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Posts posted by RoytonLatics

  1. (Eddie) Hopkinson? Debut v Chester W11-2, went on to play for England?


    I'm sure Wayne Harrison would have been up there if injuries had not cruelly intervened.


    I may be very very wrong here, but when I worked at Somerfield in Royton about 2001, there was this old bloke who worked there, I remember someone telling me that he played for England and Bolton in goal, he also played for the stores 5 a-side team and was still very good despite his age apparently. I wonder if it was this bloke?(I'm sure his name was Eddie too)

  2. Scholes was never our player, he played for Boundary Park juniors which had loose ties with the club but most of the coaches were pretty loyal to United, thus players like Platt, Robins and Scholes all ending up United. (And his teacher in Middleton was a massive Red who convinced him to sign for United - Scholes)


    The player that caused all the controversy was David Brown, didn't make it ended up at Hull, was pretty :censored:e in the end and has played in non-league for the majority of his career.


    Cheers for the info, just read up on him on wikipedia, as you say he was a load of :censored: scoring about 68 goals in his career, he's still a player at Forest Green but had a stint as caretaker manager last season.


  3. It's not me.


    However I've built up quite a collection of Latics press photos - mainly from the Chron but not exclusively. Some from before the war, others 1940s - 70s. Interestingly some do have copyright stamps on the back but others don't. As I've never thought of selling then it doesn't bother me but if I was to reproduce, or loan for reproduction, then I'd look carefully at the issue.


    I'm a recently qualified photographer and from what I can remember copyright only lasts for 65yrs (I think) so after that time they are open to anyone. Despite saying this I wouldn't open a stall selling the images before you follow this up.



  4. Just found out :censored: played for ashton last year and then wondered, how come no scouts spotted someone with his talent get missed right underneath our noses? have we got any scouts?


    I wouldnt mind but were we playing some reserve matches there last year?







    Competition time:-

    Question. £3m in the red, colbeck£60k,:censored: nowt. Can you spot any problems, who would you have?


    Answers on a postcard.


    Totally agree with the :censored: comment, how did our scouts not spot him? And how many more have we missed or will continue to miss?

  5. Yeah I think your spot on about the billboard. It would be interesting to find out the cost of taking over that advertising space. My experience is in digital media so could not really hazard a guess at how expensive billboards are.


    I too would be willing to get involved with marketing schemes if there was enough interest and enough people willing to help to get them off the ground.




    Just some info on billboard advertising, I think price can depend on the location of the advertisement. But if there was anyway I could get involved by donating a few quid to the cause I would be happy too(maybe we could do a collection at a game). Also I don't think the Advert in the Chron or the Advertiser is good enough, has the club ever sent leaflets out to houses in the borough? surely this would reach more people as from what I know not that many people bother with the local press.

  6. As long as we don't end up like Bolton at Burnden Park with a supermarket in the away end :lol:



    Didn't Hull have an iceland in the back of their old stadium aswell?


    And as far as putting a supermarket on the BP site, I cant imagine this would get the go-ahead, not after the amount of fight the local residents put into the ground development. What ever happens to the site I just hope those Royton NIMBYS suffer from years of sleep deprevation and traffic jams that last all day for the s**t they stirred up in the past.

  7. probably the first and only team to replace a perfectly fine undersoil heating system and replace it with a plastic pitch which lasted around 2-4yrs?


    David Ashworth the first manager to watch the game while standing on the roof of the old broadway stand?


    Former Latics player Sam Wynne was the first player to ever die during a match in 1927 i think he was playing for bury though.


    Frankie Bunn the first player to score 6 goals in a League cup fixture.

  8. I cant believe they are using noise as a complaint, its not as if the games go on till 3 in the morning and stop them from getting their beauty sleep. Its litterally gonna be for 2-3 hours once maybe twice a week if their lucky. They also talk about the traffic, have they never been near Elk mill retail park at the weekends? They all need to get a grip, I hope the council completely ignore this rubbish.

  9. pretty interesting indeed, sounds as though he is still a bit inconsistent but I can only think that the added experience is doing him the world of good. If Flavahan does well an we can keep him on loan for the season I' be happy for Flemming to stay their until the end of the season then hopefully we will have a confident keeper with experience who can push for the #1 spot.


    P.S was one of the reasons for him going out on loan due to home sickness?

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