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Posts posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. He has done better than I expected, but you cant say he has been a roaring success as he has spent large parts of the season on the sidelines. Best striker in the last 10 years? He could be but at the moment he is behind Beckett and Porter, for one simple reason, we know what they did but we are speculating on how good Hughes could be.


    And he has definitley not united the fans more than any other player in recent memory. As coco said, that man is Eyresy. Everyone, and I mean everyone who supports latics loved number 28. The same can not be said about Lee Hughes. Whilst I think he has looked good and I think we are missing him at the moment, I still dont think we should have signed him, and he will never have 100% of fans behind him like Eyresy did.

  2. We have got to give hime time. 20 months is not enough time for a manager, plus its not like he has been doing a bad job anyway. Playoffs las year, still in with a good shout of top 10 this year and also beat a top premier league side away in the cup. In another two seasons after this one he will have had 4 years as manager. If we are not an automatic promotion chasing side in two years then we can start looking and saying "well he has had time, so where now". But we are definitley not going to find success chopping and changing the manager ever 12 moths to 2 years.

  3. I really do doubt there's anyone on here who couldnt think of a better way to spend their hard earned if they seriously took of their blue tinted glasses.


    I love Oldham Athletic. 20 quid is a lot, but when Oldham Athletic are at home there is no where I would rather be than sat in the Chaddy End. I just wish more people felt the same then we would not be struggling with such poor attendances.

  4. Please Vote for a player only if you attended the game.


    If you want to see the votes cast, but didn't attend please vote "didn't attend" at the bottom.


    Thank You.



    Or click show result! I really dont like this didnt attend option, its the clear winner at the moment!

  5. To be honest I cant believe that anyone would question him getting a great reception!


    He is reigning play of the year for a reason, will get a good reception from me.

  6. he's rightly pointed out that shez often yells some ridiculous confidence shattering abuse at his own players. It's not just the moaners who need to consider what they're shouting.



    So what "ridiculous confidence shattering abuse" was he shouting, as it obviously didnt work as we got stronger as the game went on.


    Its a bit different if Sheridan has a go at the players. He is the manager who is doing a job. This may be one of his techniques to get the best out of them, and he isnt doing too bad a job of it.

  7. Lol...he's well aware...been splashed on JKL plenty of times before...never stopped him though. Mindya, he'd have to actually attend to be worried....no doubt tomorrow, he'll be sat in his pants, scratching his nads at 3pm whilst tuning into a local radio station :grin:



    Why would he listen to his local radio station? Revolution is :censored: on a saturday afternoon.

  8. the film that does it first is truly great and changes cinema.. the rest are just copies....



    I suppose it depends which way you look at it. You could see it as Cloverfield being the one that changes things with others following...or you could see the others following as a sign of cinema doing what it always does by continuously copying itself. (not sure if i just made that point very well, but at least I know what I mean :wink: )

  9. I think the way this film changes cinema is not in the construction or cinematic style... which is the first thing that hits you about it... but instead is the non-American blockbuster story nature of the story.


    Think back trough any American film, be it action/horror/adventure etc. which does not have a conclusive (and HAPPY!) ending. Or one which does not tell you what the 'baddy' actually was. Or one which does not let you see the baddy in full, clear, panoramic shot until less than 10 mins from the end!!!


    That is how it can/could redefine American cinema. Fnally showing that a film based on IF's and BUT's, maybe's and unknowns can be popular and most importantly for the studios : PROFITABLE!



    IF's and BUT's, maybe's and unknowns can be popular...and inevitably lead to a sequel which ends up ruing the whole thing. Same old bloody Hollywood:


    Untitled JJ Abrams Cloverfield Sequel (2009)

  10. Never. And I don't see it ever being beaten... the new Dead film (Romero's) is going to be the same style apparently and I can already tell it's going to be a crap version of this!


    Told you it was good, didn't I Dave!?


    Yes you did. Although it isnt the "best film ever ©" like some people will have you believe, its probably the best horror movie I have ever seen. I actually felt sick at the end of the film. I dont know how much of that was because I was still delicate from the night before, but that camera work did not help. I dont know if it will change cinema though. Like you say, the next Romero film is going to be shot like that, and it will be rubbish. I can see a lot of poor imitations on the style before people get bored of it. It will certainly be an all time horror classic though. Think id give it 8.5/10, maybe 9/10.

  11. I want a sequal to give me answers... but I don't actually want it... that's part of the enjoyment. You come out and you only know what they know. You don't have some general reading aloud his mission report like that's a normal thing to do. You don't have some amazingly sexy female scientist giving you a genetic breakdown of it... because in the "real world" of the film you wouldn't know that yourself... that's why its scary and that's why your in constant suspense!!


    A follow up, or a prequal or whatever would destroy this films credibility!



    A sequel would ruin it.


    The brilliance of the film is that there is nothing new in the story or the characters..but the way it is done is fantastic. A whole film shot through one camera and pretty much one pair of eyes. This film will be studied for years to come by film students because it is one fine example of one persons gaze. 85 minutes through one camera. Has it ever been done before this well?

  12. Got to agree there. It was an absolutely fantastic performance from the defence.


    Manning shouldn't have got the MVP in my opinion, it should have gone to Steve Spagnola the defensive coach. Alternatively (as giving it to a non-player is probably not allowed), Michael Strahan or Antonio Pierce because someone from the "D" had to be the MVP. The QB Ratings for both sides were poor and while Manning did orchestrate a superb match winning drive, I think that it was a cop-out to give him the award.


    The only bad thing for the Giants after last night (and the Post-Season performances) is that Spagnola is a certainty to get a Head Coach job somewhere during the close Season.


    I agree with that. I would have given the MVP to Strahan, Tuck or Umenyiora. I think it shouldhave gone to a member of the defence as they are the reason we won.


    Looks like Spags will go to Washington, and to be fair who can blame him? It can not get any better for him with the Giants.


    Id also expect Strahan to retire now. Now he has won the championship, which i think is the only reason he hadn't retired earlier. At least we have Justin Tuck signed up for a good few years.


    I watched an interview with Osi Umenyiora earlier on, he was saying that he is thinking of boycotting the pro bowl next week as he is the only Giant there. He made a good point, how can the league chapions only have one player in the Pro Bowl?! (i know the voting is done way ahead of the playoffs).

  13. I still cant believe it, it was amazing.


    That pass rush has got to be one of the finest ever. Tom Brady just got pounded, just like every QB they have faced this season.


    I was critical of Eli Manning earlier in the season, and I am happy to admit I was wrong. When it mattered he has got it done, and he has really stepped up to become a leader. I remember one of the early season games (think it was San Francisco at home) and one of the commentators said that they were cerain that New York would win a championship while Eli Manning was playing. I remember thinkin, "yeah right". But he proved me and a lot of other people wrong. That pass was immense!


    Was a great night, especially when me and my mate were belting out "They went 18, and :censored: 1" as the bar emptied.


    NY Giants- Superbowl 42 champions!

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