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Posts posted by slystallone

  1. Couldn't disagree more. The presence of cameras at every game, more press interest, salaries that breed jealousy, fitness levels and even social media bring pressures which simply weren't there back in the day. Sunday league played on muddy pitches by fat blokes with hangovers may be much the same as it ever was but professional football (and all professional sport) is way different in this era.


    For good or bad? Well that's for individuals to decide but it just isn't the same game now as it was then.

    I've already said the same thing Dave and he couldn't agree........ah well.


    He plays very wide and is left footed only so is an easy target to squeeze and bundle over, you are right opposition see this and realise if you give him little space for a run he's not going be very effective. I should think the Latics do the same amount of homework on opposing players.

    what makes you think they don't?

  3. Discounting the usual leaning-to-negativity posters on this, there are again some very decent ideas coming forward.


    I agree the future has to be to tap into youth. It's surely an obvious one? we have, like so many other clubs, a fanbase on the ageing side. You have to fill in from the bottom as you lose from the top, so kids need to be encouraged to come; then encouraged to stay.


    We can't IMO pin all our hopes on the stand to become some sort of saviour, simply because it's shiny and new. We need initiatives and conserted drives aimed at young potential fans.


    There are good ideas being suggested in this and other threads. You know what'd be good? Some sort of fans rep who was able to gather up all the decent ideas and present them to club and see that they are driven through. If only eh?

  4. It's pretty simple.


    Things evolve & develop over time.


    Everything. I mean, medicine, industry, technology.....sport.


    Look at any of the various sports out there, take your pick. They've developed, changed, evolved and are now different games from what they were previously as a result.


    I mean, take any of them: Cricket, both codes of Rugby.....heck, take Badminton. They've adapted, changed and now are completely different to their precious incarnations - for the better i'd say in most if not all cases.


    Footballs changed.


    You know what irks me? People harping on about 'the good old days' or 'well, it wasnt like that 40 years ago' etc.

    Of course it's different, and isnt like it was, its moved on. Everything has...

  5. I agree.


    We only need a manager and maybe an all-round coach, who covers all positions; GKs and outfield positions. That person could also do the kit man role too; thats not too hard.

    The manager could do the physio role too; you know, doubling up like.

    The players can do their own training and drills, they know what they're doing.


    They can have a fag at half time too, with a wee dram of whiskey to warm them up and relax them, and they can play with a real, proper leather ball whilst they're at it 'n all...






    In fairness he struggled with injuries while there, but to quote the manager "The only highlight for us was Duncan Watmore's performance," Butcher told BBC Scotland.

    I saw him play a couple of weeks ago and he was a constant thorn in the oppositions side, this team needs more directness and he will supply it. His work rate is phenomenal and going in where it hurts maybe the reason he's picked up these injuries.

    Watched a couple of Hibs games on Sky and BT Sport, and as best as I could with my fully amateur scout hat on, watched him as closely as the TV angles would allow. As he'd been brought up on here, it interested me to see what he was like.


    Wastefull in possession, easily disposessed, lackluster passing, poor crosses failing to beat the 1st man and - he didnt look particularlly quick either.

    Here's hoping, as you say, that he was injured when i watching him; though the games were a decent amount of time apart.


    All this is conjecture though, we might not even be in for him...

  7. We'll, running an event for a load of pissed up corporate delegates turned out to be not as bad as I thought it was going to be then? Decent game to miss all told eh?


    Obviously this comes from someone who wasn't at the game, and was relying on text updates from my mates who were watching; but - unfortunately it smacks of 2 things to me:


    1 - LJ trying too hard to out smart his Dad and in doing so, massively :censored:ing up. As soon as I saw on here it was 3-5-2; I was worried. As I said on that post, i'm not a fan of that formation as it is, but - i actually dont think we have the players to play it correctly. We have League One players; used to 4-4-2 & varying connortations of it.

    I'd expect Gary Johnson was expecting & preparing to come up against our diamond midfield that has served us pretty well; and was looking to set up a la Donny did, so too Crawley. He must have rubbed his hands together with Xmas glee when he saw our side and formation.

