' was nearly empty.


    The fact is that the RRE is rocking this year and the authorities are going to try there best to ruin it just for the sake of doing their job. People who went today will tell their mates that the atmosphere at BP is fantastic but if they continue to chuck people out for standing up then the conversation in the pub will be a different story and we'll continue to get sub 6k crowds.

  8. "Chief executive Alan Hardy said: "It's been a terrific start to the season - much better than we could have wished for when we saw the opening fixtures."


    Even if we might of thought that surely it would of been better PR to say "with a very strong team we were expecting a good start to an exciting season" or something like that. People may read this and think 'oh Oldhams had a lucky start..' and not bother to go. Just an idea like..

  9. Actually it was a suprisingly good show to listen too. They'd obviously done their research on Oldham unlike the Beeb. Compare that to Talksport who just concentrate their shows on the Top 4 or London clubs!


    Basically Blitz talks about:

    1. The cost of buying the club and BP and why he thought it was important to have the club owning the ground.

    2. How the council prevented them from getting the development done quickly. Said that with the property crisis development is suspended but expects to be on again in a couple of years when it picks up again. Also said that Banks won't lend such money to build so it's pointless trying.

    3.Mentioned how hard it is to protect players from leaving and mentioned Porter and how daft the loophole was for him to go on a free.

    4. Income at BP = £2.5million, Players Basic Salary = £2million - Says it all really.

    5. Talks about Hillstone going bust and JD have paid 50k for a years shirt sponsorship.

    6. The Owners are losing £500k a year but dont take into account extra money coming in ie Trotman + Everton money.

    7. Talks about how the Championship receive £2.5million in TV money + League 1 gets £440k so getting into Championship would help.

    8. States that 3% of gate receipts automatically go to the Football League.

    9. Says Youth development is vital for the future of the club and seemed quite proud of having 5 players from the youth in the first team.

    10. The players earn from £1000 - £2500 a week depending on how good they are obviously.

    11. Apparently we've received 100k from appearences for Richards and expecting another 100k this season all depending of course on starts. Also mentions the 20% sell on clause we have.

    12. He stressed how hard it is to get kids into BP with the lure of City and United next door and can only see attendances dropping unless something changes in football.



    Great to hear about all the clubs finances being openly discussed in the way it was. This is why TTA are great people to have in charge because they can discuss finances and not be ashamed to admit that they still make a loss even after 5 years. Sounds like the plans for the future are still steady yet a promotion and Richards being sold for a tasty value would help nicely.

  10. Bottle Merchants the lot of them. There was no way any of the Latics fans were going to kick off at the match yet bloody jobsworths created a hostile atmosphere by throwing lads out for celebrating or standing up. 5 hours sat down getting to the ground and the last thing you want to do is sit down some more. Only had the bottle to throw one lad out at half time then another for complaining!


    Colchester score the 2nd goal and 2 stewards march up the stairs trying to get lads at the back to sit down (err not a smart move lads we've just conceeded) before you knew it Taylor scored and they f*cked off back down the steps cowardly. Next thing you we score an equliser and a lad down the front is literally being dragged out for celebrating! Hence about 50 fans going down and kicking it off with the stewards and a few more booted out. Oldham police was there and what a waste of tax payers money to send them down as they did c*ck all to help the situation.


    So basically you turned fans with an average of 40 who just wanted to enjoy the game into a group of pumped up angry men who wanted to attack the stewards. At the end of the game all stewards didnt say a word and got a hell of a lot of abuse of me and most other fans leaving the stand.


    Well done Colchester on your plastic ground,ticket problems and shockingly poor stewards - Last time I'll be going there!

  11. You usually only have one chance a season to catch the drifting (usually United) fan. So pick a home game randomly and analyze his matchday experience at Boundary Park.


    Arrive 2.15pm - Head to the RRE as this is the closest stand after walking down Sheepfoot lane. £20 in for 3rd rate football which is steep but he pay's it and goes in the stand. Gets a pint of Carlsberg (£3?) and gets a programme to read. Carlsberg tastes like p*ss but the programmes decent even if it is £3. Fancy's a bet on the game but can't see a bookies so decides to light a fag instead. Steward comes over and asks him to stop smoking because the ground is a no smoking stadium. Man tells him that he's away from everyone and outside with a 90mph wind blowing any chance of 2nd hand smoke miles away from anyone close. But they are the rules!


    2.50pm - After chancing another lager he heads into the stand as the crowd picks up, he is told that he would have to drink his beer before he goes into the stand as drinking whist watching the game is prohibited. Decides to locate towards the the away fans as this is where he believes the atmosphere will be. Players come out and few songs start and he enjoys the craic with the fans.


