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Posts posted by Gemma06

  1. Celebs and people in the limelight should be punished harder imo.....They are often role models to kids and a lot of people look up to them. So if any celebs step out of line it is more detrimental to society than if joe bloggs does it. They should therefore be punished for this accordingly. You often hear judges stating that they provide harsher punishments to celebs to make an example of them to the nation that what they are doing is wrong, primarily the younger generation which are easily influenced...


    But don't you think thats wrong? Shouldn't everyone be equal when on trial? Why should someones profession determine what type of sentence they get. If a child decides to go and take drugs because they've read about their favourite rock star doing it or if they go and beat someone up because they've seen their favourite football player do it thats down to to the parents/guardians for not teaching them right from wrong. If judges are doing it to set an example for kids then all they are showing them is that people get treated differently and its ok for one person to break the law but not another, isn't that sending mixed messages to them?

  2. So far i'd start with;



    Eardley Gregan Stam New LB

    Liddell Lee(depending on who else we sign) Allott New LW

    Hughes Davies


    and we have quality players like Lomax, Smalley, Alessandra, Taylor, Hazell, Flemming, and Wolfenden fighting for a starting spot, plus youngsters like Black and Chalmers coming through. We just need to bring in a left back and left wing, another central midfield player and some more experience up front if possible and we should be looking ok

  3. I can't think of many.


    And in football the only reason is financial.


    A few lads in my year at college that i have kept in touch with a bit got into a fight on a night out, all got sent down for assault a few years ago and served a few months i cant remember exactly how long, and 3 out of the 5 kept their jobs, one was an electrician, one worked behind the counter in a shop and one worked in a call centre.


    In this case yes it is probably financial, which is fair enough they dont want to throw their money away i can understand that

  4. Barton has been convicted of a violent crime with a custodial sentence. In most lines of work, that would be a sacking offence.


    Most lines of work, but not all


    I'm no trying to say that what Barton did was ok but i whenever a sports star or celebrity gets into a bit of bother the media and everyone jump on it and want them to be made an example of. He will go to prison, serve his time and when he comes out if he employer has chosen not to sack him then he can continue to work for them. It's the same in several professions not just football

  5. Why should't Barton be allowed to carry on playing football when so many others do? I'm fairly certain Woodgate, Terry, Bowyer have all been in trouble with the police and wasn't Tony Adams as well. Not to mention the many that have played for us over the years including the one we have at the moment.

    Do the people who think Barton shouldn't be able to carry on playing cheer when Lee Hughes scores for us?

  6. Wellens is no better now than he was when we swapped for a surplus to requirements striker and c£50k. I’d say Taylor would attract a lot more interest from other club now than the Verndog was back then. Ratters and Eardley is the future...


    Will Eardley be here next season though? I hope he is, i think he is a fantastic player and the longer he stays with us the better but within the next couple of years he needs to make the step up to the next level if he is fulfil his potential

  7. I've been saying this for years, we need to get this young blood in. You could even have a 'free' season ticket for under 16's just charge £10 for the administration or whatever. the point being you might gets the parents interested in a season ticket if they only have to pay for themselves.


    It's only £50 in the Chaddy and Rochdale Road Ends for U16's which is pretty reasonable. It's about £160 in the main stand though which is a bit much i think, but i'll still be paying it for my nephew next season, i've spent 7 years buying him latics shirts, chaddy the owl teddys, making him watch old latics videos so now he is finally taking an interest in football £160 seems like a bargin if it stops him going on about how good Chelsea/Arsenal/Liverpool or whoever (not utd though, he knows not to say they are good in our house!) are when he's watching them on sky.

  8. Can't see it. Tony is this club's prized asset, in my opinion. It won't be long before a big side come in and offer him a contract; the work he's doing with the young lads is phenomenal. I don't think we'd see the best of him if he started working with the first team.


    If we did offer him a youth coach contract he would probably be there to give the lads more attention.


    I'm fairly certain quite a few bigger clubs than ourselves including united have tried to get Philiskirk in the past but he has turned them down. When Dowie was here he said that one day Philiskirk would be a fantastic manager for us but i think he is happier working with the youth teams. He does a fantastic job for us and seems a really nice bloke too.

