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Posts posted by Blue_Guru

  1. 41 minutes ago, archiecat said:

    The email from Tifosy is hardly definitive proof that the money raised was used to purchase the LED boards, unless of course Tifosy's information team have direct access to Latics financial affairs ?

    That said, there has been an offer to refund the money so should that not be an end to the saga?

    It should but I see two thoughts that are driving it regardless:


    - the trust feel they have lost out on a bit of a windfall that they could have turned to promote a different cause (and promote the trust in turn) 

    - the Corney outers sticking the knife in on something that (granted) was clumsy, but to my mind has now been satisfactorily handled. 


    It all all comes down to the refund option, clear as day. 'Automatically refunding' sounds simple in theory but would be an operational nightmare and if one process can't work for all then it shouldn't happen at all. 


    There may may have been an initial opportunist lens on what the club did with the 4 day refund window, but they acknowledged they were in the wrong and changed it. 


    Case closed for me. 

  2. 1 hour ago, boundaryblue80 said:

    Notice how people are/were healthily debating the subject and yet again it's being turned into rabble by the usual suspects. They'll succeed in getting the topic locked again soon.


    Blue Guru...it doesn't draw a line under it because people want to know what's happening with the rest of the money they club haven't used yet. Perhaps they'll spend it on another asset the fans haven't been consulted about and move that asset to a company of Simons choice.

    All speculation...  I'm all for raising my voice when something is out of order but I think the club have done everything they needed to here.


    People who feel they have been misled or invested in something that isn't as originally stated can get their money back and give it to the trust if they like. 


    Any money left can be presumed that the investor is happy that the club will use it in an otherwise non disclosed area of the club. If it goes to line Corneys pockets they are equally not bothered otherwise they would get a refund!

  3. Just now, youngen said:


    Brass bank, bla bla bla? Who cares, its enhanced my match day experience anyway.

    Clearly a few people care (admittedly you don't). The scheme was advertised as a fan/trust led scheme whereby the fans would own and have power over what to do with the revenue generated. That doesn't seem to be what fans have been left with. 


    The fact the club have offered a refund to anyone not happy with the outcome is enough for me now, but some are wanting to add fuel to their agenda. 

  4. 20 minutes ago, youngen said:


    I would like the money I donated to be used for the perimeter boards, which include a scoreboard, and also bring revenue to the club. I paid this money to help the club purchase some form of system that tells me the score & time played, and also increases revenue for the club through advertising. For me, that is exactly what I have got. I don't understand peoples beef with? Or is it not just as simple as that?

    I think most would be happy with this, but fail to understand why the boards are under a separate entity and not oafc, or the trust.

  5. 9 minutes ago, OldHallam said:

    Off topic but Ian Evatt on twitter blocked Ant Gerrard but sent him a provocative video calling him a fraud whilst downing a pint. This from a captain of a side thats lost 26 games and down. Clarke is a true professional and the goal sums him up. I hated him when he played against us as knew what he would give. As Captain here FANTASTIC. Rochdale would have him in a heart beat. I will put money on Dale being below us next season credit them with a good season but its happened before with sides having a flash in the pan season.  The fab Alan Howarth photo of Andrew appealing as Clarke wheels away will do for me. 

    If Rochdale keep their squad together I don't think it will be a flash in the pan, they have quality in Henderson, Mendez Laing, Allen & Camps. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, GlossopLatic said:

    Playing devils advocate here is that Simon Corney saying goodbye?


    It did feel like it in a way. Or am I trying to read too much into it? 

    I thought it was a good bye message when first listening and was waiting for him to get to it, shows we have come to always expect some motive for comms! 


    Good to see and hear it was just a gesture! 


  7. 2 hours ago, oafc1955 said:

    I'm hoping Holloway's performance yesterday was because he's not quite fit and that with a good preseason he'll be a much greater threat.  I thought he was poor and his inability/unwillingness to get into attacking positions was there for all to see. Erwin was also pretty lethargic and seems to do the business if he feels like it......after yesterday I'd be surprised to see him back here next season.


    We will need a keeper and at least 4 major signings if we want to challenge towards other end of the table.


    Our defence is pretty solid but midfield and attack is a major concern for me.

    Hill has had a while to mold his team but technically they were much better than us with both their vision, movement and speed of thought.


    If we get the right players in we could have a decent season but talk of the playoffs is a tad premature!

    Lumbersome was the best way of describing how we were yesterday, whereas Rochdale seemed a lot more fluid and nimble in their movements and when in possession of the ball. 


    Will be hard for Shez to keep the balance of being hard to break down whilst introducing the creative and faster thinking players we much need. 


    We can all see the reasons for keeping the likes of Fane,Green and Erwin in the starting 11 however they occupy key positions in the team that should have more to offer going forward. (Getting the pitch conducive to more fluid football needs to come with it though if Sheridan wants to go down this route).


    i can see Sheridans dilemma, a part of me thinks that building on the foundations of being hard to beat is our best way of being more successful than the norm but would be less appealing to the fans and is probably not how Sheridan would like to set out his team ideally. However, creative players cost more than solid defensive minded players and budget might dictate our best chance of improving on this year.