    3.15pm - Stewards ask him to sit down which he politely says that he wouldnt be able to see because people in front are stood up. Eventually the crowd settles but so does the atmosphere. Stewards and police stare at the crowd like their animals and he feels that the treatment is way over the top.


    3.45pm - Decides to stay at his seat at half time. Can't hear the PA system so misses other half time scores. No entertainment apart from watching the sprinklers gradually get closer to the players warming up.


    4.30pm - Game still 0-0 and hardly entertaining stuff. See's fans being chucked out for pointless petty things.


    4.50pm - Game finishes and the man heads home thinking was it worth it? He's spent £30 which he could of spent in the pub watching the Premiership game on the tele.



    Obviously everyones match day experiences vary but I would say that this wouldn't really attract fans into coming to the games. A few simple things like a bookies or a smoking area would help make the day experience better. It makes me laugh how naive the club have been though, I started a topic on here before the season saying how to improve the matchday experience yet even with about 5 pages of free ideas nothing has been done and they blame people for staying away. I just hope Hardy or Corney reads this and understands that turning up at Boundary Park can be a chore sometimes and part timers will stop coming all together. It's simple really just get the average guy off the street and treat him well, get him spending his money on decent food/beer, let him release his problems on a Saturday afternoon by shouting and screaming at the ref and treat him like a human being not an animal. A faster service is required as well before and at half time in serving booze so why not get a bin of cold ice water and chuck loads of (in date) bottles and dish them out. Quicker service = more money!


    People might state that Stewards are doing there job but are they? They cause more arguments in the stand and they are losing the club a lot of money by their constant lack of respect to the paying supporters. Like how they got all the Cheltenham fans to sit down on Saturday, well done guys but why couldnt you do it a week earlier when the real trouble was when Millwall fans were spitting and launching p*ss over the moat! Its their section when it suits them...


    Come on Oldham get the experience of coming to Boundary Park better and the fans will slowly come back.

  12. The comparison of the experience of home to away games is getting wider and wider ... which is a shame as it'll be the other clubs in this league who will be getting my money as I simply can't see me paying / putting in all the hours I do much longer for home matches as I simply do not enjoy them.


    Exactly, I don't think the club realise we are the paying customers and if they don't keep us happy then as much as we love the club we won't turn up at weekends.


    I work 6 days a week with my stress levels building throughout and as I can't take it out at work, I like to release them onto some poor official on a Saturday afternoon. It's been the same for most men since football begin and is partly the reason why it was a working class mans game. Now with the Middle class family entertainment which is the Premiership taking over you'd think lower league clubs would aim to entice the working man back to football but according to this statement today were not welcome anymore. No wonder so many sit in the pub on a weekend is it!


    I like the idea of Block L as the family area. Obviously we have to have a family section and I wouldnt condone swearing or standing in that area but away from there the club has to understand the type of people coming through the gates at 3pm Saturday.

  13. Are the directors being serious? More people came out of the game on Saturday buzzing and saying that it was the best atmosphere at Boundary Park in the last 10 years. I know for a fact that if the club wants to get more people into the ground they need more passion, banter and atmosphere like that against Millwall. If they want a stale, prawn sandwich eating fanbase then count me out of it!


    As for standing in front of disabled fans (which I don't agree with) I think it's the clubs duty to locate them to somewhere where they wouldn't have their view blocked. I find it laughable that the club needed to tell us that disabled fans dont have the choice of standing up - err we know.


    As for swearing and parents leaving with their children, don't come to football with your children and sit in the block next to the pleasant Millwall fans! I mean how stupid can you be? It's like the old boys who constantly complain about people standing up in front of you yet they always seem to sit at the back behind a group of young lads who sing at get behind the team.


    The club are always quick to praise the fans and say we are the '12th man' yet if you get rid of the standing and swearing then there will be no backing of the team just constant moaning and groaning which the club also complain about!


    Oh and Mr Hardy can you please define 'a bit of banter' because if you want us to behave in a mannor which suits you I would like to know how to.

  14. I want to know why no stewards had the balls to try and get Millwall fan's to sit down? The police just stood and basically laughed at the banter yet the stewards got power mad and started throwing people out. I don't think they realise that they cause more trouble by trying to get people to sit down and I don't think the club help themselves by hiring these people, it will put people off coming to future games.

  15. The RRE was rocking! It definitely lived up to expectations. Obviously we won't come back from 3-1 down every game but even still the banter with the away fans is top. Thats what going to the match should be like. Came out of the ground buzzing.


    Down side with the stand was the watered down lager! Not drinking that again. Oh and no betting kiosk as well.

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