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Posts posted by monkeykieran

  1. I was a bit suprised at just how affected taylor was by the county fan's comments and shouting on Friday from the stand I was in.


    He was more bothered by giving them dirty looks than getting into position at one point...he then got really riled up and I thought he might have got sent off towards the end.

  2. I got boll**sed with Steve O from Jackass fame for a weekend a few years back.


    I've met most big global DJs like Groove Armada, Sasha, Derrick Carter, Jeff Mills, e.t.c, and I'm good friends with a few. Also met quite a few band members (like peter hook, bez e.t.c) and models (Inc kate moss).


    I've met a load of footballers, and soap stars too maily (they're like lice in Manchester so occasionally you get chatting with one in a bar).


    I also met Bill Beamont last year professionally at his textiles business.


    I shook Princess Di and Charles' hand once.


    I've known Lembit Opik since I was in school.

  3. Just to add insult to injury from Fridays game, i got asked by there guys when i first turned up if i would mind going into the lounge to meet a few kids as there were some Latics fans in there. I headed up there with their mascots and the guy from football in the community, they led me through the home fans to get to the lounge. As i was wlaking through i got punched by 4 different people round the back of the head. Yet when i gave one of them a slap back i got moaned at by the steward. I just did my bit in the lounge at got out of there, not the freindliest places ive been.


    On a seperate note though, i did get treated very nicely by the people looking after me, and there mascots were well impressed with the fact i scored from the corner flag. :grin:

    That was my highlight!!!


    Incidentally why do they have two (obese) mascots, one of which looked like the ill relation of the other?

  4. As a County fan here's my t'ppenth worth (for what its worth!)


    The mither - I dont really think there would have been any if not for the first bunch of 'Green St clones' who gobbed off right at the start, they waited of course until they had walked to the gates where the stewards were, then the usual s*ite ... you know .... arms outstreched, beckoning people on (whilst walking behind the stewards) then once safe they give the big un again, job done and cue "yeah, we were in their end and they didn't wanna know".

    All daft stuff but that cranked up the Cheadle End a fair few notches and so when you scored and those left in turned and took the proverbial ...well ... what might have gone off with just some verbals resulted in a ruckas .... yes I know in a perfect marshmellow world we would have all hugged and sang "Cumby Ya" but it's footy and we know the crack don't we?


    The Match - I thought you were superb in the first half but lacked the finishing (thank god Hughes was out eh!), great play, fluid and yet physical when needed and at that point it looked what it was, men v boy's.

    Second half, we made some changes, you stopped closing down and thats fatal because these young County lads can play a bit, plus as youngsters they are as fit as fook and I thought it showed, we were still running as strong in the last 10 as the first minute.

    I reckon you will be there or there abouts if you keep Hughes fit and those two new lads will be great when settled in, people moaning after the start you have had should give their heads a wobble!


    Till the return ... best of luck! :wink:

    Nice summary and best of luck too. I was given a warm(ish) welcome in your home end so thanks for that too!
  5. I don't really understand when people say that it's wrong to say we're a one, 2 or 3 player team. We aren't a 3 player team but from what I've seen there are definately 3 most influential players for us...Hughes, Gregan and Taylor, they're the big guns in my eyes, and it makes a difference to the overall team when they don't play.


    I don't think it's wrong to say that, it's like saying Liverpool are weaker without Torres, Gerrard, or Carragher.


    We've had a great start and I hope Hughsey stays fit for most of the season as I think he personally could be the difference myself this season.

  6. Just back now, absolutely gutted.


    We had it to win, they didn't look like they were going anywhere, then they suddenly came good and we didnt get a look in. That said we had some shocking chances wasted.


    I was in their stand with my county mate, their fans were cheering taylor throughout the game and succeeded in winding him up.


    The policing was ridiculous, I was shocked at what I saw...stamping, kicking, group mauling, and it took them ages to even get close to sorting it out. There just weren't enough of them for a start. I really hope those guys were ok. Perhaps latics should've got a better allocation to have prevented that. I felt pretty edgy for the rest of the game after that. Not good for the kids to see, especially with the game having to be stopped (which was incidentally the beginning of the end for us)


    Still Jones looked promising.

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