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Posts posted by smartzatart

  1. Why did the players come out after half time and assume the game was won? That was the start of there downfall. I hope Paul Dickov reminds them thats theres 2 halves!!

    Personally I would have them in training at 7am in the freezing cold running round doing laps as punishment.


    Also, Winchester was nackered he should of been subbed, no excuse . It should of been noticed!!


    Whats everyone elses views of the 2nd half?


    They missed the penalty mate, we drew 3-3 :shock:

  2. Gotta say I really like this lad, very confident on the ball and reminds me a lot of Lee. He's got a fair bit to learn but I think he's got a lot more potential the Black.


    Him struggling at the end of tonight's game was a mixture of fitness, inexperience and lack of cover/help but I think he's gonna be class.


    Couldn't agree more, class act in the making :grin:

  3. Tonight is not the night for optimism, we have every right to moan and feel pessimistic. We have to pull out a performance equal to our first half performance, for 90 minutes on Saturday if we have a chance of winning. Dale are good at home, even tonight they came from behind to get something. They are very resilient and Keith Hill will have them even more fired up for Saturday. I said a draw would be a good result. But now, only a win will make up for tonight.


    Did they win tonight :huh:

  4. I agree, I'd hate to play against him. Just gutted it took him a while to figure out Winchester needed help, he was busting a gut to get over and help just as Winchester fouled Nardiello. If he'd have gone right back we'd have won that game easy.


    He was dead on his feet after around 60 mins, I'd have taken him off and put Jones in the middle

  5. It would seem Smarts is airing to the side he won't be staying if I am reading it correctly. Given he's quite close to KL then I guess that's how it is right now.


    Not at all Lags, I'd fully expect Kieran to be here for the long haul, I'm just not sure how he'd be able to consider a contract offer if he's not actually got one yet :shock:

  6. You've changed your response. This reply does not make sense..........of course the status quo has changed........he has allegedly been offered a contract extension........ :huh:?!


    I originally posted to say that (according to his agent) Keiran wanted to stay and that he was still awaiting and hoping for a contract offer from Oldham.........nothing more!!


    Just recently I posted to say that he has recieved an extension to his contract which he is considering........what gives........... :disappointed:


    I could keep this information to myself........but I figured fellow tics would be interested to know where contract negotiations were at.




    'All and sundry'.........never been called that before :wink:.........however I'm sure you didn't mean anything by it!!


    Regarding Keiran, his agent and the club.........I wasn't told in confidence and he didn't go out of his way to keep this a seeeeecret...........and I am neither Keiran, his agent or the club.........but yeah I guess I'd be a little pissed off being talked about in the public domain.......therefore I will say no more.


    Other than to say he should sack his agent (he's no good anyway) :lol: :lol:


    Better to deal with the facts mate :wink:


  7. :lol:


    I have no issues... well not of that nature anyway. :unsure:


    Living in Wilmslow one has to accept one is surrounded by morons who think it's ok to park their 4x4s (that have never been off road by the way) in disabled bays because they're "in a rush".


    And it ain't jealousy - I could afford a Merc/Audi/Beemer if I wanted. But I'm an old git now so I'll probably get a Jag instead. <_<


    You can only afford a Jag and you live in Wilmslow, I think you might need to reconsider your postal code aspirations :wink:

  8. I think Rosa's main error there is omitting Audis.


    You should see what it's like in Wilmslow - Range Rovers, Mercs, BMWs, Audis abandoned all over the place, using disabled spaces, double yellows, blocking junctions, you name it.


    And I guarantee not one of them is earnt and paid for, all on tick in their vain attempt to be middle class...




    By the way, Earl is indeed a truly top bloke, and doesn't deserve his thread to be dragged off topic like this! :grin:


    I wonder what car Earl drives :shock:


    Seems that both Rosa and yourself have a few issues you need to get sorted :wink:

  9. Although this still is not fact (just a nod, wink and verbal indication), I have it on good authority (his agent) that the club have now offered Keiran an extension which his agent is recommending!!


    Looks like we are building for life after this season :shock:


    That may be the case now but it wasn't when you posted originally :wink:


    If I were Kieran or the club though, I'd be mightily pissed off if my agent was discussing confidential information with all and sundry!!

  10. +1. Except for the bit about not being a fan of traffic wardens. I think they're great. Nothing funnier than watching a 4x4/BMW/Merc getting a ticket. And if you park on the pavement you can't complain if someone knocks your wing mirror off.


    Nothing worse than someone being jealous over other people's possessions, especially when they've probably worked their arse's off to be able to afford them :grin:

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