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Posts posted by lookers87

  1. Gotta be Vernon surely? :wink:


    To take the theme of an earlier thread...could've been Stuart Elliot...donny spies in the car park again! :disguise:


    More likely they got something sorted out earlier and didn't want to have to announce early in the day that that was it. So they're waiting a while to release the news...that's my optimistic take on it anyway.

  2. have to agree bigfin. The one attribute I don't think you can attach to Trotters is that he is more technically gifted on the ground...!


    As i said to my mate the other week, trotters reminded me of Danny :censored:tu in his build and slightly ungainly style, probably the kind of guy that oppo fans will look and wonder if they have a chance against and yet will end up going for big money and have a very successful career at the highest levels.


    Mind you if there was a way for him to flick the ball up to his head everytime he got it, his distribution would be up there with shez.

  3. lol you are thinking of big Gordon.




    :grin: At least if we did there's someone at the club to base the shirt measurements on, esp having seen the Hartson appearance on the same Ipswich-Norwich game.

    There are plenty of other options around, which I am more than confident Shez is aware of. I reckon the Clarke call could well be the one that happens. Having done a quick trawl of the championship squads though there are plenty of decent quality not catching their first teams...Bridges, Odejayi, Clarke, Stephen Elliot, Stuart Elliot just to name a few.


    Looking at it the 1 month is probably because it is an emergency loan deal - done to get him registered quickly for tonight. Chances are that it will revert to the 3month (3rd May) once the paperwork is completed in full tomorrow. Hence the reason why Preston have announced 3rd May as that is what the formal deal will be.


    A friend of mine has spent a lot of time with Jason. Seems to be one of those with a great deal of talent, but rather enjoys the off-field perks. That coupled with some unfortunate injury luck is the reason for the nomadic career. Potentially a good signing though - think a more classy macca-type.

  5. It was a bit of a suprise when they announced the attendance, but as has been pointed out already it is nigh on impossiple for clubs to 'cook' the attendances these days...for all manner of interested parties.


    Besides this is a conspiracy theory that does the rounds at most FL grounds. Most of the Burnley fans I know were talking about exactly the same thing yesterday - apparently they had more in than was announced.


    Let's face it, it's impossible to 'see' every empty seat in the ground from any one spot.

  6. I have to agree. A wider campaign needs to highlight the fact that £80m of private moneyfor investment in facilities in the town is being blocked by a handful (in relative terms). So unless the council has £80m of taxpayers money to spend, the facilities won't be built.


    With the other news in the press re: council spending this week, it is a prime time to be hitting the populus of Oldham with this kind of message. Less of a latics message (that can continue alongside) and more of a message that we have been offered a huge Christmas present which won't impact on the current council taxpayers pocket to develop facilities that give our town a better future.


    This would allow us to join forces with the likes of Theatre Workshop and other disaffected groups. Have the TTA thought of entering discussions with Theatre Workshop about providing facilities in the new stadium??? What a PR coup that could be!

  7. Also in tonights Chron...see the final para....




    ‘Garage scheme rushed through’








    A GRASSCROFT man has claimed proper consideration was not given to a planning application because of the discussions over the Boundary Park proposals at last week’s planning meeting.




    Michael Crebbin, of High Grove Road, said he felt cheated after councillors approved a resubmitted application for a detached double garage in Westfield Drive, to which he had objected.


    The application, originally approved in October, 2006, was resubmitted after it was found to differ from original plans such as its position and changes to its entrance.


    Saddleworth Parish Council recommended refusal two months ago but planning officers said it should be approved.


    Last week’s meeting saw a two-hour debate over plans from the development of the Oldham Athletic site.




    Mr Crebbin (68) claims photos shown at the meeting were not of the current build and he added: “The owners moved the garage two metres from its original site and had to build it up 5ft because of the steep drive, so the roof level is 5ft higher.


    “The photo shown wasn’t of the garage in question. There was inadequate consideration because of the Latics application.”


    Mr Willerton said: “The council’s planning committee spent a lengthy time considering the Oldham Athletic proposals as they were major applications.


    “However, this was not to the detriment of other matters. The application was heard in accordance with procedures and adequate time was spent on it.”


    Agent Warren Greenway, director of Wildesign, said: “The planning officers are more qualified than the councillors to make a decision and they recommended approval.”

