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Posts posted by LaticsLegend

  1. I like Sheridan, always have liked him, and the last thing i want is for him to leave our club on these terms. Unofortunately, his lack of tactical ability worries me greatly, and there is very little i can say for any of the signings he has made. We have no match turning capabilities, either on the bench or in Sheridans managerial ability. I hope that he can turn it all around, it may just be a new team so it takes a long time to gel. Im not screaming for Sheridan to get out, but im not overly comfortable with him being in at the moment. Guess im going to just sit on the fence for a few more months, with my legs over the 'IN' side.


    Totally agree.


    Sensible post.

  2. blame the players! shez can only do so much and then its down to the players. i no it wont be long until some people call for sheridans head because thats what oldham fans are like and i think its stupid.


    sheridan is a legand at oldham and deserves more of a chance in management with us than other managers.


    oldham fans are too ambitious. there are alot of good teams in this league this season and it will be alot tougher than last season. i no it is frustrating watching games like that and i was very frustrated myself but if you are going to call somebody call the players not sheridan.


    its about time we had a manager here for long than 1-2 seasons we need stability and then push forward and shez will bring us that if he gets the chance.


    last season we started poor and look where we finished and this season could be the same we just need another win to get the players confidence back.


    our defence are too poor for my likin although the new lad was good.


    we dont spend enough to get success like other teams do.


    i no its nice to be ambitious but were too ambitious and its anoyin. sheridan is doing all he can do to be a good manager and bring success.



    Stop kidding yourself.


    I, out of everyone on here, am probably one of the biggest pro-Shez supporters on here, but it's time we stopped treating him like he's done nothing wrong.


    Yes, I definatly think he can turn it around, but i can't stick up for that performance and those tactics today.

  3. i would offer him a 12 month contract, he has the experience and the know how to help us along this season and his deliverys into the box have been impressive over the years, i just hope ricketts can finish



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