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Posts posted by Fergie

  1. I visited the Club shop on Sat with a large amount of cash burning a whole in my pocket, to say I was shocked is an understatement. If the club are serious about making money they need to sort out the stock levels in the club shop.


    With it being the first match of the season I expected the shop to be stocked to the roof with merchandise, was over for the last game of the season at home last year and not much has changed in terms of what they have in sale, apart from the new away shirt.


    I ended up buying a programme at £3 and leaving.

  2. Meh. Having read a bit about him, and seen what some of the fans of his previous teams have had to say I'm starting to come round to his appointment. There were other people I would have preferred, Aidy Boothroyd being top of my list, but in reality I'm not so sure we could afford them. Looking at the other names people have banded about- Ince, Gannon, Adams, Ritchie, Holloway et al.- I can find fault with all of them, and personally bar Gannon I think they are all overrated. (Ince especially as judging by their performance this year having lost their best player over the summer a blind monkey should have been able to get MK promoted, and Blackburn are still only now getting out of the :censored: he put them in).


    Penney, seems to be able to do a job at this level, and OK he might not be able to get us that far but I think he deserves a fair crack at the whip. I'd give him 18 months minimum before I even thought about saying he's not up to it- as that would give him 2 pre seasons to get the players in we might need. Shez had his time and I think his man-management skills could do with a bit of work, especially on the discipline side, and whilst his strategy works for a time it usually fails towards the end and we saw that.


    As many people were saying even before his name was banded about we should be looking at signing some of the better players from League 2 and Darlo being in administration fitted that bill nicely- as we can them on the cheap/free. We now have the inside track on a team I think a lot of teams in our league might be looking at for new blood. I can see Donny spending some money over the pre season too, in order to consolidate their position and this might mean that certain players who are deemed surplus to requirements become availible and we now have good links with them.


    Lets not forget we are in this League for a reason, and although we have been at a higher level before unless we get some major investment I can't see us surviving in the Championship for too long and we could struggle to find a new buyer if TTA pull out. I think some of the people on here need a dose of realism if they thought otherwise.


    Great post mate


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