  8. 30 minutes ago, oafcprozac said:

    Thanks OAFCP and great words from Corney, saying almost everything that needed to be said, no more, no less. 


    Heres to hopefully a good season next! 

  9. 1 hour ago, oafc1955 said:

    Nearly 5500 home fans today....that's 2k up on the norm....where've they been all season?

    I dont live too local anymore but I travelled for today. It all comes down to value for money and value for time and effort.


    Good weather, local derby, decent attendance, potential to secure survival, potential to ruin rochdales promotion chase, last home game... all in all it made it a worthwhile game. 


    If there is value for money the fans will come, we have our best chance of bringing fans back in ages for next season if Corney keeps his promise and Sheridan stays! Need to build on this momentum!!

  10. I'm one of the first to criticise their mistakes so only right I praise when they do something professional. 


    Well done Simon this is exactly the type of thing that will help bring unity back amongst the fans, and it didn't cost a penny. 


    That's the type of leadership the club now needs...inspires hope for the future

  11. 16 minutes ago, mcfluff1985 said:

    You get the point. In some people's eyes whatever the club says is a fucking lie because the club said it. All the outcry for more info from the club leads to them publishing statements. On here it's decided that those statements are bullshit. Which has a knock on effect and has led the club to publishing these open letters. 

    The club has made a rod for its own back though to some degree. The lack of trust from many fans is down to the last decade of cost cuts, asset stripping, , separate business entities not linked to the club, worsening performances & finances, threats to leave the club, PR faux pas after faux pas...the list goes on. 


    There is still a chance the frustrated fans could be brought back in out of the cold, but it needs someone who is willing to swollow their pride, accept they haven't delivered what they once promised and realise that many fans need to be sold on a renewed vision of ambition. Corney has openly said his heart isn't in it anymore and that he would sell tomorrow to the right person, that in itself is the problem. there isn't a long term vision for the success of the football club under the current regime other than to hand over to someone else...so how can he expect their full support? 


    Our 'leader' has thrown in the towel and so have many of the fans. Until a new leader with a new vision comes in there will always be dissension amongst the ranks.

  12. 1 minute ago, mcfluff1985 said:

    Some right c****s on here who must never have known a happy day in their lives they're that f***ing negative. 


    OWTB demand statements from club

    Club gives statement

    OWTB decide it's a lie instantly


    Repeat regarding any subject



    This wasn't a statement requested by anyone, it was a fans story pushed out by the club. 

  13. 45 minutes ago, Smiler13 said:

    I am totally pissed off with most people posting on this thread. For god sake move on. First of all you all start bringing in conspiracy theories of what has happened to the money. The club state that they will give a refund if anyone wants it within one week I admit a big mistake , however after listening to the moaning they decide to give it back to anybody who requests it before the beginning of next season, a reasonable solution I think. Then oh no you are not happy with that and you suggest the owner has in some way used the money's collected. Then today you are all brought to shame by a couple who have donated over one third of the initial cost. You are not happy with the first anonymous letter that they write and some of you start again insinuating that this is a fabricated letter made up by the club. The couple then have the guts to come back again to shame all of you bloody wingers by giving their names and even stand seat numbers that they sit in and still some of you cinically still don't believe them. You all complain about the owner but my god you should all take a damn good look at yourselves. Wing ,wing bloody winge, make a conspiracy if you can brigade. Shame on all of you. For god sake move on and put this behind you. If you invested and you want your money back well damn well go and get it. The most important thing you can all do from now until 5pm Saturday is support the team to get the 3 points we badly need. All of you grow up you are like squabbling kids.


    You should apply for a job on the PR team you fit the current set up perfectly! 


    'The club made made a big mistake but after listening to the moaning' haha love it

  14. My gripe wasn't whether the letter was genuine or not it was the fact the club were using it publicly, they had absolutely nothing to gain from it...so they post another! A professional club getting fans involved to have petty squabbles...stop fighting against the haters and try and win them over for once or just keep ignoring them! 

  15. The owners need to build that trust from fans again (but I don't think they care about that because that's a long term plan). These sorts of PR stunts don't win over fans that have fallen out with the club  it comes across as pointing fingers. There is a clear lack of understanding in the club on how to connect with the lost fans and it clearly comes down to the fact that they don't think they have any responsibility for the club being where it is today. (They will argue the club would be worse than itbis today without their intervention). But woe is me won't work for a business owner that came in promising the world and now is scraping the barrel every year to keep us in this league. 

  16. When I commented the other day that there are things the club could do( which don't cost a penny) to improve their business...this is the exact opposite of what I meant.


    As people have said already even if this was genuine wtf are they achieving by posting it online?!? It just reeks of bitterness and absolutely piss poor PR. 



  17. 1 hour ago, frizzell54 said:

    Just thought I would look at the situation:


    Gilingham     1 win                   and

    Shrewsbury  1 win + 1 draw   and

    Bury             1 win + 1 draw   and

    Port Vale      2 wins + 1 draw




    We lose both remainig fixtures - we are down.


    Feel better now, but would like us to get something from remaining games.


    Stranger things have happened but it would be terribly unlikely/unlucky! 

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