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Posts posted by StipeTripe

  1. Besides all the old ground/new ground nonsense, I think any ground counts meself. I mean I've been to Roker Park many times but as Latics haven't playd at the new ground yet I can do the 2. Conversely I've been to Old and New Dens. Its visiting the "away" team wherever they play watching Latics innit?


    A more thorny issue is that it depends if you count the Dongs as being part of the 92 Club, for me it should be a 91 club but as the pathetic franchise seems to be continually and sickeningly assimilated into the Football League via the increasingly fawning media I guess they are in. pah!


    Anyway 83 out of the current set up done with Chester Hereford Darlington Barnet Dagenham Aldershot Yeovil Orient and grrrrrrr Franchise to do


    Like somebody else said supporting for a while means I could get to 88 if I count Cambridge Torquay Oxford York and Halifax.


    Also seen Latics first team play at Bath Dorchester Stirling Hednesford and Stalybridge there maybe more but I already wasted too much time working this lot out in me head.

  2. The mighty Honest Men, Ayr United.


    And always look out for the results at Chadderton and Barnstaple Town.


    Spot on though DW.........



    Never bothered if they lose though, having said that I am rarely gutted (though often disappointed) by Latics losses anymore - it is just a game after all. It has been a long time since my weekend was ruined by a football result.
  3. This is ######. I bought my ST for the RRE as I thought the bloody drum was going to be in the Chaddy and I presume a good majority of people in the RRE thought the same.





    When I looked at the fishul site first thing this morning I thought yes, result.


    Go on Drummer Boy off you go, tat ta, see ya, byeeeeeeeeee, not missing you already!

  4. First team and reserves cos I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure.



    First XI




    Halle Barrett Jobson Blair


    Valentine Redfearn Henry Holden


    Ritchie Bunn




    Duxbury Palmer Marshall Sheridan Eyres



    Second XI




    Wood Clements Fleming Barlow


    Adams Richardson Milligan Wright


    Young Stainrod




    Rickers Halom Carss Kowenicki Heaton

  5. I know how this rumour about Hillstones started. The Hillstone boys were in the Chron the other week about how they won't be spending anymore money on Chadderton FC (they won't be paying anymore contracted players) since it has cost them alot of money repairing the ground after it's been hit by vandals who have destroyed roof after roof, and because the ground is owned by the public they can't put a padlock on the gates.


    Someone see's that Hillstone won't spend money, put 2+2 togother and come out with Hillstone are having money problems.

    I'm sure if Stipey reads this he'll have more information,I seem to remember from jklatics that he's 'in the know' at Chaddy FC.



    I heard various things about the whole Hillstones thing, but I'm not sure if they are worthy of posting or should be posted, I don't want suing! I have heard that the Chaddy players haven't been paid for weeks now though.


    Sometimes its difficult for anybody to get their bits and bobs together and go down the car boot to make a killing , but sometimes one can find oneself with the need for that forced trip to the sale. Thats the way the mop flops sometimes.

  6. Hello Stipe, or should that be hello Mr Website policeman?


    Enjoying this season are we?


    Yes I've been against Sheridan from day one. And it looks like I'll be proved right. Which I take absolutely no pleasure in.



    Ahhhhhh the hoary old chestnut "Mr Website policeman", well actually Guerny old boy that was me first post on this MB in months, I haven't had the time or inclination to be honest. However on Monday morning with half an hour to kill I thought I'd pop on, and there was your ridiculous comment. Blatantly made up tosh and debunked by several witnesses, supported by none! Anyway then I got to Reals comments and I thought spot on Real, and as this is a message board, a forum for discussion I thought I'd add my tupenceworth, it really is that simple.


    By the by, how you believe in that endlessly twisted mind that you are being proven right I'll never know.


    Nah then on to Private messaging. I can't say I'm a fan of these types of forums with the PM system attached, its so twee. Its a MB ffs why can't people say what they want in the body of a thread without sneaking off and despatching private rebukes. Why this had to be PM'd to me hell only knows but for the sake of clarity I post what you said here


    I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from putting anything about my private life in the public domain.


