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Posts posted by fanakapan

  1. Chatting about this in the office, we’ve realised that Palace and Oldham are the only clubs he hasn’t been sacked from as manager. And of us two, Jordan took him to the cleaners through the courts, and he failed in his effort to sue us when we asked for his company car back. Have him back? No thanks.



    For all his touting himself about for another job.... if you think back to those desperate times.....he scraped a team together from absolutely nothing and instilled into them fitness and fight and sheer bloody mindedness that kept us afloat. Just think about that folks. I am mixed on him but I do believe he deserves some thanks for what he did.


    All the best Mr Ugly

  2. Hughes didn't intend to run away from the crash then?


    I'd sign Barton, McCormack and Gary Glitter if it got us out of this league!



    I have given the running away from the scene somethought ever since we signed him. I have in the past been guilty of driving after a drink..also the morning after...not proud of it. So I could find myself in the same position if the worst happened....how would I react ??? I do not know .....and seriously none of us know how we would react at that point with people dead and injured. Its just the way people are....some will not ever be in that position..some will and will do the right thing..some will not. At the end of it it was not a deliberate act. So shouts of murderer are wrong whichever immature pri@k shouts them.


    Gaunt though is supposedly a mature intelligent adult.....supposedly. Personally I think he is gutter press nothing more nothing less

  3. The thing is, Gaunty at the time was undecided on his opinions that Hughes had signed for us. At first he was saying it was not morally right to sign him but after an hour or two he'd made up his mind that he'd done his time and the fault was the law saying he could be released that early. Now he's totally forgot all that and takes the easy route and slags off Oldham and Hughes! The guy's a prat with a few good views but he can't control a debate without shouting and screaming then cutting off the other person for having a different opinion to his. It was bound to come up with Luke being sent down for what he did and it most likely will come up again in the future but whats been done is done now.



    I was listening to his show at lunchtime today with the Joey Barton ...should he be allowed to play again question. I just knew he was going to use it to bring Lee Hughes into it. No surprise there. The man is a bitter Sky Blue who hated Hughes for leaving Cov for WBA. Then of course the victim of the crash was also a Cov man so Gaunt stirs it up to get kudos in the city. The man is a parasite . When he then came out with the view that we would sign Mcormick when he came out ON AIR and while being filmed by Channel 5 I thought he had gone too far and switched him off. Is there a case for TTA to take this poisonous cretin to court ? He really is getting past laughing at . There must be some dirt under his fingernails somewhere.

  4. I'm so, so sorry to be the one to break this to you Bob, but Israel is in Asia. Somehow sneaking into Eurovision doesn't change the basics of geography.


    I'll let you sit down and recover from the shock this will no doubt cause you before I go on to reveal that Arabs are Semites.



    Was in Asia Minor when I was at school

  5. I hear 'we need a 20 goal a season' striker, or even 2 to get us promoted a bit on this board.


    As an Oldham fan in his thirties I have only experienced one promotion, 90/91, and we had nobody with 20+ goals. But we scored lots and they were distributed around the team.


    Given a choice of Hughes 26 goals, Davies 20 goals, and less than 25 from Talyor, Whitiker, Liddlell, Allot combined




    Hughes 18, Davies 14, Taylor 14, Whittiker 13, Liddlel 12, Allott 10 and a few defenders with 5 or so.


    I'd take the latter. Much harder to stop a team scoring when they can come from anywhere. Also any dip in form from an individual player scoring doesn't have quite the impact on the team.


    Omerod from my knowledge is a player that brings others into the game, and Jones does the same esp for Taylor and can also have a pop.


    Great signings




    1973/74 3RD Division Champions were similar..goals coming from everywhere...Garwood top scorer with only 16 if I remember rightly.

  6. Come on...there is adifference from celebrating a goal on the field and leaving the field and approaching the away fans, dancing a dance while staring at them....


    My opinion is the clubs scoring record has stood for far too long....53 years ? Bert Lister should have done it but was not allowed to for some reason..


    Now we have a centre forward more than capable of doing it..........


    36 will do Lee.....become the legend......

