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Posts posted by monkeykieran

  1. I wasnt having a go at attendances, I was stating that we'll need more if we go up?


    I wasn't knocking back helpful suggestions, I was already aware of those routes, and if you read my post fully you'll see that I say that although this is an inconvenience to me for the type of person I am that I will be attending more home games this season?


    This coming from a person who admittedly has a number of "passions" with the latics only one of them (and admittedly much less so that the real regulars) should surely be a positive comment. Without going into too much detail, about half of my weekends are occupied around the country or abroad, there's nothing I can do about that nor do I need to justify it. It's people like me that should be encouraged to come more often, not put off by apparently "p***ing off" the regular attentees. The reason I'm a Latics fan is through my Dad, despite never living in the area until recently myself, so I have never been a regular attendee, in the last few years I have gone to more and more games each year. Another point for me is that I don’t really like going to games alone (or the travelling), and I have no mates who are Oldham fans in Manchester, this means it's a good 5 hours by myself day out if I choose to do that (not really what I want on my hard earned days off). Most of my mates in Manchester are Man U, City or Liverpool fans, so often I go to away games as I'm going with a fan from their team (or vice versa). I have mates in Liverpool and Leeds that I often meet to go to local games with.


    I'm sorry but it's not my fault if you have read differently into my post to how it was written. I'm more sorry that if this is a general attitude of fans, it'll only keep me away.


    I appreciate your point of view DS, as I understand you thought I meant to criticise the attendance whilst staying away myself, but hope that you'll read this and realise that I'm not actually an ignorant fair-weather fan trying to do this but just one of the irregular attending fans that's keen to watch our team progress whenever I can, when it fits around the rest of my life, whilst adding my opinion on how we can do it, I'm honest about that.


    I'll be in the Stockport end with a Stockport fan on Friday, it's better that I'm there than not at all :)


    Nervous Tic, I will be in touch :)

  2. Having already responded to Kieran's original post, I wasn't going to post again. However, I can't bite my lip any longer.


    I admire the way people have been very polite in trying to find a solution to Kieran's so-called "dilemma", but let's face it, if he really wanted to go to BP, he would catch the 182 bus from Mancheter to Rochdale Road, no matter how much he dislikes public transport.


    If he doesn't really want to go to BP, unless he's picked up and taken door to door, then fair enough - that's his prerogative. However, I do think it's out of order to tell us what we know already, that we're going to need more fans at BP, and then come up with all these knock-backs to helpful suggestions.


    What I'm trying to convey is that it pisses me off when stayaways express dissatisfaction with attendances at BP. :rant.sml:

    I never expressed dissatisfaction with the attendance?! I haven’t knocked back any helpful suggestions either?! (I think you read something else into that?)


    I'm just a fan that goes to the odd game that was posting on a message board to say his personal view on things, I thought that's what this was for. Sorry my mistake.


    Maybe in future I'll think better of that and we'll leave it to the proper fans on here? I'm not hardcore enough to be a member of this board I guess?


    Thanks for your help regardless

  3. Aye. I prefer Withington myself as that's next up from Didsbury but yeah, you're literally a 10 min taxi ride to Stockport from there and a decent shout for a pub crawl.
    Withington/Fallowfield is literally overcrowded with freshers students at the moment so it's best avoided unless you're there to perv at 18 year old girls (and their mutli-haircutted counterparts).
  4. Hope you get to more, but citing travel as a reason not to come when you're happy getting to away games...sounds a bit crap IMO. Oh well...
    Yeah I'm sure it does sound like that but I can’t help the way I am!


    I'm a busy guy so I'll never make it to even a third of our games in a season but I will try whenever I can.


    I live in Hulme, and if there are any board members (thanks Lags) that do come past this way I'd be keen to hear off them.



  5. Can’t you get the train? Or just walk from Oldham centre/Chadderton if you get the bus to them?
    I can, it's just a nightmare and takes ages, I have to get three buses and if you are adverse to public transport and impatient like me it's a put off.


    I'll still be doing it this year but I'd be so much happier if there was a direct service! (it's much much easier for me to get to stockport)

  6. It's not that I don’t like coming to BP, I love it, it's just because I live in central Manchester and don’t have a car. It's a nightmare to get to BP even though it's only 25 mins away in the car, if you don’t have a lift (which I did on Saturday). I used to live down south so obviosuly it was easier for me to go to away games and I guess that's stuck.


    I'm quite often in London where my family live and my dad is a latics fan so get to see quite a few games when we're down there and to be honest I always like the buzz of away games. I also spend a lot of my time visiting friends around the country and if there's a game on nearby it's a good excuse for me to go.


    If there was a dedicated bus service to/from central Manchester to BP I would come far more often, but I can understand that maybe there wouldn’t be enough people who'd use it to make it financially worthwhile?!


    I'll definitely be coming back for more this season at home. I just hope because I attended a pretty crap game, and because of the poor behviour outside at the end that other people attending their first game won’t be put off.

  7. Came to my first Latics home game of the season on Saturday with my mate who's a Terriers fan.


    Lovely sunshine, great buzz before the game and then...


    First 15 minutes we played football and then allowed them to play disgusting hoofball and then countered it by missing out our midfield for pretty much the whole game. Taylor looks on a different level to everyone else on the park and the distribution to him and hughes on the floor was pretty much non existent.


    Anyway I don't think I have a real point to make but I was thinking to myself I hope this doesn't put off potential fans for the rest of the season (and the poor police management outside afterwards) as genuinely I think we have one of the top 3 squads in the league and we should go up this year. Huddersfield were pretty much an awful team I thought but found a very basic tactic that worked against us really well and I hope that we learn to deal with this if other teams try to play this basic hoofball/tight man marking counter attack against us again at home. Out defence looked shaken every time the ball went near that rude lanky derby reject, luckily he had no touch and no skill. But if/when we do, we're going to need a better attendance in the championship surely and a home support is key?


    I normally go to away games only and I'm going to Stockport on Friday in their home end with a mate who's on their side and my positive comment is how cool everyone was with my mate who was openly supporting the terriers throughout even in the bar at half time, he really enjoyed himself (he missed our goal as he was still in the bar).


    Oh and where's the score/time board?

  8. I remember losing the "bar challenge" at Millwall last year, when I was told to my massive dissatisfaction after a 15 minute wait that I wasn't going to be given any more beer within five minutes of kick off.


    Naturally I wasn't too happy but managed not to kick off too much that I was kicked out and stayed till the end when I suceeded massively in the central london bar challenge.

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