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Posts posted by lookers87

  1. Looking at this from a different perspective I do believe that whether Taylor plays on the right or left doesn't matter, and in many ways the longer he plays on the left - the better, two-footed player we could end up with. The real key to getting the best from him is by creating another real attacking threat from the right-side of the team. For as decent a player Macca is, he isn't a right-sided midfielder...his style is much more suited to a central-mids, ala lampard. Tayls at the moment suffers because as a team we present a clear (sometimes one-dimensional) threat which many teams coming to boudary park now know...and immediately drop 2 men onto him.


    However the team is organised, Shez knows best - he works with these guys everyday. Perhaps we just don't have the real option at the moment with lidds out.

    Stick with Talyor and create a different focal point for attacks in the team and we could start to see a bit less pressure on him and appreciate the qualities he has.

  2. But had Talbot or Moore had made those comments, they would have been lynched for public critisism.

    FFS Sheridan, discuss with the player in private please.


    He has many times. This is meant as a bit of a reminder to Craig to keep working hard, listen to the coaching staff and he will become the player he (sometimes) thinks he is already.

    Give Shez a bit more credit than just blabbing to the press. He tends to pick certain players to either praise, or bring down a peg or two. This is basically an article/message from Shez to say - well played Craig, just don't think that you've cracked it just yet, you've still got a bit of a way to go but I know you can do it.

  3. Definitely, usually the 4th from bottom team finish on around 48 points and that'll be even lower this year because of Bournemouth and Luton being deducted points. I reckon 3 more points would put us safe (even if we lost the rest of our games after that). We shouldn't be looking down, we have nothing to fear in terms of relegation at all. We'll end up around 11th or 10th at the end.


    Probably right - but I'll keep the faith on the playoffs. I was looking last week and in the past 7-8 seasons no-one with 40 points after 30 games has ever gone down. And as you say there two teams down there with point deductions, so that's why I'm not worried about relegation.

  4. I think we're too good to go down. Not a chance that's gonna happen. We'll continue to win two games out every five at least. Add that onto our current points and we'll comfortably survive. I just hope we can finish higher than Leeds!


    We won't go down, too many points on the board already. We'll get the additional points we need. Even my optimism (of making the playoffs) is waning a little after tonight's result (but that's just with my 'we've lost head-on'). But until it's mathematical impossible I'll keep believing it's possible - still a long way to go and lots of other teams due their blips.

  5. The view on Macca is an interesting one which does seem to divide the faithful. It just shows how people see the game differently I suppose. for me, up and down the field like the Assyrian empire, winning headers in his own box, from their keepers kicks and flicking on Crossleys kicks who regularly looks for him with kicks off the floor. Passes the ball and always supports team mates Gets moved from pillar to post but still tries and then gets into goal scoring positions and hits the bar from 30 yards. For other people he doesn't try, doesn't tackle doesn't beat players, goes missing and is lazy.( and is a jock)

    On the way out I got talking to someone who said he doesn't think Jarrett is up to it and his career is in free fall. Just sums up my view about different views i suppose, but I would support anyones right to have a view that is different than mine even tho' they are obviously wrong :)


    You're obviously wrong then :wink:


    I agree with your assessment of macca in general, there is a lot of 'unselfish' work he does, just think that today the game passed him by until late on (certainly nothing to do with not trying, not tackling or being lazy - just not his day). In general (esp at home) a mid of macca, allott, jarrett and taylor gives teams coming to defend a simple defensive plan -ie 2 men on taylor and let us have the ball deep. It is crying out for two wide-players and for all his other qualities macca just isn't a right winger.


    Still winning when you don't play well is good sign. We played better in some home games we lost this season. I'll take another 10/11 of them this season.

  6. I think the answer was more to do with Jarrett who was anonymous in the first half and bossed things in the second. All the midfield seemed to be 15 yards futher forward and hey presto Davies was being brought into the game. I thought he was unlucky when his shot hit the keepers foot, laid one on a plate for Alessandra whose touch was bloody awful and then put 2 of the best crosses in we've seen all season. Thought Macca looked good too Livermore looked like he could be handy on the LHS of midfield but is not a fullback. Pleased that taylor scored and some things worked for him in the secondhalf. He tries his guts out and it really matters to him.

    Don't know if the Carpathia has been called to this one but a bloke in front of me says Livermore has a clause in his contract with Hull which says if he plays 25 games he gets another 12 months. Would make sense and that sort of thing has been done before e.g. Gregan.