    Too much trying to over-think and out-smart his Dad i think. LJ has to shoulder a huge portion of the blame here for this shocking loss.

    2 - but.......we're talking of 13 players, professional footballers, going out and collectively playing as poorly as they did. They have to have a big slice of the blame apportioned too?

    Yes they are League One players, and will suffer inconsistencies. But - looking at the goals on the FLS and from reading on here: sounds like there were far too many of them who had shockers.

    Yes , they were playing a formation that may have been unfamilair and uncomfortable for them, and i'm sure that's what they'll say, but it really shouldnt be an excuse. They're professionals and should play as such.



    Bad result, following on from 2 other bad results in the Cups.


    I hope this is minor blip in our season. We're 8th going into Christmas; the highest we've been in years & years. Its been great watching us this season for the most part. We all need to collectively put this behind us and move on, players, management and fans alike.


    Hope its a blip, one that happens over a season, and we pick back up again...

  8. Here you go!




    It was surplus stock from Scarborough when Stitch came back to Latics. The bottle is one of the prized possessions of this Shamrock Rovers fan, presented to him at Tolka Park Dublin.

    Oooh, top mullet. I do love a good mullet.


    Business on top, party at the back.


    This chap's certainly pulling it off too, rockin' it!!

  9. Haven't read the Chron piece yet but, If I was playing Football Manager, to free up some funds (if that's what's needed) i'd be moving on Connor Brown, James Dayton & Dave Mellor. 6 month loaning out Bove and Turner. Moving on AMS either as a loan or as a take over his contract "free" transfer and - assuming we're paying a percentage of his wages, sending Tidser back.

    I'd then be looking to extend Ibhere's loan and also D Johnson's loan too.

    And fighting tooth & nail to keep all the rest

  10. So just to check I've got this right:


    I'm a season ticket holder, so I hand in a 3 year out of date old ST ticket book in exchange for a codebraker.

    Once i've cracked that code, I can access a free / not free voucher that can be swapped at one of the ticket window for a bananna tree. One of the magic bananna's from that tree can then be swapped for a Peterborogh at home match ticket, which I can then give to J P Kalalla as a Christmas Present?


    Seems crystal clear to me; I don't know why anybodies been confused by this...

  11. We had this a few weeks ago..how is it you never hear of other clubs having these recurring viruses?

    Oh come on; behave.


    I mean, there's a fine line between posting 20 posts of negativity on a thread after a rare off day and loss, and then there's putting out something like the above.


    I mean, come on BP; i'd like to think you're better than that. A new poster would be likely accussed of trolling for less than you've done on this thread....


    We lost a game, and didnt reach the heights we have done previously this season. It's not the end the world, no-one had died and; IMO - yet again; you're going way over the top with your disecting of the game and moany posting.


    We lost. We didnt play as well as we can do, and a few had off days. It happens sometimes. Move on to next week eh? That's what most will be doing.


    Or - if all else fails; you could blame the winter cold, the temperature drop or LJ's choice of sweater: its up to you...


    I could tell from his rapport with the fans at Rochdale he loves it here, that's my observation anyway.


    What rapport did you see that I didn't?

    He celebrated his goals towards his loan sides fans? Any player would do that wouldnt they, rapport or no rapport?


    I don't think anyone here is able to say whether he's enjoying it so far with us are they? How can you tell?

  13. From a quick scan of that, discounting the odd idiot, just like you have to do on here, they seem a sensible and decent bunch, again, just like on here.



    I think we're all of the opinion that if you were going into the Rochdale ends, you needed to be respectful; sensible and keep your heads down.


    Check out Luckers1 posts in the Trouble thread on here for the perfect examples of that. Made it clear they were Oldham, but behaved impeccably and receieved no issues.


    Sorry to say, but if you behave like a goon whilst sat with home supports in their own stand, you run a very real risk of something happening to you. I'm not condoning that at all; in terms of excusing the violence that happened, but - still, plenty of other groups of Oldhams fans were able to sit on their hands and keep a low profile without any trouble as a result.

    Possibly a general statement here; but is it much of push to say those that experienced the violence may have been seeking it in the 1st place?



    Anyway, back to the actual game: cracking win wasn't it?!?!?!?

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