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Posts posted by KUNGFOO

  1. What good is a sparkly new stadium when the club is in the basement league or less than 2000 fans attend each game?


    The owner's focus appears to be more this stadium rather than the team. There is the argument that the stadium will make the team and playing budget self sufficient without the need for ongoing investment from the owners but our future is still reliant upon income through the turnstiles. Continued failure and now a serious threat of relegation would nail the last couple of nails in our coffin before this stadium materialises.


    The future of our club is reliant upon progress on the pitch but we're going backwards rather than forwards.


    The owners need to act and act fast by opening their cheque book and signing some players on loan who can achieve progress. I still have my doubts about Penney but even he sounds like he's been constrained to achieve progression. The latest comment this week is that he'll not enter the loan market because he needs to give the current players the chance - do you honestly think this is Penney's opinion or one forced upon him?


    We need a decent keeper as we cannot recall Fleming (Brill was a cheap option). We need two defenders to force competition on Gregan (again a cheap option and short-sighted decision forced on Penney) and Hazell who have the complacency that they will be picked each week regardless of performance and still pick up their appearance fee. A goal poacher is needed too - that extra £500 a week for Hughes now seems a huge mistake now (another short-sighted decision forced on the manager).


    I'll be shot down but can even the most happiest of clappers feel that progress has been made? Cheap option after cheap option and short-sighted decisions constrained by dwindling budgets. Cutting our cloth accordingly obviously but a choice that isn't going to bring the fans back who become more apathetic as each games passes.


    We were promised progress and those fans responded by buying season tickets - some of the diehards are realising that they're being short changed but the loyalty of those remaining needs to be repaid and soon.



    personally i think the tta have done there bit its just not going our way at the moment im not even concernd yet 1 win and some luck will get us going

  2. I think everyone can see we need to bring in one quality centre half, whether it be permanent or season long loan.


    And not necessarily to replace Rubes or Gregs. At the moment the bottom line is if either of them are fit, they play, as we have got no one else. We bring in a third centre half who is capable of ousting either of them, they have to up their game or their out of the team.


    Cant put it any fairer than that



    you dont have to be fit to boooooooot a football out of touch u need a brain :)

  3. I'd just like to say:


    On what planet does booing, swearing and gesticulating at your own players help the player, the team or other fans ?


    If a player already short of confidence is going to get a barrage of boos from their own fans, fear of making a mistake is only going to contribute to another one. Either get behind the team or for God's sake, shut up and keep quiet.


    it doesnt do them anygood but makes you feel better in urself best get it of ur chest i say :)

  4. I hate the slogan 'Keep the Faith'


    It's like - "were crap but stick with it", I'd much prefer something like City's 'Pride in Battle'.


    The truth is, no matter what slogan we've got on our shirts, if we dont win games and the standard of quality on and off the field is poor - people will walk away from the club. I can live with a low standard of football but if the players don't look up for the challenge then I think 'why bother for them lot'. A lot is required at the club to get people excited again about paying £20 for 3rd rate football. The club have bitten the hand that feeds them too many times. Depressing as it sounds, its the truth of why folk are turning their backs on the club in these tough economic times. It's a chore turning up at BP at the moment. The faces of people going to the game on Friday said it all.


    I appreciate what your're trying to do here by getting spirits up, but you can't just gloss over the problems at the club and expect everything to be smelling of roses at the end of it all. The glass is half empty for me at the moment I'm afraid and I'm usually an optimist.



    agree that slogan makes me cringe so GAY

  5. First thing that comes to my mind when I think of Oldham.


    Andy Ritchie. Last minute of the first half. Arsenal. Bang.


    Easily my favourite moment ever.


    For that reason I'll watch a 100 years of :censored:.



    Not sure how that is relevant though.



    First thing that comes to my mind when I think of Oldham is cold wet and glum :)


  6. Free kick wasn't Brill's fault. It was inch perfect top corner.



    well i agree it wasnt BUT his possition was he might have had a better chance if he was more centre of the goal instead standing near the left post giving the guy lots of net to shoot at, he did exactly the same last week when a team scored a freekick against us and also did exactly the same on hartlepools secound freekick.


    he just doesnt learn

  7. It looks like Brill will be the Oldham keeper for the forseeable future. So how do you get the best out of him? By slagging him off, berating him and calling him a clown? Immediately he would become defensive. Try to apportion blame on others. Retreat into his shell and lose any confidence he has. Or do you try another approach? Work at building up his confidence. Supporting him. Give him a chance. In this atmosphere, maybe he'll look at his own shortfalls and work hard at resolving them, rather than waste time trying to defend himself. I know which approach I would use.



    everytime he feks up he holds his arms out like its not him that fooked up he doesnt learn he isnt some kid and if he carries on playing will do more halm than good.


    cant setup a wall for freekicks

    cant get in a correct possition for freekicks

    cant kick a ball

    cant come out for corners to punch or catch a ball

    likes to blame everyone but him for his mistakes


    but nah we should support him everytime he feks up give him a big well done cheer celebrate build a statue of him outside the ground maybe start a brill religion.


    or just tell him exactly wat everyone else is thinking and not be a black sheep id think diffrent if it was some young kid then i would support but he isnt and needs to know he cant get away with it.

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