    Thought Macca looked anything but good. Very much anonymous until the last 10mins. Thought we were (in fact both teams) were largely awful for 40-odd mins in the 1st half and only really came alive after Davies scored. The difference after that was obvious still without being at our best. A definate sign of a young team - confidence plays such a big part. Davies pretty much sums this up...1st half short of confidence, 2nd half took his goal well and grew from there. It was also obvious today that he was making less wide runs and staying more central. I still think we are crying out for two-wide players to compliment Jarrett and Allott in centre mids.


    ps. well done to leezyverpunk today - stood up supporting tayls after one of his errors, only a couple of mins before tayls scored. Think you can claim an assist for that one mate :wink:

  7. If its true what was reported on this board a few weeks ago when Alan Hardy said the TTA have put £11mill in then it is a vast fortune they shall make. If the Chron is correct saying the Housing project is worth up to £80 million then thats an awful lot of profit. I know that TTA will sell for nowhere near that but I bet there is quite a few million to be made off of this club. Dont be suprised if they do pack up n :censored: off but I dont think they would leave us in the lurch I think they would sell to only a true football fan and not another business man. Anybody fancy someone like th lad at peterborough


    Don't forget to add to that current figure of £11m (already invested) that it will take another x million to build the stadium. So although the housing project/stadium is worth £80m, it doesn't mean that 80-11 = 69m profit. A very large chunk of this will go on building and all the associated costs including roadworks, extending primary schools etc etc. Hence the reason for the 'small profit if any' statements from the club. Personally if we get a spanking new stadium, long-term revenue, the club able to stand on its own, and a team in the division above this one then they can take as much profit from the development as they want.

  8. Was the Charity "Sunderland FC". They could have done with the money. In truth that was a magnificent gesture on Quinn's part. Not in the same league as Gregg though


    Not quite in the same league. I do know from Quinns advisers at the time that the decision was all his - in fact he didn't speak to any of his advisers at the time, just made the announcement. To which they were tearing their hair out - not because of the decision which they fully respected - but that if he had spoken to them before he made the announcement they would've pointed out that he could ensure the government/taxman got hardly any of it through some accountancy route, rather than the huge chunk they took as it was a straight donation. (something like that anyway). Just goes to show how much the decision came from Niall's good heart rather than any kind of calculated PR stunt that has happened with many since.


    The magnificence of Gregg and the humility he shows puts all that in the shade though. Noone knows how they would react in the same circumstances of a crash, but everyone could learn something from the humility he shows having been a proper hero.

  9. even tho its not the worst thing i remember but one of the best things i saw was the game at BP even tho we got beat was when we played newcastle and they beat us 3.1, andy cole scored an hatrick in front of a packet out rre full of geordies i was only bout 12/13ish at the time n they were all sing cole cole andy andy cole get a ball scores a goal andy andy cole for some reason i remember that game very well, also they had that massive flag which covered almost the whole stand. great game. think he went to u****d shortly after that game


    I could be wrong but I thought he just got 2, Beardsley who absolutely ran the game that night (as mentioned on a previous thread) got the other. I remember fleming had a really good game restricting cole to about 2 touches...unfortunately they both ended up in the back of our net!


    Worse feeling at a game was the sinking feeling as Cardiff got another set piece in the first 30 mins of the game and you just knew they were going to score...again! I still stayed to final whistle though. Quite a few others mind, the Stoke FA cup game 93/94 was (danny dyer mode) well naughty (dyer mode off). Esp when, nieve as we were at the time, we stood at the back of the terrace literally within a foot of the stoke fans above us. My first real experience of that kind of thing. I learn't a whole new vocabularly that night.

  10. Why are the stadium redevelopment and a serious attempt at promotion now constantly treated as opposites when, as already explained, they actually complement each other, and when, as also outlined, giving up on promotion, to all intents and purposes, will inevitably result in a deprioritisation of promotion when (if) 'the plan' comes to fruition?


    This constant association of the idea of promotion with the Chris Moore fiasco is (deliberately?) misleading too. As constantly pointed out, most promoted clubs do not go into financial meltdown.



    I've never once suggested they are linked. I have (if you look) outlined that the sensible approach is to try to attain promotion within the current budget (which the club feel is 15k losses - fair enough that is their choice) whilst doing the more important thing which is developing the stadium. That and only that will ensure we can generate a sustainable income in the future rather than boom and bust cycles, and hopefully will attract more people who enjoy the better facilities - increasing the playing budget, bringing better players in and hopefully more supporters. Simple really, but I'd rather go about things the way the TTA at the moment than taking too much of a chance on those unstable assets - players. Esp when we are in a world dominated by agents.


    The links were merely to back up the 50k figures.


    This really is getting too tiresome.

  11. The only position that can really be coached by a specialist is Goalkeeper, who are often best coached by ex-goalkeepers. Just because TP was a striker doesn't necessarily mean that his coaching 'specialism' is striker coach. It could be that he's more interested in say defensive coaching or just youth development (as seems to be the case). With the coaching badges they have to be competent in all areas. It goes back to the old adage that sometimes an ex-defender knows more about attacking coaching because they know what defenders don't like to happen in game situations.


