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Posts posted by fanakapan

  1. Blame Cherie, it's yer human rights, innit?




    Your insurance company will advise you on making a claim. I f you have taken out drivers legal protection when you took the policy they will do all the

    donkey work employing solicitor etc. You would only have to see a consultant later down the line for an examination...will take about 10 mins if my experience is anything to go by. You are entitled to compensation end of story. The wonan who hit you will not be paying and she will be feeling bad enough anyway. Whiplash can affect you for years....I still have some limitation in my neck movement some 8 years later. Should get just over 2000 quid out of it at least.

  2. Who cares? They neglected their gaff...spent their money...moved out for builders...now they are parasites at BP....wanting a free ride and they wail if they dont get it.


    get rid..they could play on waterhead park for the crowds they get......they could become a feeder club for saddleworth rangers....


    and this fiasco with hamilton and the other pillock....give me strength.

  3. Not too sure if I am right on this one...but...


    Aren't there some fans/players ashes scattered on the hollowed ground of BP???...I seem to remember this being done in the 80's/90's and if so...


    Do they have "rights" somehow or have to some religious ceremony removal thingy before the construction crews descend?


    Then again I could have dreamt it????...


    Please let me know




    Good point. My cousin DAvids ashes were scattered at the Chaddy End a few years ago. SAd to think of them under someones :censored:house.


  4. Ive just got back

    To be fair, halifax played some good stuff and there didnt seem to be much difference in sides, probably due to weather being so bad. They are practically still a conference side though :blush:

    Some of triallists stood out, Allesandra played well

    More of a fitness test more than anything

    Have to say I was impressed by the Shay its much better than many grounds in the football league, apparently their council is paying for it being built, some guy said itll be 14,000 capacity when finished




    Is it in the same place as the old Shay ? Down in the valley.....remember going there in FA Cup once 2nd round...Horrible day horrible place...won 1-0 :)



  5. Not many score 20 goals a season though, and that's what we want. Hughes and Abbot would have been a real handful in this league. Obviously the club were not willing to repeat the offer made to him in January, which I bet he's now cursing the fact that he didn't sign.





    When did Hughes actually score 20 goals a season for us ? Did I miss something ?




  6. i think we need to sign a striker soon its al well and good get all these defenders to keep the ball out of the onion bag but whose goin to put the ball in at the other end?


    O'grady and Alessandra are hardly goin to scare the vast majority of the defences in this league, neither could finish their tea last year.


    no ones offered Hughes a contract yet :)



    Tevez is available..he wants to play for a grass roots club....thats us innit?

  7. Rehman: City move felt right


    Zesh Rehman signed a two-year deal with City last night after snubbing higher-division interest.


    Luke O’Brien, Joe Colbeck and Leon Osborne are also putting pen to paper as Stuart McCall’s squad continues to take shape.


    Rehman said: "There were a couple of other clubs from a higher league but this just felt right.


    "My gut feeling told me to sign for Bradford and I've absolutely no regrets.From day one, I felt at home here. I'm fortunate enough to have played in all the divisions and I see this as the next step of my journey.


    "I'm 25 now and still feel the best years are ahead of me."


    McCall revealed that Rehman, like Peter Thorne, has taken a hefty pay cut to commit to the club where he spent the second half of last season on loan.


    Rehman was believed to have been targeted by Oldham, who have been linked with many out-of-contract players this summer, including Dean Furman.


    McCall said: “We know the differential from what Zesh was getting paid last season and this season is huge. And I know he could have got more money from a club at a higher division.



    What kind of name is ZESH anyway ? Doesnt roll off the tongue does it ? Theres only one Zesh Rehman ???? Good job too......obviously another ambitious boy.



  8. [/b]



    That for me is the key point in all of this; and it won’t be simply in terms of personnel – it will be in attitude & mentality of the team, not just different players.


    DP & now Gray have said that they run a tight ship, discipline is paramount to them. DP has said on numerous interviews so far that he is looking for a “hungrier & fitter” side. I firmly believe that the alluded to ‘bad trainers’ in the club (Ales & Lee have been mentioned at various times) will not be bad trainers for much longer.

    With an emphasis on fitness, mental strength & an altogether tougher / meaner attitude in all areas; I believe we will see real differences in the existing players we already have here.

