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Posts posted by slystallone

  1. His pass back to the 'keeper was unnecessary and mis-directed.

    No it wasn't?


    Chubs is right footed. It was put across the box, onto Chubs right side.

    He had an option to give it back to Dieng, who had made an angle for him to do that, or - clear it up field.


    He did neither. He fecked about with it, played a wank ball to J Wilson, who found himself under pressure and miss-hit his clearance, and we were out of position, in a poor shape and shipped the goal as a direct result.


    In no way, shape or form could any blame for that goal be levelled at Dieng.

    Chubs' fault all day long...

  2. Older astroturf pitches are the reason that, at 34, i can sometimes stuggle to even walk without severe knee pain.


    Granted that was from playing Hockey not football, and I was regularly twatted on my already dodgy knees with a wooden stick too, but still.


    I can well understand LJ's point about some of the players. Those types of surfaces, albeit tjey're now of a better quality and standard than the 1980's and 1990's versions, are knee wreckers.


    So, i would guess Kelly, Forte, Elekobi, Lockwood, B Wilson, Ibhere, and poss Turner would all be in danger if it ever happened...


    Tidser for Kelly earlier would have been a better option, Poleon for Forte up front, 3rd sub Winchester for Johnson.

    I noticed Kelly had his right thigh strapped up, wonder if he is carrying an injury?




    What could Tidser have done that Kelly wasn't already doing?


    IMO, Tidser was not the sub to make, at all.


    If Forte had to come off, and i'm not sure did really, if he did, then surely the change was Dayton to come on, with Philliskirk switching up front, Johnson moving to the number 10 role, and Dayton going to left.


    But, its a game of opinions isnt it...

  4. Hi sly,

    Payment to playershare@laticsplayershare.co.uk

    Please select that your making a payment to family so it does not cost you, type in playershare pledge in the message so we know it relates to this fundraiser and in the message your username and brief info on your pledge ie underdog, Lockwood getting sent off last home game.


    And thanks for your dosh.

    Cool, ta - will do monday or tuesday...

  5. There will only ever be three people who know for certain what really happened that night, one was found guilty of rape, another was found not guilty of rape and the other tweeted her friends telling them what she was going to spend her money on when she "wins big".


    I don't have faith in judicial system which before now has allowed peadophiles to roam our streets and I will say it again for the third time I'm do not think that the Ched Evans site is definitive proof that Ched Evans is not a rapist.


    I do believe there may of been a miscarriage of justice. Rape is an horrific crime but Ched maybe a convicted rapist without actually comitting the act.


    I still do not understand how if a woman claims not to remember having sex with 2 blokes how one of them can be found not guilty and the other guilty.

    ...4 people.

    You've missed off the brother filming the thing...

  6. As good a player as James Wilson has proved himself to be, he is extremely quite on the pitch.


    From my seat close to the pitch, you really hear him say anything. Nor Dieng.


    Big George was this season's organiser, and Lockwood was last seasons.


    It still amazes me that footballers can be so quite whilst going about their job on the pitch.


    Whilst the Dieng and Wilson partnership has done surprisingly well as a stop gap, the minute Big George is fit, he should be put straight back in IMO, not least for his leadership...

  7. Were we not playing the diamond when we played Coventry and he tore them a new one,scoring 2 goals?


    Why does a couple of below par performances from Forte, when he could have had the flu bug or be struggling with a minor injury, automatically draw a conclusion that our very successful recent tactics have been "sussed out"?

  8. We need to work on corners though, and Brian Wilson needs extra training on picking out our players with low crosses once in very decent positions.


    Chubs should give his bloody head a wobble too for his part in their goal. I mean James Wilson's clearance was poor; but i lay the blame at Chubs for putting him in that position in the 1st place.


    Daniel Johnson looks a tidy player mind...

  9. We were a little guilty of trying to overplay on the edge of, and in the box today; Philliskirk in particular.


    For all our domination in the 2nd half, we didnt massively work their Keeper.


    But, for 89 mins of the 92 (only 2mins of added time, really?) there was only one team interested in winning the game.


    2 points dropped and it was a bit frustrating at times, but - i've sat through far worse and - well, we did enough; just about, to really have deserved all 3.

  10. His website?


    Funded by his extremely forgiving girlfriend's wealthy father.


    Ran by his legal team and his family members and friends.


    Yeah, that's exactly the place i'd be visiting for a balanced and well rounded take on the events that happened and continue to unfurl.


    As LeeSinnott says, right now; he's been found guilty by a jury of his peers and is a convicted rapist. He was innocent until proven guilty; which he was.

    If he wins this appeal, it puts another spin on things, but right now - he's a rapist. And that, currently, is a FACT (copyright OWTB for the uppercase fact!)

  11. Having said that Tidser is a very good player and needs game time.

    Yep, but is it really our problem if he needs game time? He's not our player.

    Kelly doesn't need a rest - he gets that every afternoon after training finishes.


    Tidser looked decent enough on his 1 game for us.


    That's not enough to warrant a clamour for him to replace one of arguably our most consistent performers, our Captain, and one the most central key cogs in the way we're set up and currently play.


    There's not even a debate to be had here as far as I can see...

  12. I'll support Latics whatever.


    I'll support England to an extent, but I expect to be entertained. Why? Because they're all paid hundreds of thousands of pounds a week and the way they play should reflect that. They should at least have enough talent to do better than grind out a 1-0 win against 10-man Estonia.


    Taking the money out of it, I want to see something that is deserving of my support. Some genuinely quality youngsters, some imaginative tactics or I'd even be happy with a bit of personality from player or coach that I could identify with, like we had in the tournaments in nineties. I just don't have any sense of attachment. Reckon I can count on one hand the number of England games I've really enjoyed since we lost on penalties to the Germans in Euro '96.


    I realise this might all be the FA's fault, but the players and and management arn't poor little underdogs who are fighting against all odds. They all play in the best league in the world, yet continually under perform. It should be the highest honour to play for your country, yet I get the impression many of them see it as a hassle.


    I hope they qualify, but won't lose any sleep if they don't. As unpatriotic as it sounds, I'm more excited about the other home nation games this weekend.

    I was going to post a longer reply again on this, but JoeP has pretty much covered it all for me: cheers mate!


    It's not about our National side "being :censored:" for me (i mean, would that ever be a real reason for a Latics fan of all people?) - it's about a complete lack of identification with these Premier League 'superstars' on their £200K a week salaries.

  13. I've been saying for a while, even with the extra confidence from results, "this is the sort of side who'll come and get a spawny result" etc


    We've then beaten them.


    I fully expect us to :censored: Crawley, play them off the park and score several goals - i've not got that feeling of a looming 0-1 away victory for Saturday. So....to that end, that's a nailed on spawny 0-1 away win then!

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