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Posts posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. He looked real class, and in a few games he'll be making something out of those times where a little trick in the box might have bought him a chance.


    Real class? The only thing he looked was nowhere near ready for the first team of a professional outfit.


    He put 100% effort in, but thats all. He did nothing of note, did not deserve a standing ovation or his name chanted. In fact, on Saturday none of them deserved their name chanting.

  2. How about blaming no-one and just support the team and the manager. Yes today was poor, worst game in ages. Were bottom on the league - things can only get better!!


    We need somebody to blame, its the Oldham way!!!


    Hmmm well while i think JS was an oustanding player i have serious reservations about his man management skills.


    He was much more than an outstanding player. He is a legend.

  3. hat said, we were playing a woeful Israel side and so he got several good opportunites and took just one - completely out of the blue. Will he score against Russia? Hopefully he will.


    We also played a woeful Israel side in March and had several opportunities. Michael Owen wasn't playing in that game and we drew 0-0.


    Fouth highest goalscorer in England history, and I think I am right in saying that he has scored more competitive goals (24) than anyone ever to wear the Three Lions. Like neiladamsheadband said, just think what he would have been like if he was any good.

  4. September 2nd 2006 league position 22 Finished in play-offs

    September 1st 2007 league position 21 ...... ??????


    We moved into top spot after the new year but unfortunately wasn't strong enough to stay in that postion. The squad put together this year looks a stronger (both physically and mentally) than last years and hopefully finish stronger.


    Just because we had a bad start last year and went on to do well doesnt mean it will happen this year. And what makes this years squad is mentally stronger?

  5. anyone on here thinks were top six material are deluded,we were crap yesterday and anyone who wants to come on here and say we were'nt are also deluded.i'll give you 5-1 we don't make top six,leeds will finish above us.everyone talking about what a good front line we have,well ricketts is crap tell me what he's done now in 3 league games,answer nash.midfield crap,defence were do we start,thomson not up to it if he was forest would still have him.gregan,well if he's not the most overrated player at the club then i don't know who is,spent most of the second half walking about not doubling up with thomson on their centreforward when we were attacking,so much wrong about his game,and the leftback could'nt pass water.struggle to finish in top half imo.cue the onslaught from those with blue tinted specs on.



    Just checking, is your glass half full or half empty?

  6. I'd pick Rooney; Bent; Ashton; Nugent; Johnson; Defoe; Beattie and probably even Michael Ricketts before him.


    You might think he is rubish, but bar Rooney, he is better than all those players you listed. I'll take it you meant Ricketts as a joke, but Beattie?!?! LOL.

  7. The radio debates so far have been fair and conducted sensibly.


    However, at 10.00am Jon Gaunt, Coventry City fan, will display on TalkSport (1053/1089 MW) the audio version of the bad side of the English media. Stand by for fairness to go out of the window and for Hughes' supporters to be shouted down/cut off.



    It commercial radio. What do you expect?


    Talk Sport usually sensationalise everything, its how they get the listeners. It pays the bills.

  8. I suggested this before so sorry for repeating it - but why not get two players into one chant like so:


    (To the tune of the Batman theme)


    Ka la la la la la la la RATMAN!



    That one is good, simple and funny. I like.


    At Rochdale I was chattin to BB80 and he had the simple idea of singing the Rocky them,e tune for Kalala.


    Kalalaaaaaaa Kalalalaaaaaa

    Kalalaaaaaaa Kalalalaaaaaa

    Kalalalalalalaaa Kalalalala lalaaaaaaaa


    and repeat.

  9. As for Hughes I have absolutely no doubt that when we get him fit and up to speed (which I think will be well before Christmas) he will run riot at this level (he was a top scorer at championship level before his incarceration).


    I wish I had your confidence. I dont think we will see anything remotely good from him before Christmas. He gets out late August and will need a pre-season, and then some. Its 3 years since he kicked a ball in anger, so he will need more than the usual 5 week pre season. That will take you into october, and I think he will need a good few months of reserveteam football before you can even consider him for the first team. And even then there is no guarantee that we will get him to anywhere near the level he was at before he went down. I think there is a very real chance that this 3 years will have ruined him and he will never be able to recapture his form. 3 years is a very long time in pro football.


    If you have "absolutely no doubt" that he will be a good player than I really wish I had your optimism!

  10. Should the club pay his wage demands and lose out on a future possible transfer windfall OR simple just say enough is enough and sling your hook ?


    Tough question. No one knows what his demands are so can't really answer it. His demands may not be that high, but at the same time they might be ridiculous. I doubt Motherwell will be paying loads for him.

  11. As football goes I only have eyes for Oldham Athletic. Like to see a club like Eintracht do well because there fans that come over are a good bunch, but if I'm being really bothered I only care about the blues.


    The only other alliegences I care about come in other sports, cricket its Lancs, Rugby its the yeds. And the only foreign sides I would say I support would be the NY Giants in the NFL and NJ Devils in the NHL.


    It has to be said though, Latics are the only thing I really care about.

  12. Just looking at this vote:


    Trying to forget the fact that he is in prison and just looking at the other facts.


    He has not played for 3 years. Before his break fromt he game, his goalscoring record at Coventry and his second stint at West Brom hardly set the world alight.


    How can anyone claim with any great conviction at all that he will be "a great signing"?


    The other option being "No- No way" (which i voted for for purely non-footballing reasons) which is also quite strong in the opposite direction. Surely there should have been an option on ths vote which sated "No Idea, I haven't got a clue if he will be any good."

  13. We was on it last year, was around October, Gillingham Away it was. Was a cracking day, we were all Latics (as you would expect, i really hope they dont go on with 3 people "pretending"), and the song we sung was top. Plus, you should have seen the look on Lovejoys face after every ad break when we sung "OOH Roger Palmer!".

  14. I could not care less. As long as we get out of this league they can play it wherever they want, the venue is not important at all. If we won the playoff final the surroundings would mean nothing. They could play it on the moon for all I care, I'd be there and as long as we get out of this league that is all that matters.

  15. That's a pretty decent idea. I bet you could throw up a 2000ish seater with decent facilities for not much. Our reserves would have a home, we would have a training ground, the rugby could have a fullish ground, it might get extra usage from local sports finals, private hire events etc.


    And what would happen then? We would all say, "Have you seen the state of our reserves pitch? Kick the rugby off!".


    I dont think they should be kicked off because the pitch was knackered before they even played a game on it. They are just being used as an excuse. It cut up badly during the Forest game and has been knackered since. They aren't helping it, but to blame them is just a convenient excuse.

  16. Anything by Simply Red can rile me a lickle bit. I think, "Pleasure at the Fairground," is the worst, because I actually got it into my head. And it's back. NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hanged: :hanged: :hanged: :trollarse: :trollarse: :trollarse: :rifle: :rifle: :rifle:


    I absolutely f*cking hate (hate is maybe not a strong enough word but it will have to do) Fairground. In fact, Simply Red in general. That annoying ginger little red b*stard really pisses me off. That tune was everywhere and it is dead catchy, but rubbish!!! And now, because of this bloody thread it is stuck in my head. Now im in a mood. Thank you Mick Hunall, you red cuddly teddy bear, thank you very much for ruining my Thursday!

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