    Mind you, as I said earlier I don't think our problems are down/will be solved by a specialist attacking coach. It's down to service and keeping the football.

  12. Exactly. An extra 700 per home game would provide about £10k per game (going v roughly on £15 per person with concessions etc.) £230k per year providing less than £4.5k per week.


    Which would make a very small dent in the £50k per month that we were losing back in 2002-03 rather than the £15k deficit that is happening now...I'd rather take the new stadium option/improved income into the club. Mind you I never was a massive gambler, build strong foundations and they will come.


    ps. that is with ambitions of trying to get out of this league



    * Edit - Apologies I did actually mean £50k per week which was not least in part to building the team required to bring the highest average crowd levels in the last decade (I_C's list). Reminder of the losses

  13. I take your point but that a multi-million pound deal not a loan. Also, they targeted one player in Benjani and we can't be that choosy so should be creating a list of targets based on budget, likelihood etc as a contingency in one fails.


    It just appears that we put all our eggs in one basket, leave it to the last minute and then shrug our shoulders when it all messes up. No contingency, no plan B, no idea.


    I'm just seriously disillusioned at the moment because we're going backwards from last season despite the apparent ambition at start of season, some signings made and the money we have received and is - apparently - available. When we were struggling without a pot to urinate in, Ritchie came up trumps with signings despite having his plums squeezed by Lees.



    Ritchie didn't always get things right when it came to signings!!! I too was frustrated by the January dealings, but unfortunately I don't think you can put all the blame / suggest there is no plan B. After all we were only 2 agents away from having 2 strikers signed up...don't forget the role agents play in what is goldrush season for them (Jan). This is the same management/owners who had the foresight to get Hughes signed up before anyone had a sniff. I do think that this Jan the requirements were more obvious than last years window which was less clear due to injuries and form at the time.


    Shez knew he had to get a striker, left-sided mid/def and another creative midfielder. I think the frustration (certainly mine) was added to by the suspension of Hughes / Davies at the time. We've managed to sort two of the requirements, we are really just missing a decent big striker (not all that common these days).


    I'm confident someone else (possibly 2) might be in within the next week, though unfortunately not before Saturday.


    Incidentally I'd earmarked Hoskins as potentially one, but he looks likely to be going to Forest.

  14. I'm not sure that they would regard stability in this division as mediocrity, especially when you consider the state of the club when they took over-and when you consider that it now appears to be the height of many Latics fans' ambitions.


    I see the other viewpoints (there is actually only one) only too clearly.


    'Also, before you try making out that my post says we forgo promotion over building off-field activities - it doesn't! Businessmen like TTA don't take on challenges to be mediocre and stay in the same division. The plans for the stadium should be enough (as something that is in the public arena) to confirm this. A stadium like that isn't being built for 3rd division football'


    I'm pretty sure most of the points I've seen by a vast majority on here aren't that fans are settling for this league, I actually take those points to be a view that it shouldn't be promotion at all costs (not that that is your argument either I believe), but more an acceptance that if it doesn't happen this season it won't be too far away.


    I'd be far happier being mid-table in the championship than div 3, but would that be enough for the public of oldham...who knows? I do remember that in our final premiership season the attendances dropped on the previous season as a number got 'bored' with the fact that we weren't on double cup runs every year. But by having a ground/facilities that pay the bills it becomes easier to speculate. Believe me - how easier is it to place bets of £1000 pound when you know you can lose it without it effecting your day-to-day income?

  15. This is simply an excuse. The Oldham public does respond to ambition, as the more successful of recent seasons has proved, but it takes time and consistency to win them over in sufficient numbers. As has also been proved, raising people's hopes, only to dash them with mediocrity the very next season, is no way nto expand a fan base.


    I realise that keeping a decent squad together guarantees nothing-but there is, as we have seen, little chance of getting anywhere on the basis of continual disruption.


    I think if you read it properly corporal I have said that the TTA are looking at other routes to get the income to break-even rather than putting all the eggs in one basket and 'rely' on the oldham public responding in vast numbers. Yes the crowds will rise, but that follows from taking option 1 rather than pursuing the better business option of 80/20 option 2 over option 1.


    Also, before you try making out that my post says we forgo promotion over building off-field activities - it doesn't! Businessmen like TTA don't take on challenges to be mediocre and stay in the same division. The plans for the stadium should be enough (as something that is in the public arena) to confirm this. A stadium like that isn't being built for 3rd division football.


    I just hope you have not so entrenched yourself in your argument that you don't/can't see other view points? After all this board is for debate rather than picking points out of context.