    Urmson did a good job for us too last time he was here when he was working as a scout/youth team coach

  9. You see Gemma , Shez does listen to us :)


    He does :) Im looking forward to next season, a few decent signings in the summer and we should have a team capable of a decent push for promotion. I just hope we manage to keep hold of Eardley but i expect he'll probably be off in the summer


    What i want to know is who did Lids give his shirt to after the game, i want it! :(

  10. The reason why the likes of Taylor and to a slightly lesser extent Smalley are considered to be better than the "present-day" Liddell is that they attack at pace and tie-up/draw out of position more than one defender. The game that Liddell plays requires just the one defender because that defender knows Liddell will not try and pass him.


    Let's look forward, not backwards. Liddell's time has gone. Let him go. You know it makes sense!!!




    But whats the point of a quick winger who can't cross? Taylor is quick yes and will worry defenders with his pace but the guy can't cross, the odd one goes into the area but most are either over hit or put out of play or go straight to the keeper. You can't have everything in a league player and next season we will have Lids and Smalley who's pro's and cons are almost the exact oppsite of each other, one will suit playing against some teams and the other will suit playing against other teams, i doubt any will start every game next season and in the two of them we have two quality players. Between them they are the perfect winger

  11. The end of last season Porter was injured


    Lol...excuse number 1...so Porter wasn't fit, doesn't mean Lids should refuse to get further up the pitch when the space appears...as it does during games...


    (especially the beginning of the season when he was playing through injury)


    Blimey, that's a new one....he had a full preseason behind him. All of a sudden, now the excuse being used is he was playing with an injury....


    and this season when Lids has been playing he has had no-one in the box to get on the end of his crosses.


    As said previously, that's due to him ignoring space infront to run into...instead slipping the ball in behind the full back and draggin Davies, Smalley or whoever else from the middle, onto the wing. Leaving us barren in the middle and attacks generally unbalanced.


    Lids has once exploited space this season, Tranmere away where Hughes' excellent work opened up the gap for Lids to run in behind and cross from DEEP....this is the word...from DEEP....he did this last season for 3mths when he ventured into gaps. Now he's an agrophobic old man who refuses to run into space...not beat a man...run into space!!!


    Anyone who can't see this trait in him is utterly blinkered beyond reason. Those criticising him as I and others do, will admit he can cross the ball and has intelliegence but this is all held back by this unwillingness to use the space! Sadly where we'll admit his plusses, I'm getting fecked off at those who won't admit his weaknesses, the biggest weakness being one that utterly nullifies his crossing abilities when he crosses from nowhere near forward enough for the ball to be dangerous. Oh well.....


    I have never not admitted Lids has weaknesses, of course he does otherwise he wouldn't be playing for us would he, same as if Smalley could finish or cross more consistantly well he wouldnt be here or if Davies could finish more consistantly he wont be here and if they both continue to improve then we will struggle to hold on to them.


    He has not changed his game one bit since he got here, he has not stopped running to the touch line to put balls into the box because he has hardly ever done that whilst he's been here. He is putting the same balls into the box from the same place as he has done the three seasons he has been here the only difference this season from last is that there has been no-one in the box to get on the end of the crosses, hence me mentioning Porter, next season i think Lids and Hughes to strike up a similar partnership as Porter/Lids had.


    Yes he did have a full pre-season and he played well pre-season just behind the front two but then got dropped for Kilkenny and after a few games back in the team was having problems with his knee but tried to play but ended up having to have the op. That is not an excuse (not that he needs one) it's a fact

    Next season we have Lids and Smalley to fight for a spot on the right, though both can play through the middle too, both are very different and bring different qualities to the team, thats a good thing, if we start with Lids one game but aren't getting anywhere then we have Smalley to come on with his pace and if we start a game with smalley but he isn't having any luck getting past the full back then we have Lids to come on who can create space for himself to cross the ball without having to get beyond the full back. The more quality players we have next season the better, if no-one is guaranteed a starting spot then they will all be out there fighting for their place

