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Posts posted by Zorrro

  1. Depends what time we want to leave the boozer. It's only a 2 minute walk to Charing Cross, a few minutes to LB from there, and then another few mins to South Bermondsey. Obviously we'd have to check the train times, but I wouldn't imagine it'd be too bad.


    Anyway, I'm getting way above my station here. I'll just kick back and wait for arrangements to be posted :lol:

  2. If you read the thread you'll see the only sensible feedback I received about Eardley was that he should be made faster, which I believe I implemented, this thread was here for quite some time so if Eardley needed improving you had a good chance to leave such feedback.


    Alright love, keep your Alans on.


    I never actually play as Oldham anyway, so it doesn't really matter to me :lol:

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