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Posts posted by wozz_oafc

  1. Does anyone who thinks that Shez :censored: the players too much ever watch Sheridan as a player when he played for us? He constantly shouted and swore at those around him as a player when people were messing up and doing things wrong, i doubt hes going to change that now. He is passionate about the game and out team, i am sure some things get said in the heat of the moment, but id rather he puts the pressure on the team rather than continuously big them up. Praise should come after the jobs done, which it seems it has.


    I think people should also remember Sheridan has managed the majority of our team at the youth or reserve? level so i would suggest he may know a bit more about how to get the best out of them than we do.


    I know someone who had a good chat with one of the players recenltly and by all accounts they had nothing but praise for Shez.


    I would like to add that this is not to say he has not made mistakes he is obviously still learning all the time, but the way he treats the players during the game is IMO not one of the areas he is going wrong.

  2. There is nothing wrong with our defense its up top and in the midfield where things are going wrong. I agree Stam hasnt been as good as he used to be but i dont think he is playing as bad as some people believe, if we beating teams 3-1 2-1 etc rather than losing 1-0 would we even be talking about defensive frailties despite letting in the same amount of goals? The defence this season has stood up well - its the other areas we have been lacking in mainly in Midfield IMO where we have failed to dominate games.

  3. This division has been awful since the Dowie Playoff season, when IMO there was some real quality in this league, was that around the time of itv digital so the clubs had a bit of money. Back then i think Oldham, Crewe, Bristol City, Cardiff, QPR, Wigan and Tranmere all had quality sides which would all have done well in the Championship.


    The division then had players like Chris Armstrong, Fitz Hall, Jason Koumas, Rob Hulse, Dean Ashton, Gary Teale, (a younger faster?) Andy Liddell, Big Clyde, Danny :censored:tu, Ian Hume and im sure loads more which are still plying their trade further up the football pyramid.

  4. If we change the manager again whats going to happen when we finish mid table again next year? are we going to sack them as well? What if we scrape into the play offs next season then finish mid table? sack him after two seasons and start all over again? Its just an endless cycle and if we continue in this vain whats the point in the fans continuing to go and the TTA continuing to back us as we will still be going through the same motions in 10 years time. We need some continuity and like it or not Shez has the job at the moment and needs to be given more time.


    This season IMO has been one of over expectations, massive over reactions. We arent great but we arent awful, the league table shows that.

  5. If we can keep this young team together and continue to add a bit of quality here and there then i think we will mount a serious challenge soon, i maybe wrong but is any other team with our inexperience managing to do as well as we are? If we are patient i our and our young players continue to develop it can only be a good thing. As mentioned above, i dont think it would necessarily be good if we went up this season as we would probably sign a load of journeymen and come straight back down breaking up this young squad in the process!

  6. The problem i have with the moaning this year is that it seems completely unjustified...if we had splashed the cash around on older more experienced players for a serious promotion push i could understand, but the fact that on the whole its a team full of youngsters which is getting the abuse is just out of order.


    And then its the randomness of abuse, for example, Smalley falls over in front of goal = hes S**t get off the Fing pitch etc. Alessandra does it, its unlucky Alessandra well played keep going! why is it one rule for one player and one for another.


    Funnyiest bit of abuse was from the idiot behind me who went on a massive rant at Davies for getting tackled in the box in the first half when it was infact Alessandra! If thats not just people moaning for the sake of moaning at someone i dont know what is.

  7. I think singling Davies out as being the problem because he is selfish is just a tad harsh. Yes he can be - but Hughes is no better, the pair of them are constantly trying to out do the other.

    We saw how strikers should link up on Tuesday with Smalley and Allessandra, 90% of the time they knew where each other were and what each other were going to do, the other 10% of the time they would get the ball, heads up and look for each other.

    I can't remember the last time Hughes, or Davies actually lifted their head and looked at who might be in a better position when they are going towards goal. Yes all strikers need a certain amount of selfishness but I think they take it a little too far and it isnt benefitting anybody.

    People have been very quick to forget that up until the 24th of November when Hughes got his goals at Bournemouth Davies had scored 5 goals in the league and apart from the one at Walsall, everyone had an impact in terms of the points it won for us. The six points those 4 goals gained for us mean we aren't sat 1 place above the relegation zone, where we would have been without them. Back then he was the hero, everbody loved him. All of a sudden Hughes is the big hero and people are on CD's back far far too easily.