    Football is all about opinions, if everyone thought the same then it would be pretty dull wouldnt it. I can't believe how some people claim that Taylor is better than Lids or Lomax is better than Eardley, thats not to say i don't think Taylor and Lomax have their good points it's just i prefer Lids quality on the ball over Taylors pace for example. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what we think, Shez is going to offer Lids a contract and its then up to him whether he thinks the terms are acceptable, if does we'll have the pleasure of seeing him for another 12 months and if he doesn't then it will make you and others who don't rate him very happy and stop the many posts on here about his pros and cons

  12. , he did that for 3 months then decided to just go missing... he hasnt done anything like that since...


    The end of last season Porter was injured, and this season when Lids has been playing (especially the beginning of the season when he was playing through injury) he has had no-one in the box to get on the end of his crosses. Next season with Hughes, Davies and another striker should Shez sign one then they, especially Hughes, will thrive on quality balls into the box. A decent winger needs decent players in the box and vice versa. Porter and Warne but especially Porter teamed up with Lids very very well they made each other look good, if he is putting decent balls into the box then there needs to be someone there who will get on the end of them. Porter knew where he had to be and he had the ability to get put the ball in the back of the net regularly and Lids was able to pick him out, next season i hope Hughes and Lids could form a similar partnership. If he doesn't play out wide but just behind the strikers he will be able to play davies in Hughes through who both have the ability to find the net. He also hasn't been helped by Wellens leaving because he could pick out Lids whilst he was in space, they were on the same wave length, they can think quicker than your average league one player.

  13. I feel im the only one who ever defends Lidds on here surely somebody else could do for a change....Mike probably thinks im picking on him! Or maybe maybe I (and Shez) am wrong and Lidds is a useless has been.....


    Defending Lids on here is fighting a losing battle, but all that maters is that Shez rates him and will be offering him a new contract. He has been injured for quite a lot of this season and he wasn't in the best of form early season but who did he have to aim for him the box? He is putting the exact same balls into the box as he was last season the only difference is there is no-one like Porter in there getting on the end of them. Hopefully with Hughes and Lids playing together a bit more next season that will change. Fact is Lids is a damn good professional football player and you, me and more importantly Shez knows that. Lids has acheived more in football than anyone on here will. Just because he has no pace does not make him a bad player.

  14. will he?

    and here's me thinking he was on record asking the moaners to support the team or sod off??

    lesser of the 2 evils i'd think.


    Of course he has said that, he has used it in post match interviews to deflect of questions about poor performances - just like Ferguson and many many other managers have - but that doesn't mean they don't want them to go. As far as i'm aware the only ones Shez has mentioned is the few that sit behind him (the same ones Ronnie Moore got slated for having a go at)

    The lesser of two evils? stop everyone who moans from spending there money at latics and the ground would be virtually empty and Shez would end up with no team to manage.

    The more people who want to spend their money at Latics the better. We need more fans not less.

  15. i'm happy too.

    ..and if it means one less moaner not renewing,i,along with shez will be happy too.


    I doubt Shez would be very happy as it would mean less money for the club and so less money for him to bring in players.


    Anyone know how much a kids season ticket is in the lower tier of the main stand i can't get on the offical site at the minute

  16. :sleeping:


    Oh here we go.. I was waiting for that little gem to come back up.. we have discussed this time and time again... he got 16 assists in half a season then went Shocking, and was god awful for the last half of the season... except at brighton, where even i admit he played well... he has given us a season and a half of nothing... that is what I base my comments on - and I touched on this above, I even thought someone else could offer more when he was putting those crosses in..


    Could that be due to Porter playing through injury and Macca not being at his best (as was Lids i admit) and so there was no-one getting on the end of his balls into the box? All of our players suffered a loss of form towards the end of last season not just Lids

  17. I'm sure Gemma will be along later. :wink:


    I wouldn't want to disappoint :D


    I reckon he will be given a new contract on reduced terms and rightly so. A mixture of Smalley and Lids on the right next season will be a very good combination. For me Taylor is not the answer, he's quick but there is hardly ever an end product whether he be playing on the right or left. Lids does a lot to help Eardley during the game and Smalley can learn a lot from him and i'm sure he will. His injuries have been due to wear and tear due to him having a long playing career during which he has played many games season after season, the operation was successful and he has had no problems with it since so there is no reason why the one he has just had should be any different. As for him having no pace, he never has had and hasn't stopped him playing at higher levels than this. If we have a play maker in midfield who will get the ball out to him and someone who is willing to get onto the end of his crosses then next season he will do ok and when we need someone with a bit of pace then Smalley will be able to come in.

