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Posts posted by outoftheblue

  1. Oh dear! Has someone dared to suggest PD made a mistake?

    With around half an hour to go our defence was left weakened when Trot was pushed up front. It was a bold move that backfired when Hazell goofed again and there was no cover. 2-0.

    Dickov is a breath of fresh air, but that was a crazy tactical move when we are suspect at the back and we have forwards on the bench. Another one to learn from Paul?

  2. Not unless he recognises our weak link.

    There are other sows ears to use.

    I like dickov, and the style of play, but after letting 4 in against pools, you'd expect a tighter defence, but unfortunately Hazell let them down again.

    Also, why are we never first to a penalty rebound? Are we learning nothing?

  3. Always was. Always will be.

    The match has been ruined by the complete incompetence of him, the referee and dickov.

    There, I've said it, and make no apology.


    Trots up front with 25 mins left and forwards on the bench? Crazy dickov.

    Hazell captain? Unbelievable dickov.

    It's 2-1 to dale and Hazell is silent. :censored:.

  4. "Yeah my friends were pissed, drugged up and driving like dicks and crashed a car at 60mph, after speeding off after knowing Police wanted to pull them over."


    As I said at the time, thank goodness nobody innocent was killed in this.

    Can we have a 'Like' button, similar to the one on Facebook?

  5. The Golden Disc was on Manchester St, just lower down than The Regent, until it moved to the Hilton(?) Arcade in 1985ish. Previously, there were two record shops in the arcade, one of them being Javelin records, the other was a National brand (Possibly HMV?) but may have been named Arcade Records at some point IIRC.

    Both Woolworths and Littlewoods also had record departments, and the Tommyfield Market had two good record stalls, plus there was briefly a stall that sold ex-jukebox records (With the centres missing). This is in addition to the stall in the inside market.

    As for Manchester, my punk singles were usually bought from either Underground Records in the underground market at Spring Gardens, or Piccadilly Records at Piccadilly Plaza. From around 1980 I discovered Yanks records in a back street warehouse near Oxford St which was mega cheap for albums (The first album I bought from there was The Dead Kennedy's Fresh Fruit For Rotting Veg, which was about £2 cheaper than the usual £6 an album).

    Another good source for rarities was on Oldham Rd Failsworth near the Hollinwood border on a corner (Robert St?) at the back of a newsagents. I can't remember the guys name there, but he rarely let you down if you asked him to get you an obscure disc.

  6. lol Dad is maths.... of course doesn't need to spell!!! But his class got 21 A*s and 5 A's in June Exams. He also got 27 adults through to a C in 9 1/2 weeks.......

    Thanks for taking the criticism in good spirit! After I posted, I thought 'That could cause World War 3!', but you can't really edit a post when you've just had a dig at literacy standards, can you? :grin:


    They're impressive results that your Dad has obtained, and as Rudemedic says, it's nice to see a teacher with a good work ethos, and a positive attitude towards the welfare and education of the kids, rather than simply seeing them as an integral part of their career.

    Unfortunately, my Facebook home page is littered with status updates from teacher friends who are delighted to be given 'Snow days' and are praying for the school to be closed further. That said, they are almost all young and newly qualified teachers and assistants, so it could well be that they are indicative of the younger society today.

    No pride in themselves, their pupils, nor their own standards. I fear for our Country's future if the blind are being led by the blind.


    As for the Emergency Services, there are shirkers in all walks of life, but in general the people who join those services genuinely enjoy helping people and make every effort to do so. They don't often last long in those kinds of jobs if they're not cut out for them, so you're more likely to see those workers putting in the extra effort to get to work.

  7. Whilst I completely agree with everything you have said, Hallam Blue's Dad, I sincerely hope you don't teach English Language.

    That was one of the most difficult posts to read since Royle Army was at his height.


    I have a great deal of family and friends who are teachers at various levels, and it amazes me that their poor standards of literacy don't appear to get in the way of their career.

    This isn't a bitter rant, but it does become apparent why the youth of today cannot converse or spell correctly.

    Maybe when the schools are closed to the pupils, they should hold literacy lessons there for the teachers?






  8. We have plenty of pace, so why are White and Evina drawn in towards the middle of the park so often?

    A quick team should have players hugging the touchlines and spreading the opponents wider. That way the midfielders are being allowed more time on the ball to be creative rather than defensive.

    Far too often on Saturday we were scrapping for loose balls rather than using width (Black was so far out of position at times, he looked like he was playing as a right centre-back). We are quick, and we are creative, so why fight for scraps in midfield for 65 minutes, when we could have teams on the back foot for 90 minutes?

  9. The vast majority of Exeter's attacks were down the left. The highlights are not going to show this as they focus on the goals, which did indeed come mainly from the right.

    What does this prove? Cock all.

    It was clear to see what Exeter were doing, and Jones was sent on to do a job that he is capable of doing, but failed to do so. That said, Stephens also failed to do his bit, Furman started misplacing passes, Hazell didn't react quick enough to loose balls - need I go on?

    I don't think anyone is looking for a scapegoat, but Jones is getting flak for not supporting Winchester when he was effectively given the most important task on the pitch in doing so.

    I personally thought the subs were made too closely together. Yes, players were tiring, but the subs should have been eased in rather than the whole structure and balance of the side being changed almost instantaneously.

    I'm sure wee Paul will have learned something there.

  10. That IS good news. However, I have to agree with Prozac, in suggesting it is Rubes who is the greater cause for concern at the back.

    Occasionally we see glimpses of a very capable defender, but quite often he spoils it with inept performances and huge bollock-drops.

    Of course, we all see it differently, but on Tuesday night a few of his failings were discussed during the first half by a small group of us, and sure enough, when the pressure was on in the second half, he vindicated some of the points we raised.

    A few MOM performances suggest that it may just be concentration levels he struggles with.

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