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Posts posted by b0ndl1ne

  1. 1 hour ago, the_mighty_bosh said:

















    I can't say that I trust that team to win, but it's the best we have at the moment.

    I’d play Hamer above Hunt and also play Dummigan right wing but otherwise agree

  2. 8 hours ago, HarryBosch said:


    Doubtless he'll get booed to high heaven.


    Which illustrates what an odd one he's been - he was a massive factor in us staying up twice but was shite third time round and will now only be remembered for that (and his off field shenanigans) rather than the very positive contributions he previously made.  

    I actually don’t think he was that shite last season, at least when he was playing next to Kean Bryan

  3. 1 hour ago, BP1960 said:


    Ok after the event, I was at his trial and have to say he was outstanding.

    Ashley Williams did ok and thought he would be taken on, but when I compare George Edmundson at the same age George impressed me more.

    Maybe Wales ought to look if George (or is it Samuel now?) has any Welsh heritage?



    Edmundson really impressed the last few games of last season. He became a lot more comfortable on the ball, you could tell his technique has improved. 

    The guy is 100% Captain material and we’ll do well to hold onto him.


  4. Why the hell do people consider Gerrard a bad egg?

    Gave everything when he played, headed everything that came in the box.

    If you don’t have belief in yourself, no-one else will.

    Seems because he’s one of the few who openly interacts with our fans as well as those of other clubs and gives as good as he gets that he’s suddenly a bad character.

    The guys got a wife and 3kids and is an ordinary bloke. All these keyboard warriors wouldn’t even look him in the eye if they saw him in the street.

    Football needs characters like him not the robotic, emotionless type that’s becoming prevalent in today’s game.

  5. 12 minutes ago, BP1960 said:


    Thought I'd never say this but it could be Byrne won't get into the midfield such is the strengh there now.

    Defence looks strong too, Taylor seems to know his job so no surprise if he's signed 

    All it needs is those elusive strikers, which I'm sure Frankie will resolve.

    Although  we have only played non league opposion there's definitely room for optimism as the team spirit looks to have vastly improved.




    I’m going to pretend you never said this BP, the day we think Jack Byrne isnt good enough to make a League 2 midfield is the day we might as well give up hope, fold the club and take up croquet 

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