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Posts posted by wozz_oafc

  1. I'd be willing to bet something along these lines. In January there must be so few available cheap enough options available it must be pretty difficult to get quality in. This has to be done over the off season when these players are panicing over a contract, not when they are sitting on a nice juicy one. Do that and hope that if we do need someone come the January period it is either as backup, or just the odd player.


    To those who think Sheridan didn't try and bring in players in the January period, in came Jordan Robertson, Richard O'Donnell, Leon Constantine, David Livermore and Jason Jarrett. That's five players! How much more can a manager on limited resources do?


    I agree entirely, i think some people think getting players is just like Footy Manager. You have to pay a lot for quality in January as people are tied to contracts. Its not like there was a flurry of activity in the premier where all the money was. The only real transfers of note was Anelka and Defoe and Benjani and the knock on affects of the Anelka money changing hands at Bolton.

  2. Would much prefer "I've thought about this long and hard since the weekend and realised that I'm out my depth as a manager. More than happy to remain as a coach and help the transition for whoever you decide to appoint and will give them my full support"


    So he was out of his depth last season when we made the play offs? I see. Whos that coming in a dream team of Royle and Ritchie wow! THATS gonna GUARANTEE promotion!! Or have you got someone else amazing in mind? I think we should promote Dux he used to give his all! Oldham through and through that boy!

  3. Please not Ritchie or Royle...this is one season ticket holder who will not be returning for a long time if Shez is replaced by either of these!! Im fully behind Shez and if he does go i am not gonna get a season ticket next season on the principal (however stupid or obsurd) that we cant keep chopping and changing managers when a club our size is finishing in the top half of the division. Shez was the legend everyone wanted in so please stick by him at least for the start of the next season. Bringing in either of these would IMO not guarantee success look to the future not the past!!!

  4. The Chris Taylor debut stands out from recent seasons, we have often had young players come through only to be dissapointed when they have reached the first team.


    Craig Davies didnt do to badly this season either, getting the pen and scoring the winner.


    Didnt Fitz Hall have a great debut vs stoke? keeping Burton quiet and scoring a goal could be wrong though

  5. I can't stand the 'loyal supporters' chant, it is so cringe worthy. Our best song is definitely owtb's but only when done properly, we seem to have got in the habit of doing it at break neck speed and it just fizzles out.


    Nottingham Forest away this season was the best away game, we need to do the 'lets pretend we've scored a goal' thing more often it was genius! The Forest just looked so confused.


    Forest away this year was brilliant, i enjoyed the "Outsung by 200 Fans!" as well dont think they liked that as they had no reply haha and a well earned point as well, one of the more entertaining 0 - 0s ive been to.

  6. i would argue that product on the pitch isnt the issue there has been much worse, its been over expectations coupled with the fact people are gettin bored with stagnating in this division. We would probably in theory get better attendances challenging for the title of the division below say rather than challenging mid table for the play offs in this division.

  7. What happens when sheridan goes though? who the :censored: comes in? i am genuinely worried about where this club will head with another new man in charge! Whether you like Shez or not is noone else worried by the revolving door to the managers office. A new man will not guarantee success TTA will not keep giving new managers money to spend just to have to sack them every 2 years for coming in the top half, we dont have the resources to keep going like this. If we do keep doing this and the new guy buys in and :censored:s up royally this club will be heading down and then i really fear for its future!!

  8. We have been left behind forever to ply our trade in the bottom two divisions IMO.

    Football is a dying sport.






    I have to agree with you there Derek IMO the chance to get out of this division was the Dowie playoff season when we along with a few other teams had some genuine quality...obviously bankrolled by that Chris Moore. If we had of gone up that season I couldnt of seen us go back down with a lot of poor teams in the Championship.


    I am firmly in the Shez in camp because i am fed up of seeing manager after manager go through the revoliving door of BP. We massively overacheived last season i believe. We had a good starting XI but in all honesty a crap squad, and i dont think that many fans truley realise how much we would miss Wellens and Porter. In Wellens we had someone who could dominate the midfield at times and as he was always an outlet for the ball. If we had kept him I am sure he and Allott would have formed a brilliant partnership. In Porter we had a true goalscorer who could bundle in goals off his arse, he may have missed a lot of chances but like all good strikers he was there to miss them we dont really have that now.


    Again this season i think we had the players to put out a fairly good starting XI when fully fit but again we have had a crap squad. And without Wellens we just cant control games like we could last season. We just dont have the experience in reserve to mount a serious promotion push over the whole season, we have had to rely on extremely inexperienced kids to get us through with a sprinkling of loan players...which IMO is why Shez is doing a good job at keeping us in the top half.


    What this season has allowed us to do is therefore get these kids much valued experience which we can build on next year if we manage to strengthen in the right areas with experience in the summer which is why Shez should stay at least for one more season.


    However if we dont attract the players, we have to remember as fans that we are no longer a big club. We have the 6th worst attendances in the division i think. It is hard for a club like ours to attract players of real quality when competing with the likes of Doncaster, Leeds, Carlisle, Forest and probably Sheffield Wednesday next year. And despite what people might say BP is turning into a morgue full of moaners ready to jump on the players and managers backs at every oppourtunity.


    I think if our club is to succeed again in the future (unless there is a sudden influx of fans) we need to adopt a small club mentality and try and get behind the team through thick and thin, making it enjoyable to come to BP even if the football on show is not always great. Its all very well us older ones moaning but you have to remember what gets the new young fans through the door pestering to come again. When i first came when I was 8 or 9 it wasnt the quality of football on offer (we were in the top division at the time and i often couldnt see over people on the terraces) it was the whole atmosphere of going to the football that i enjoyed. Now i know that atmospheres have been stiffled etc by stadiums becoming all seater etc but i dont think coming to BP has ever been as dire an experience as it is becoming at the moment. By this i mean there is a genuine air of negativity at BP which I havent experienced before in my 17 or so years of watching Oldham.