    Fair enough have a pop at me all you want. We're all entitled to our opinions. But the stuff about being a journalist was unecessary and uncalled for.






    Fine if my journo comment offended you I apologise unreservedly. What I cannot grasp though is, why is it "private" ? You brought the fact that you were a journalist up on many occasions on the old JKL board, you hung it out there in the public domain if I recall correctly as some kind of badge of honour so pardon me if I brought it up again. I'm sure some of the old school lurking on here will recall you doing so, as they have with your anti Sheridan comments. For some reason your baseless whinges stick in the mind! I'll mention it no more though and I do so hope I haven't offended any sensibilities by pasting up that PM, but in the interests of transparency one felt one really should. If you have anything further to say put it here, into the forum.

  7. And therein lies the problem with some of the posters on here and the way this board runs.


    5 pages of posts about "sheridan's 2 finger salute", with only a signle witness who saw a 2 finger salute. Very few qualified it with "if it's true", very few said "I'd be surprised that he'd do that after what happened with RM".


    But buried on page 4 are 4 other people who saw a gesture, but all 4 say it wasn't 2 fingers, it was a "yakkity yak" hand gesture.


    Still, enough people have used guernica's post to call for shez to be sacked. Pehaps they'd all like to re-post withdrawing their comments in light of 4 people saying that it's all been made up, given that 4 vs 1 suggest that it wasn't the "v's"??


    Perhaps people also need to consider that some people see what they want to see, not what actually happens?



    Spot on Real.


    Guernicock has got exactly what he wanted.


    The thing is for all you who don't know about Guernica is that he's been slagging Sheridan off since the day he got the job, before a ball had been kicked in anger! He did this regularly on JKL, at the start of last season he was demanding Shez was sacked, then we hit that purple patch and he disappeared back under his rock, until it started to go wrong again and we lost in the play offs.


    Anyhow I believe old Guernica is a journalist by profession so telling half truths and making stuff up will be standard fare for him methinks.


    Anything he says given his track record of anti Shezness can be treated with the contempt he deserves, period.


    Oh and whilst I'm here, anybody who thinks that the number of injuries we have isn't or can't be an excuse for the lack of form is quite obviously bonkers. I've been doing a lot of work with an Arsenal fan and as folks do he's taken to looking at how we're doing, likewise I've taken to doing the same with Arsenal. Looking at some peoples comments about how the injury list isn't an excuse he has actually been gobsmacked by it. Gobsmacked as in if Arsenal had the same proportion of first teamers out Wenger would be struggling. Still as I advised him we're a small club, in old money the third division, so it shouldn't be affecting us in any way shape or form. The rules set down by the gods of football don't apply at BP, well to some they don't and you know who you are. You're the ones who don't inhabit planet earth.



  8. Can I just add a well done there Kyleoafc, and apologise for calling you a dork for starting the Sheridian out poll, no on second thoughts that was right :)


    Its been hard trying to keep up with the sheer volume of stuff posted on the subject, in the past I'd have said sod work, but really can't do that right now.


    Its taken me ages to type and post this with interruptions, but just wanted to add, Alan Hardy, bugger me with a barge poll didn't know he had it in him, excellent interview.


    I really hope TTA stay and push this through, and the 7 feeble excuses for politicians get the comeuppance they deserve.

  9. :sign0068: One of my most (un) memorable away experiences meeting the "F Troop" along with Wet Spam and bumping into the "ICF" :nnnng:



    I've mentioned it before but the first time I went to Cold Blow Lane there were approx 70 Latics fans there**, 52 of them on the solitary Barlows coach I was on. At the end of the game they escorted us out behind the away end, when I say they I mean half the Met, we must have had 3-4 coppers per Latics fan! The following week we were at Palarse and there was about 300 Latics there, I only mention this again cos nobody, in all the times I've posted this on MB's, has ever been able to explain why :wink:


    **Although I don't know him from Adam, Help Shiny can corroborate this as I believe he was on the same Barlows

  10. Looked through quite a few of 'em last night. Wow how things have changed, looking at the old Den it is as caged and fenced off as I remember it, and that was before they made clubs do that. Ewood is unrecognisable, the dark cramped Darwen End and that concrete monstrosity at the home end, I'd forgotten about that.


