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Posts posted by Tommy_Fent

  1. By and large, home fans don't want to sit in the away end even if it is a utopia (it isn't. It's a no frills stand with basic facilities. I think that's how the press release about it described it before it was built.) For 15 of the 16 league games that home fans could go in it, it has been about 1/4 full. Some games, like Rotherham, there can't have been more than 400 in. The biggest crowd in there was Brentford, and even then it was no more than half full. So for plenty of games where fans have a choice to sit in there, they aren't choosing it en masse.


    They most certainly shouldn't be moved out of there for some (probably any) games though. It pisses of fans who do want to sit in there and and usually there's no real need for it.


    But fans who turn up every week and want to sit in the home end aren't holding the club back. And the Chaddy End being the home stand isn't costing us thousands of fans. The gaping hole that is finally being filled and 17 years of third division football with little prospect of promotion is what has been costing us thousands of fans.


    I think the Brentford game was a big eye opener to some of us and showed what the ground can be like with a half decent vocal support in there. But on the other hand, like you said, the other 15 games this season it has been empty and I beleive that this has made the decision for the club. If you want to stay in the RRE then I beleive you have to put your money where your mouth is, the club is a buisness at the end of the day, if more fans buy season tickets in the Chaddy then it's a no brainer as to which stand gets the priority. I for one will probably move in there next season, but I have a feeling it will be the last time I will be given the opportunity

  2. ...with exception to the obvious of course like promotion, 20 goal a season striker, a 4th stand, billionaire takeover etc


    For me I'd start with:-


    The current back four to be in the first choice starting XI

    A winger or midfielder with an end product i.e. doesn't take too many touches and can deliver a killer ball

    For the inevitable Four Four Two prediction for us to get relegated to be stuck to the home dressing room door

    To put in at least a half decent display up at Vale Park

    No to draw Chesterfield in the JPT

    To only move the fans from the Rochdale Road End if the expected away following is going to be more than 2000 fans

    To not get any sub-3000 home attendances

  3. The one to the tune of Simply The Best? That's a bad one. I think you suggested a better one about Harkins a while ago but it never caught on for some reason - I liked it anyway.


    If anyone could be arsed to think of some words, there's a song to be sung about Wes to tune of The Animals Went In Two By Two - the one that Liverpool used to sing about Torres.


    If we had players for longer than a season we'd probably have better songs rather than resorting to generic ones or repeating Oh When The Blues all game.


    This is exactly why player songs don't really work for us anymore


    Me and a few others suggested a few new ones related the club and a few seem to have have caught on but most of them will struggle and it's hard to remember most of them when you've had a skinfull like a lot of us did yesterday

  4. I do agree that the "I want to go home song" is awful. But how many people who criticise what is sung actually try and get something going? If you really don't want to hear it you should try and drown it out with something like the Gary Harkins song. These dull songs tend to come out when either the game, the atmosphere or in most cases both is flat

  5. If you got the same match day experience in both stands then fair enough. The fact is you don't. The RRE has no restricted view, in the chaddy you spend your time ducking round the posts. Taking my 6 yr old daughter to the cov game was a nightmare. Toilet facilities are poor for a young girl, the view is poor, atmosphere is poor no matter how hard everybody tries. Why on earth should you condemn your own supporters to the poorest facilities. For me it shows a complete lack of insight and understanding of the fans match day requirements from the latics hierarchy. Granted there is a need to maximise match day income for the club but for as long as the current policy exists I will not be renewing our RRE season tickets and will pick my games where I can sit in my preferred stand with the facilities that best suit our needs.


    I agree with what you're saying but the club is a business at the end of the day. Unless you can find a way to prove that the club misses out on a substantial amount of income by moving fans, then the only conclusive figures they will listen to are the amount of tickets they sell. As it stands it seems that we are not selling enough tickets in there, otherwise the fans in there wouldn't have been moved 10 times in the past season. If you really want the club to listen with regards to this situation then we need to sell more season tickets in the RRE. If nobody buys season tickets in there then you'll be making the clubs decision for them in the end, just like in the 90's when nobody sat in there. If the demand isn't there then they will just close it off. I believe it is the best stand for home support and I think it was pretty clear that it was louder at the Brentford game than any other league game this season, so much so that it has convinved me to buy a season ticket in there next year. My only hope is that other people will follow my lead, otherwise it'll be back to being the away end only when the new stand is built which would be a massive shame.

  6. I'm very disappointed with the clubs decision, I've been meaning to sit in the Rocky for the last couple of months, but I've never been given the chance to. I don't think people are too bothered when we've expected a big away following it's when we do it against Crawley or when only 500 Coventry fans turn up when it gets people backs up. I think the only way the club will listen is if we sell more season tickets in the Rocky next season than what we normally do, it'll be harder for them to move the home fans in that case.

  7. Having spent nearly 6 months living in Birmingham I can assure people that it certainly isn't grim everywhere up North. Some Southerners are just very ignorant, let that be their problem.


    I think our close proximity to Manchester helps us attract players if anything. I think where we might fall down is things like Training Facilities and of course the fact we only get just over 3000 fans through the gate.

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