    If Shez does go and we get a new man im scared of what happens if the new man does badly, does he get sacked as well? will attendances drop even further. It might be a worse case scenario but if this was to happen how long would it be before we dropped into the basement division. Maybe its time we re-evaluate what kind of club we are supporting and re-evaluate our expectations because for a club of our size we are talking about getting rid of a manager who is keeping us in the top half of the table with a team full of kids, not a bad achievement. Of course i want promotion, but i can never see this happening until we have some form of consistancy in terms of the management so they can really get things right.


    Waffle over:)

  9. Ruben cost us at Luton I did not see him running over to him after he conceded a penalty... If before the end of the season I see another silly mistake by a Latics player and I see the same aggression from Eardley towards any player then I will take it all back. Some how I doubt it though.....


    Fair play he might not get so aggresive with other players as he would probably get some back but i really dont see how players and managers shouting at each other has suddenly become such an issue this season, its always gone on and always will, its part and parcel of football.

  10. Anybody else notice Eardley yesterday..... its the last couple of minutes and our nervous looking keeper playing only his 3rd game for the club takes a goal kick and slips on his ar*e whilst kicking..... The ball goes straight to Jason Price with what looks like a clear run on goal, hearts are in the mouth but nothing comes of it.....


    So Eardley decides to run 5-10 yards towards him pointing in his face and generally giving the lad a bol*ocking.... This really gets to me as apart from my own thoughts on him not being a suibtible captain he probably has the worst pass completion rate at the club.... The poor keeper slipped on his ar*e for gods sake. He needed encouragement not some jumped up 19 year old shouting in his face.. I would like to have seen him do that to any other player on the pitch - it would not have happened.


    Please pass the armband onto Allott, a man who doesnt let his head drop after five minutes, he doesnt back chat the manager, he wouldnt dish out the sort of needless abuse to a 18 year old keeper....


    Captain my ar*e


    Its this over reaction by fans to every single incident which now happens on the pitch which is turning this season into a joke!!


    Shock Horror captain nearly :censored: keeper for throwing away a point...wheres your post titled "Hazell Yesterday" did you see him disgracefully shouting at 20 year old Lomax when we let in the goal how dare he do that he should be encouraging the young player.

  11. ill renew unless Shez goes, this season might not have been the greatest but ive seen much worse since we have been in this division. I honestly believe if we bring in another manager we will be in the same place in 2 years time with people calling for his head and then so on and so on and i just cant be bothered any more if we are not going to have any stability.

  12. I'd love to see it....maybe then you can tell me what it's like to have a thousand odd people shotuing this, that and everything for 90 minutes for every little mistake....or anything which doesn't resemble Premiership quality football.


    I think thats where the problem lies, there is so much good football on the TV people lose touch with reality, people are turning up and expecting premiership football because thats what they are bombarded with all week. This season may not have been the promotion push we have all expected and i am as dissapointed with that as the next person but there is a massive over reaction to how bad we are actually doing. The majority of the game today was played with 6 or 7 midfielders on the pitch not an ideal situation. But with some of the abuse being hurled at the team and players todayyou would have thought we had our full 1st 11 out there.

  13. Its no secret that Wellens wanted to stay, and I am led to understand it was i signing on fee that was the issue. Thats the biggest dropped bollock of the whole summer, and we have paid the price with a disjointed miss match of a midfield ever since. I wonder if shez is kicking himself now about favouring a KK loan???? We will never know!


    Is that genuinely true though? did Wellens really want to stay? If that is actually true then yes I agree we did drop a bollock but I am dubious. At the end of the Blackpool defeat his body language to me made it look like he would be off.


    Ive never heard that he did want to stay and i dont really buy into this rumours heard off a friend of a friend, who knows Paul Blacks sister etc. There are too many assumptions and just damn right lies circulated by fans when it comes to whats going on behind the scenes of a football club.

  14. I think the better players move on later on in the summer - no chance of securing people now at our level as its the good players at league 1 level which hold the power as they can choose from the offers on the table.


    I predict the early part of next season will go like this: a summer which starts full of moaning about not signing people when a few other clubs are, Yeovil will snap up Jack Lester on a free, why the hell didnt we sign him!!! Then there will be a flurry of transfer activity by ourselves, followed by muchos debating on the merit of our new signings, especially any of those returning to the club, then there will be a blind optimism that we have finally got the missing pieces to the jigsaw, that our new striker is the best in the division and Lee Hughes will get 30+ goals with a full preseason under his belt. Then the season will roll into action and after a slow start Shez will shuffle the pack a bit and the boys will pick up, oh and a couple of signings will instantly become boo-boys as they fail to live up to their (over)hype:)

  15. Where did I say they weren't good enough.


    I merely said that IMO we need somebody with experience to help Shez out at times.


    The problem with that is the more experienced man may want to much say and disrupt what Shez wants to achieve...look at that Peterborough programme with Big Ron - I cant see Shez sticking around with someone else coming in, he seems a strong character and I am sure he wants to do things his way. I cannot for the life of me see him staying if we get someone experienced him to correct him during team talks and to point him in the right direction for potential signings and tell him where his tactics are going wrong etc.

  16. If somehow we did do a Blackpool and snuck up through the play offs would it be a good idea and what do you think would happen?


    Would our promising young side be descimated for Championship Journeymen? Or do you think we would stick with the kids and add a sprinkling of quality? Or would it make sense to stay down add a few signings and let the kids mature a bit more at this level first and push on for promotion next season?


    Id think the last option would be most beneficial but it would be nice to sneak into the championship!!

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