  7. I was there and it was a stone cold yellow card...the guy was on the half way line and he got up as soon as Gregan left the pitch.


    The ref was waving his red before the guy hit the ground...if that was a red Gregan will get another 5 sendings off this season.



    They will bend it anyway they want to benefit Leicester and Leeds...thats where the money is from TV.......game is so ruined with money and corruption folks

  8. If only they could stop reverting to hoofball! Started well, but, the longer the half went on, longer the ball started going!


    I know it's only half time, but things are starting to look vaguely familiar. :disappointed: I don't think I can watch yet another major tournament without England being there.





    I disagree. I can get along quite nicely without having to watch that lot of overpaid , overhyped toerags. Yet again they have shamed us with only beating Andorra 2-0. Yes but the Sky pundits waffle on about how nobody beats these teams 6-0 these days....... tell that to the Germans. Waht winds me up is the prattle of "job done " "3 points".....Just maybe Croatia or Ukraine put 6 or 7 past them and our place at the top table comes down to goals scored ????

    Clowns. About time we started picking the team away from the big 4.......they have too much on their plates to be bothered with putting a shift in for England.

    Oh yes and anybody betting against Ferdinand playing for Man U next weekend ????? Thought not.



  9. Situation is perfect...if they are out the stand bys have to really bust a gut to try to keep themout. Should be very interesting. I amtaking whoever steps in to smash Tranmere and give shez a problem that he wouldlike. Or it may be that shez is trying to baffle ronnie hoof and they will after allmakemiraculous recoveries. Either way I am thinking wewill win it comfortably.

  10. I use to hate the roughyeds purely because it was rugby and found it boring, yet that was when i was younger, i now love both sports and plan to attend a few games next year with the roughyeds (was gonna do this year, but ended up working abroad)




    But really hand on heart as a summer game it really is crap ?

  11. A mixture of jealousy and mental illness


    ORLFC shafted themselves. Went from being one of the cream of club rugby late 50s to where they are now. Let the ground fall into disrepair despite good revenue from scratchcards...successful night club etc. Now because we wanted to charge them rent we are the bad guys. The rugby crowd are so deluded as to the quality of their game.

    Even super league is crap these days compared to the old winter game..all in the name of trying to be Australian like. Makes me sick. Then their was the fiasco with the lottery winner. and the sucking up that went with it. Well he kept his money ....maybe they think that he shafted them too ?


    As for neglect we are no saints either..we were almost dead once.

  12. If we're still playing well at Christmas and scoring plenty of goals, although it hurts me to say it, I think our floating ManUre and Citeh fans will have come to our rescue yet again by boosting the BP crowds, like they used to do in Big Joe's days. I know those two teams weren't playing on Saturday, but there was a lot of enthusiasm for Latics on GMR which, if continued, will rub off on those floaters.



    Interest on GMR ????? yOU ARE HAVING A LAUGH. Unable to attend Saturday I was tuned into GMR in the car. Bolton was commentary game.......now lets go round our other local sides to see how thay are doing.......first its off to Hartlepool v Stockport....then its off to Macclesfield...then to Bury..then Rochdale.....oh and then its Boundary Park .......get the picture ? Been no interest on GMR since Joes days.

  13. i rember KB well..one of the hardest players to wear the shirt..looked the part too. Captain in early sixties before Alan Williams, Did he score a hattrick at Southport away one Christmas ?

    Maybe I am wrong. Remember the Posh game well. Bly scored about 50 goals that season..they finished a mile clear with about 130 GOALS. 28000 I was a season ticket holder and still turned up at 12:30 to pick my seat. Great days folks..div 4 and 28000 ............dream .......it was about 3 bob in at the gate...Top league players on £25 a week.....now we have knobheads on £150000..............

  14. I was brought up in the Seventies to say Coloured not to offend People of Afro Carribbean origin ,in the late eighties/early nineties your PC brigade insisted we call the same People Black as Coloured is a patronising term.

    Now it seems to have gone full circle.

    All my Friends of West Indian Origin dont give a flying Sh1te what people say,its just your Pc do- gooders who make an issue of these things!!!



    just call them people works for me

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