  16. Whether it's 4500, 5500 or 6500 isn't really the point. The real point being that in order for the club to break-even on a budget where (irrespective of where we are or how we are playing) the cost base rises each year. Therefore the club are (in my view) being very sensible by prioritising the need to find a way of meeting this breakeven point and making a profit year on year.


    For football clubs there are two main routes... 1. Spend on assembling the best team possible and speculate that this could get promotion or 2. Create other ways of using assets (ie stadium/land/brand) to ensure income is regular and can grow year on year. Obviously you would like a blend (which is what TTA have tried to do), but at a club the size of ours one will alway win out over the other due to the lack of finance available to do both fully together.


    The TTA have decided that the 2nd route is the priority for now, whilst trying to maximise the funds available on the playing budget. I can't really blame them as they have taken a realistic look at the situation and seen 1st hand over the past 3-4 years that however good or bad the product on the pitch, the Oldham public very rarely responds. Don't forget over the past few years of the TTA we have always been guaranteed signings such as Hughes, Ricketts, Wellens, Gregan, Liddell etc, who come with big reputations and equally large wage demands.


    I take your point Corporal, speculation on the team and producing a high quality product on the pitch is the only way to get crowds back through the turnstiles, and for those of us that go week in week out it is disappointing that we aren't challenging for honours (lord knows we've been waiting long enough!). So spending on the team would in theory get the crowds back.


    However, the resources dictate that (transfer fees aside - which are usually more of a loan arrangement/donation to the club) there is a budget, and indeed a wage structure that dictates what we can do (matched to break-even points). Until this budget can be increased we will always be stuck between a rock and a hard place.


    Mentioning teams like Colchester, Scunthorpe, Blackpool et al in a lot of ways illustrates this point further. It would be more salient to break them down into further groups.

    Colchester - worked to a small budget for many years, with a team of no real stars and a good manager (and the luck that happens sometimes - they were awful at our place/away that season) they got up. You could also put Southend in this category who benefitted from working to a small budget in the basement league, unearthed a gem in Eastwood, got a good young manager and again with a workman like team used their momentum from the previous promotion campaign to get up.

    Blackpool, Scunthorpe, Hull (and to some extent Swansea) have all benefitted from new stadiums to a greater or lesser extent. You may question Blackpool, but I spend a great deal of time, have a number of clients who work in offices at Bloomfield road. Indeed pretty much the whole PCT is based there, giving the club a large income from off-field activities. Same goes for Hull, having again worked very closely with the key people involved in bringing their stadium to fruition.


    The one point I will take issue with is the suggestion that there is no plan, or this plan is just some kind of pr tool peddled to gulible fans. The TTA are hardened businessmen who have made a fortune. As someone who owns their own businesses, let me assure you that there is absolutely no way that the TTA have not got a business plan to turn this club into a self-sufficient and successful entity. I don't need to see it to know the bones of what it will contain, and as a private limited company they have no obligation to share it (if they did I'm sure the podantic on here would pick the bones out of every sentence for double-meanings). I guess that requires some faith that the people running our club know what needs to be done to make our club great again. Having seen the TTA in action and their track record at building sustainable businesses, I have faith that it will work and they know better than me who as a fan just wants us to win promotion playing fantastic football and with the best players in the league. B)

  17. To be fair there is nothing wrong with having greedy strikers. The problems come when they are being greedy in non-goalscoring positions ie out wide/or with 3,4,5 players to beat. Some of the greediest strikers, Shearer, Owen are also the best. The trick is that they are greedy when goalscoring opportunities come along. Lee Hughes does this, unfortunately Davies over the past few months hasn't as he is going looking for the ball. I think this is defo what Shez (and many fans on here) when he keeps encouraging Davies to stay central. All good goalscorers need that greedy streak, and we have two in Hughes and Davies who are - the key is getting the midfield balance right to ensure these guys can stay in goalscoring positions.

  18. I think Shez is perfectly within his rights to make such comments. Don't forget he's spent years with some of these kids and more importantly he knows all there is to know about their traits and characteristics. It isn't out of order. Try this angle, Shez has said this behind close doors many times to Aless and Aless is that talented he could be big...but things come quite naturally and therefore he does slack off in training a bit. He also knows that Aless is the kind of character that will get fired up by placing such a comment in public so therefore 2 birds, one stone...and we end up with a talented young player with a point to prove.


    To me this is what Shez was looking to do, which is why he hasn't singled players out with such comments before...perhaps a Taylor, Smalley, Davies are the kind of characters that need an arm round, whereas Aless reacts well to this type of thing.


    On the subject of set pieces, anyone else get the feeling that Shez gets so frustrated (being the master at delivery) that he just ends up taking all the set pieces in training in order to ensure the balls in are delivered with quality. Come matchday noone else has had chance to practice... :ohno:

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