    If we can get someone with as much quality as him who is cheaper then fair enough but i very much doubt we can

  18. Gemma, I am not getting at you, I think we have had this discussion before and I think we will agree to disagree but as for the line I have highlighted, there are Mercedes and there are Skodas and there is the bus and shanks pony, you pay what you can afford.


    If TTA put the price at £150 then people will still say it is too much and if it was £100 then they would get one, then if they put it to £100 people would want £75..etc..

    As has been said I will be getting a season ticket even though money is a bit tight but I will cut back on some things to make sure I can afford it. Granted not everyone will do that and there will be a bit more space in BP next season despite my recent attempts to fill it with my enlarged gut.


    I would love it, love it if next season is as good as I think and hope it could be, to see BP filling up week after week with people paying on the day cursing that they didn't get the season ticket when they had the chance.


    Not really when i got my car i got it over a grand cheaper with loads of free extras than i got offered at other dealers for exactly the same car.


    I am not saying for them to reduce the prices for the season ticket all i am suggesting that an added incentive would probably encourage the fans who are not sure whether to get one or one to go and buy one. Offering a bit off the price of the following season's season ticket should we get promoted or offering a free cup game - the LDV or something which many season ticket holders don't come to - would go a long way to encouraging people to buy a season ticket. And TTA did say a while ago now that they would do something for season ticket holders after many of them got locked out of the free game (i'm not saying the free game was a bad thing but had i been one of the season ticket holder who got locked out i wouldn't have been happy) and as of yet i don't think they have

    The fact is TTA want people to come to watch Latics and rightly or wrongly they are going to have to win them over


    As you say we'll have to agree to disagree, but i'm a woman i like to have the last word :D

  19. I know I am out on a limb here but why should they offer an incentive? You don't get an incentive to buy milk or a cd or a car or a jumper so why should this purchase be any different?


    Less money in to the club means less money for players and wages. I would love it if we knew that a season ticket was going to cost £150 and included cup games and a half time nosh off from Angeline Jolie but the realities are that it won't.


    It will cost at least twice that, cup games will cost extra and there will be no nosh off. The football won't be great, it will be cold and often wet and will take ages to get out of the car park. The pies will be as unappetising as ever, don't get me started on the excuse for coffee (even though it is the best it has been ever) the toilets will be terrible and the away fans will sing more.


    The strike it lucky first prize will get lower and lower as the crowd does and the programme will not be value for money, the new away kit will look awful and some of the signings will be terrible. Shez will say some silly things and the crowd will boo at half time if we are drawing/losing, some of the players first touch will be abysmal and some of the shots will hit the roof of the Chaddy or go out for a throw-in. The stewarding will be heavy handed and the PA will sound terrible and play crap records.


    It is your choice whether you want to be a part of this.


    If they want more fans to turn up then they have to. It's the way the game has gone now, people can see at home at watch better quality football on TV or go and watch City/Bolton/Blackburn/Burnley/Preston etc who all play a higher level of football but who you can go watch for less money in some cases and in others the same amount or only slightly more. You have to attract fans and they way we have played this season won't have attracted many to come next season. Oldham is a working class town and football is now a very expensive hobby and some people can't justify paying out so much money. It's like buying a car or something, most places offer a years free insurance or 20% off if you buy within a certain time period, or free servicing or whatever, football is now a business and in order to get that business you either have to be extremely successful and so could charge whatever you wanted and still fill the ground most games or give people an incentive to want to come.

    I will probably buy a season ticket no matter what but it will be a struggle money wise and some people just wont be able to especially after what many people consider to be a disappointing season.

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