    Lee, Smalley, Ales, COG et all could be like ‘new players’ with a change in mentality & an emphasis on tougher trainer & fitness work.


    Imagine a self-confident, fitter, hungrier Deane Smalley burning it down the right flank week in week out – he’d tear it up wouldn’t he? Imagine Lee being able to show the flashes he has done consistently over a 90min game week in week out – he’d be the midfield spark we’ve sorely missed wouldn’t he? Lewis training hard all week; chomping a bit to get off the bench & make an impact in games to earn a starting spot – looking to take his chance when it comes with both hand; be a cracking option of the bench to have wouldn’t it?





    A fit non-pisspot Taylor would be awesome


    Whilst I fully agree with the majority on this thread that 5 or 6 more quality additions are needed; for me the key areas as most see, being a LB, CB’s x 2 & ST’s x 2 – I also feel as I’ve said above; that some of the present lot; deemed not good enough after last season, may just be turned into good enough under this new regime.

    I look forward to see who else Is brought in; but I also look forward to DP working with the present lot & potentially sorting them out too!!


    Bring it on Mr Penney!!!


  9. I'm not convinced Mr Bugby uses OWTB as a :sauce: but I would be surprised if he doesn't share a few :sauce: s with the more connected people on here.


    And having sniffed out a possible story, if he looks on here and see it's being discussed by fans that might make it more likely it goes to print.



    Bugby is a tool....but of course he has had a bad week with the Redpox losing hasnt he ?


  10. Have you passed Key Stage 2 in English?


    It refers to Charlton's wage bill being "Staggering" and then references us, Tranny and Walsall. Where is the mention of 'Dale? You clearly have no idea of how "context" works.


    Add another to the "We're doomed" club. Depressive gits.



    All this doom and gloom. I believe we will be in a for a refreshing surprise when Mr Penneys team sets about this season. Graft and passion anyone ?


    Make a change after the past few years.....last passionate team we had was the cobbled together team of misfits and youfs under Dowie.





  11. Someone that has actually seen him play live more than once- Rocky Latic- reckons he could do a job/be decent for us. Yes he's plays/ed for Darlo and yes they are in League 2 but they did well this year and last. I'm not in favour of us being linked with every Darlo player but we haven't we've only been linked with the better ones- Abbot, Kennedy. Its no different than at any other club when a new manager comes in they often sign at least one or two players from their previous club. If DP thinks a player is good enough for us no matter who he plays for then that will do for me- I'd trust his opinion on players before I trust anyone's on here. Like someone said we haven't had a lot of success in recnt times with established quality from the Championship/ Prem.



    He is obviously a very ambitious player going to Spotland LOL


  12. we are lucky to be where we are really, look at big cities like chester and oxford both with non-league clubs. sometimes you have to be gratefull for small mercies. :huh:



    Pitfalls for the unwary..................going back to the late sixties early seventies Chester made a bundle by selling Ian Rush to Liverpool

    for 300 grand..........then made a mint selling their car park to a supermarket......... in a nutshell their club was worth money for the land.


    Worrying times



  13. That's what I want to hear. Our 'challenge' for promotion for much of the season has masked the fact that the vast majority of this squad are crap and need shipping out.


    I'd probably hang on to about five or six of the current crop, for next season, and half of those wouldn't be first team regulars.




    A lot of these got their place by being Shez mates......I expect 90 % to depart quick style.


    In later years they may look at themselves and think...maybe I could have done more.



    Probably not they are too much up their own arses



  14. Personally can't knock what Dowie/Harbin at Oldham, but let's not forget they had a lot of money to play with and a squad which was IMO probably the second best (Wigan being first due to their strike force) in the league that season.


    Dowie/Harbin haven't been able to reproduce that magic elsewhere, so there's no guarantee that getting Harbin back would work. That said, I agree with original poster and feel we probably don't just need a new manager but one or two new faces to work alongside the manager on the training ground.


    Some of our 'kids' could do worse than get themselves upto Oldham Boxing Club for a weekly session instead prancing around at JJB - not joking. Fitness wise, boxers are second to none, and I think it goes without saying that one or two of the players also need to toughen up.



    "Dowie/Harbin haven't been able to reproduce that magic elsewhere"


    er didnt they take Palace from the relegation slots to a play off win inside about 5 months ?

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