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Posts posted by martjs

  1. When you headlined 'Latics player problems' I thought you meant the woeful team :wink:


    Yes it does look like that - especially now in a list of other unhappy postings.


    Thanks to all for their suggestions. I didn't get the chance to try any as I had to do some work - sounds like it was a blessing in disguise from reading some of the comments on the match...

  2. Went to this on the Crystal Carriage (that didint last long did it), seemed like 10 minutes coming back spirits where so high.This was the big turning point for me,knew we was going places.

    Always remember the Southampton Manager shouting "second best" to his side all the way through the game.


    Was that the same one shouting "HOT POTATO!" "PASS THE BALL. LIKE HOT POTATO" "PASS IT!"?


    I remember it from the video - not from being at the match, we were too busy trying to breath crammed in those pens.

  3. Have said this story on another thread - but i do remember getting back to Oldham about 8ish the following morning after 2 punctures in a trusty Barlows charabangs!!


    We didn't want to chance it on Barlows so we went on the Latics train... Guess what? Yeah, you're right it broke down (or there were some long delay for some reason). Think we got back about 4am?


    We were on telly celebrating but don't remember any Latics fans being on the pitch.


    Some of my brothers' mates who were with us on the train didn't get in to the ground cos they went for a pre-match pint. So the journey back was a bit muted. Good times though!


  4. please delete this thread.

    i feel as though i made a big mistake posting it in the first place.

    all i wanted was someone to say - "yup - your right. The flag is back to front."

    I didn't intend people to start bickering about who said what to who.

    Close the thread - kill it off - i don't care.


    I'm sorry for all the trouble I have caused.


    Why do people care if our flag is the "wrong way" round or upside down or back to front? Does it really matter?


    Something I've always wondered about...



    Anyway, as you were. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of blahdy, blahdy, blah..."

  5. Sorry to butt in at this late stage, but finally someone has said it...

    If the team is challenging at the top with positive marketing and messages from the management in the press and media - even the top of League One, the fans turn up.

    Does enyone remember 5,000 Latics fans at the then named JJB under Dowie? Or the 4,000+ at Stockport under Dowie? 4,000+ at Udders under Shez? Not to mention Barnsley, Maine Road, O/T, Ipswich away in the promotion decider? QPR in the play-offs?

    We will soon reach 12,000 at home in 'top-of-the-table' games if we are successful. Are we planning not to be successful in that sense of the word? Is success at Latics these days, settling for what we have at the moment?


    If so we are doomed to failure. I'm not a director, but surely, to aim to stand still is to invite failure in any business...


    Excellent post. Another member of the "silent majority" steps forward. However, be warned: you'll be hounded off the boards by the 'happy clappers" with that kind of sensible talk...

  6. It's an expression ( maybe local, i don't know ) Basically it meant they could have an heated debate for our entertainment.


    From Wikipedia:

    The phrase "hammer and tongs" means "with great energy and force", often phrased "to go at it with hammer and tongs". The origins of this phrase is from blacksmithing, where tongs are used during forging to hold the hot iron as it is hammered into shape.



    Yeah, fair comment mate but, let's just say, it's sometimes used to describe something that people are hoping one day to read about (or watch) in the 100+ page thread on here... :lol:


  7. You're of a generation when you still had to be reasonably intelligent to get into university. I failed half of my O-Levels and only attained semi-genius level quite a while later.


    Me too then! :lol:


    It was worth the toil though cos I received a full grant from Oldham LEA... Student loan? What's one of those? :grin:

  8. aye Morgan with simply the best - great memories do you mean on match days? did you not raid the players food in the 'players lounge' like we used to do :grin:


    Well I meant mostly on Friday nights and sometimes Saturday nights too.


    I remember the heartfelt rendition of "Simply The Best" on the night of the semi final defeat... IIRC, the Oldham Rugby captain was on the stage... can't remember his name now.

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