  8. Not wanting to appear podantic on this, as it is important at this time...but in the interview with Carl Marsden back on 25th April (?) as already posted by Diego), Mr Bashforth is quoted as saying...


    “I do not believe I have acted improperly here and believe that I have a strong responsibility and moral duty to listen to constituents' concerns and give them the best advice I can.”


    In the Chronicle interview featured on Friday 16th November Councillor Bashforth says...


    Councillor Bashforth said: “I have never told residents I would come down one way or another or given them advice. "


    Is it me or is that a contradictory statement? Another point to raise in the responses to the councillors and the leaders of the council?





    posted this on another thread, but would be worth making the point. Thank goodness we have access to some local papers that are prepared to be journalists not splinter cushions.

  9. ...I'm not defending Shez's choice of who he took off yesterday, I think he got that wrong. But I do just want to defend this 'never a tactical sub' thing that always seems to get levelled by fans (not just us) when a result doesn't go. Yesterday as we were having a lot of pressure but just couldn't find a way through, Shez changed it to 4-3-3 with his sub of Mcdonald - Allott being the holding mid with KK and Taylor (who then came back into the game)playing just in front and hughes, smalley and davies up front. He then changed hughes for wolfy pushing smalley more to the centre and finally the sub of smalley (which I think was mis-timed for the poor lad) was to go narrower with KK playing in behind wolfy and davies - therefore basically playing 3 at the back (trotters, stam and Kalala) with everyone else pushed up the field.


    Looks like he was trying to me - as I said I do question whether the personnel were the right ones, but that was the most tactical subs I've ever seen Shez make in one game. I still believe that it just a matter of time and some of the other personnel being back in and around the team, fit and firing, and these last few months of toil will pay off big time...chin up!

  10. The lad is in his first full season. It was disgraceful that his substitution was cheered. He had a bit of a stinker today, but we should be encouraging our young lads to keep going - not get on their backs. It doesn't help when the team is struggling, hopefully Hughesy will be firing soon because the amount of crosses that are going in without anyone on the end of them a player like hughesy should be in for a feast.

  11. There are going to be a few short speeches before the March starts. Alan Hardy; Barry Owen and myself will be saying a few words before Sheridans_World starts the rally with his Battlecry.



    Some inspiration for S_W and Inspiral...with apologies to the great Winston Churchill...


    One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half.


    We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job.


    Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.


    History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.


    Sir Winston Churchill

    British politician (1874 - 1965)

  12. Except he won't provide the crosses because he can not cross the ball consistantly well and he doesn't have his head to enable him to pick out the right pass. If Davies is stuck out on the wing then he will get to the byeline yes but when he gets there he will either put a rubbish ball into the box or more than likely he will try and cut inside and take all the defenders on and more often than not end up losing the ball. For me he is a "super sub" bring him on against tired league one centre halfs and they will be scared to death of him and end up giving silly free kicks away. If Bertrand is on the wing then who is playing left back? Bertrand is doing a decent job of left back there is no need to move him. If you want to put Davies on a wing then stick him on the left at least then he will be on his right foot when he cuts insde


    Fair points, I've been saying for the last couple of games that once Hughes is back I think that Davies needs some bench time. He could have a massive influence as an impact player from the bench ala Wayno.

  13. Just can't understand this poll at all. Typical of a short-term media obsessed culture. Thank goodness Big Joe wasn't sacked in the 87/88 season when we were awful on the back of the previous playoff years or we'd have never seen the 'pinch me years'. Yes, Shez has made mistakes, but he deserves more than a little time to get things right. Changing managers every other year only leads us down the path of large scale changes..staff, players etc and allows no time for proper planning, both on the playing side and the financial side. I for one think that so far we've had a team that due to injuries, suspensions and lack of playing time together has yet to form any understanding. A fit hughes back, a few more 1st teamers back in contention and extended playing time for the various combinations on the pitch and things could click very quickly.


    I for one look at the run of games coming up and fancy our chances, after all it has always been the case that we fire better against the 'bigger'/top of the table teams - so why not now. I also look at the fact that it is Orient, Carlisle etc who are up there and no one is running away with it. We are due a run of good results and if that happens we could well be there or there abouts by the turn of the year. There is ALWAYS one team in this division that gets off to an awful start and then goes on a run towards the end of the season. Why can't it be us?


    Give him time and keep the faith

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