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Posts posted by Slash

  1. Aldgate, Mile End, Bethnel Green if you want to be near work. Not the classist areas, but no as bad as there reputation. London snobs slag them off, but they are still nicer areas than the majority of Oldham. Welcome on board.

  2. Tarky has been the major plus in the last few weeks, let's hope a couple more can step up to the plate and prove their worth.


    Yep, he has given away numerous penalties and started in the 5-0 defeat at centre half against MK Dons. Where would we be without him.


    This is not a dig at him, just fans over hyping one of our kids, like with Smalley, Brooke etc.. when they break into the team.


    Major plus is a blod statement in my opinion. Fingers crossed he'll kick on and assure his place.

  3. Got done on the outside a couple of times in the first half, but I thought he did really well.


    Funny how people see things differently. I thought he ran around like a headless chicken for most of the game. Improved slightly in the 2nd half.


    Not blaming him though, he's not a right back and did a job filling in.

  4. ... I think we all may be looking for tips on how to make a cardboard bed from Andy!!


    I would consider driving a mini bus if enough of us were up for this... Although getting back to London Would just be the start of it for most of us!




    Half days holiday for Friday aleady booked. Not sure of the best travel arrangements, but liking your plan Mark.


    Please note...


    Happy for Mark to drive a minibus, but I want to see the boys come out of the tunnel at Anfield and I fear this has f@ck all chance of happening with Mark's time keeping.

  5. I'm assuming Corney has come to some sort of deal with Liverpool re cash handout to agree to the game being on a Friday night. A mate of mine at work is a Southend season ticket holder and he said the game was agreed for Sunday with them. As there is no way would be able to make an evening kick off after work. If they could play Southend on a Sunday, they could play us on a Sunday, so something doesn't add up. At a guess i'd say the crowd will be 10k less on the Friday than Sunday afternoon.


    Rant over..... Will be the best half days holiday I'll probably ever take!!

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