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Everything posted by Lukers1

  1. Connor Brown contract cancelled my mutual consent. Would fill the right back problem..
  2. Advisory doesn’t work, we have already had.. Sean O Driscoll Paul Jewell Jim Gannon We still ended up in the shi!!
  3. My mate went and they apparently played well. Fell to the sucker punch going for the win. We will turn this corner, one win will see is go on a run…
  4. Who remembers the private Beardy Bus back in the day?.
  5. Well done BP, that’s great news for you and I hope your efforts will benefit the club.
  6. Too be fair, this kiosk closure was out of the clubs control. It needed urgent internal maintenance due to a flood but will be open as normal at the next game!!.
  7. I think you need to explain that one a bit more.
  8. That’s a bit shit mate, when someone starts “with the greatest of respect” it means no respect given. BP 1960 is on the money most of the time and if he was involved in recommending players I’d be happy with that. With the greatest of respect.
  9. It took Joe a few years and then we finally got into the playoffs in 86 and got a hammer blow from Leeds Utd. It took another 3 years to rebuild then we went on the run. This team has been put together with no thought process and the players signed were like we’d just won shit prizes from a school tombola. We have to stick with the board and management. Let them bring his own players in who are competent to know how what tactics and shape mean. One thing I did notice was Maynard giving it large last week and got completely done for the goal yesterday. Once Hope, Hogan and Gardener come. back plus the 4 new players arriving this week and next we can move on. I’m still expecting us to go on a run and get in the playoffs
  10. He needs time, I know for a fact that Joe will be in his ear. Anyone calling I’m him to go needs to give their head a shake. Im convinced when Hogan and Hope come back we be a more balanced team. Last thing we need is another revolving managerial door.
  11. Why can’t we press?, we are making them look like Premier League.
  12. Harry managed to do both last night, it was definitely a night to forget for all involved!!.
  13. Why, I think his losing possession did cost us a goal?.
  14. I’d like to see if any of his lost possession has cost us a goal in such a crucial match. He’s scoring goals and at least contributing.
  15. I get that but I bet he’s constantly on with Harry in training to close down the opposition. Then on match day the goal comes from him not closing down. Once he goes over the white line he has to put his training into practice. I don’t blame David for being totally pissed off. Harry has had a handful of managers but no one seems to fancy him. Maybe he doesn’t listen in training. it’s sad though that he was mentioned but I’d like to see a massive response from him now.
  16. I would have tried to get Coleman back when he left Rochdale..
  17. He’s been left with absolute dog shit of a squad. I think it’s fair to say he’s given everyone a chance and that was his plan in 5 games. Hope, Hogan, Porter and the left back (forgot his name) will add stability back to this squad. We need the captain back to get a grip of the team on the pitch. Most of these players won’t be here next year and it’s a total rebuild. it was Chester’s cup final and fair play. It’s just like us to go on Tuesday and win comfortably!. I’ve said before, we’ve been on the demise since 1993 and it will take more than 5 games to sort this club out both on and off the field. The building blocks have been set and it’s going to be a good journey back to were we belong.
  18. The player at Turo City is Sam Mellor.
  19. I don’t know how to privately message on here. I was wondering, do you have any contacts in the south west?. My cousin has just turned semi pro at Turo City, 6 foot 4, quick, two feet and scores, 18 years old and running rings around the league. He reminds me of Matt Smith, I’ve seen him play, what a player….
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