    Spotland and Gigg have really changed. Me and me mate used to go on and off to Bury or Rochdale when Latics were away, well they were only a 2p bus ride away. First went to Bury in '76 or '77 not long after I started going to BP. Saw my first violence there, they were playing Pompey and the only noticeable Pompey fans were a couple of gobby neds in the Cemetery End who got a good shoeing and no mistake! Spotland was just like that on me first visit, Boxing Day '77, me mates Dad refused to drive to Hull (we fumed for days cos we won 1-0 its etched on my mind) so instead we went to see Dale v Wimbledon, it was their first season in the league and I do believe Dave Basset played for them. We stood on the grassy knoll to the right of the Main Stand as you looked at the pitch (H&S wouldn't allow that now). A solitary Dons scrote was chased mercilessly for what seemed like the whole game, from one end to the other.


    Anyway I thought some of the old readers would like it, like a say a pure fluke in spotting it, but I thought it needed sharing.

  11. I have posted this, every year for the last 8 years or so on JKL and when I can on the 11/11, but its not JK anymore. So I hope you don't mind me posting it here, in I guess what must be the most viewed forum on here.







    In Flanders fields the poppies blow

    Between the crosses, row on row,

    That mark our place; and in the sky

    The larks, still bravely singing, fly

    Scarce heard amid the guns below.


    We are the Dead. Short days ago

    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

    Loved, and were loved, and now we lie

    In Flanders fields.


    Take up our quarrel with the foe:

    To you from failing hands we throw

    The torch; be yours to hold it high.

    If ye break faith with us who die

    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

    In Flanders fields.


    John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)



    Don't know if its been mentioned elsewhere but I thought the "Last Post" yesterday was preferable to a minutes silence.

  12. Well you're no oil painting yerself,two hat! :wink:



    LOL never thought of it like that, but you have got the look of him :lol:


    And G nice to see you post summat that involved no swearing, IM told me you had on saturday, but I didn't believe him and quite frankly couldn't be arised checking until now :)

  13. Baseball, Americans, big bag of plop, spot the difference.


    Anyway IM has reminded me of Stig of the Dump, one of my favourite books as a nipper, this was its fantastic cover at the time




    Just thought I'd share, those of a certain age may well have been reading the same edissue.


    Another favourite around then was " The Seige Of Trapps Mill", I've never met anybody else whose read that, I still have a copy somewhere.


    Just thought I'd share that, Rivals might on the plus side allow mere words into a message that cause some to recoil in abject horror, but on the downside it won't let me paste images. Messageboard yin and indeed yang innit.

  14. Think you'll find that Ronnie was sacked before "pegging" it anywhere.


    And I'm sure he will....regards the clique though, it was most definitely there. If you dared stick up for Ronnie.....you were a horrible, scummy person (maybe I am, but if so, it ain't for sticking up for Ronnie! :grin:)


    I'm amazed that I managed to not be burnt like a witch throughout Moores time here :grin:



    Ronnie was sacked was he, if you say so.


    Oh and you dared to, ahem its like being in the infinks this, "stick up" for Ronnie, and that made you a horrible scummy person. Well isn't that typical of you, I doubt anybody with a modicum of common sense thought that, they just disagreed with you.


    As for being burnt well Guy Fawkes night is fast approaching, if anybody is short of a Guy......................



    Oh and Prozacky, this mythical clique, I see you've clarified that fatuous statement up for us all !!!

  15. Cheers Derek. :)


    I wonder what all of us think about that...



    I think its not the first time G has told one, two or all of us to do that, its only words after all, and quite frankly anybody who takes offence at her tellin' them where to go is, and I make no apologies for refering back to Stephen Fry, a faking lunatic, ina world of "mad silly prissy people". In ones opinion, like.

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