    I'm not saying he doesn't frustrate me at times with maybe taking the wrong option or being greedy because he does, but to single him out as the 'main problem' is rubbish.

    Maybe if we had a little creativity in midfield or more to the point width on both sides of the pitch like we did when Liddell was fit down the right and Taylor down the left then CD would be able to actually play through the middle where he is at his most dangerous - as he was earlier in the season, instead of having to drop into midfield to pick balls up to make something for himself or stand in the box and rely on the 2 wide players putting quality balls into the box for him and whoever he is playing with, as we tried to do before Liddle got injured.


    Sorry - this rant has been building up for weeks now be it sat at games listening to people abuse him (as one bloke did behind me when he came out to do the Strike it Lucky Draw on Tuesday ffs!!!) or read people criticising him on here as if our every problem at the minute is his fault.


    Well said!! I think the win against Carlisle was mainly down to Jarrett coming into the team rather than Davies not being there

  8. There wasn't any activity really. This season is over as far as I can see so looking to build for next season. Livermoore is here for a month after that who knows and Jarett for the season and then who knows. I was hoping to get some people in and bed them in for next season so we're not in the position of wholesale changes every six months, which will never ever result in promotion. Frankly I'm sick of being told we're ambitious and looking for promotion etc when that's clearly not the case. If they said there is no cash because the crowds are low and we're looking for midtable then I'd say fair play, but we're told there is money to strengthen. Yeah the deals may have collapsed for reasons beyond our control but they were frankly piss poor targets anyway... People will say we can still get a striker on loan etc, but that achieves nothing whatsoever and I'd rather that one of our kids played as I'm looking to next year and said loaner will not be here. With all the extra cash and wages cuts we've made and the FACT we were told we would strengthen I looked forward to a summer of little transition, where we might actually start the season in the first week rather than 20 points behind. But again we will start with players who have barely met. Really disappointed.


    Money was made available for the right player not just anyone! As for loan players - lots of teams make good use of the system to get promotion etc. I dont understand why the loan system is suddenly been attacked. Its a good way for small teams like us to get good players. We probably will have a transfer revolving door in the summer again but so will most other teams at our level. I think if your disapointed now you will be for the rest of the time supporting latics the way Football is at our level at the moment.

  9. We have got 500k for a player that has played 21 games = progress. In my eyes anyway, not denying he was a great prospect but Hazell is a ready made replacement and IMO better at the moment there is no guarantees that Trotters was going to continue to develop at the same pace and if he does and PNE sell him we will have some of the future fee too!!

  10. even worse.

    really despise loan signings makes us look amatuer.

    says in interview his face doesnt fit at preston.


    That amateur team up the road Blackpool managed to do alright with their loan signings. Ah well lets get out the check book and splash loads of cash makes us look extra professional. Can make up for the loan signing

  11. The guy who sits behind my dad was having a moan at him all game non-stop and even started doing ironic cheers when he passed the ball the crosselly once. The guy is an absolute tool he only singles out Eardley for abuse when anyone else missed place a pass there was nothing. Im sure Eardley would be the first to admit his distribution isnt always great but for God sake people remember his age.


    IMO he shows great maturity for a 19 year old, I mean how many that age want to be writing the programme notes etc, thats something usually saved for the more experienced members of the team, he is clearly passionate about the club as well.


    As for his defending he is very solid even when he isnt playing particularly well, I think thats why he is prefered to Lomax at RB, who can probably pass a ball better. He's playing a major part in one of the best defences in the division so id like to hope people will cut him some slack. Im sure he will continue to train hard and improve the weaker aspects of his game.

  12. Absolutley disgusting, if indeed the stewards were just stood watching they then should be sacked and the people who threw the objects should each recieve a lift time ban.


    They were just stood and watching on Saturday when it happened they looked a bit scared to do anything. Think the stewards at BP are a discrace to be honest they need to get their priorities sorted..more concerned with trying to nullify the atmosphere than sort out any real incidents.

  13. We seem unable to compete with Carlisle, Doncaster, Colchester, Blackpool, Southend etc either. You know-footballing giants like that?


    And then there's Swansea with their 3,000 gates in the division below us not long ago....


    That's what I love about supporting Latics-the sense of progress and the iron will to compete.


    and then theres our amazing 4000 gates in the same division!

  14. Given the amount of sitters he's missed, I think his future will be on the wing.


    Football is about confidence!! especially when young just look at Taylor! your naive to think that missing a few sitters at his age means he cant play upfront, hes managed to get in those positions to miss them, lets just wait and see eh.

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