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Posts posted by RoytonLatics

  1. Tony Bugby will be redundant this friday and he will no longer write about oldham it sad to hear this news all the best thanks for your comments throught out the season you worked for oldham chronicle.


    If nobody belives me wait till friday or next week because he will no longer write up about oldham.


    I hear there getting Rudyard Kipling in to replace him

  2. I am a firm believer that a standing section should be incorporated into the new stadium, it would give people a cheaper option to watch the team and could also play its part in attracting more fans. This could also be marketed as providing the people with a different footballing experience which cant be found anywhere in the local area, I would like to think that this could help bring some atmosphere back into the club and on match days (something that doesn't exist at City or United). Does anyone agree?

  3. They don't have to wear Turbans, the turban is not a requirement of their religion. Not cutting their hair is. They just use the turban to tie it up. They simply use some other method to tie the hair back.


    If asians started watching latics I don't think that many "white" people would leave, yes there would be the odd looser who leaves, but that wouldn't bother me, the club or the majority of fans, as we can all do without these people.


  4. I myself would be happy to see the Asians supporting their home town team, if they did I think you could see attendances boosted by 500-1000 fans. But how to get them to come, I have no Idea. In 15 yrs of watching Latics I can safely say that I have only seen around 10-15 asians. I remember one time around the late 90's a group of about 8 sat in the chaddy, I just remember hearing people muttering racist slur and giving the odd dirty look. No wonder I never saw them in the ground again. And the other time was about 2-3 years ago, on the last game of the season there was an asian lad there with his dad, they both got involved with the pitch invasion at the end too, which was good to see. But I cant say if I have seen them since.

  5. I do remember reading something on him recently and he himself openly admitted that it was a case of "too much to young" he enjoyed the party life style a bit to much and it hindered his progress. He stated he hopes to get back to his original form and I hope he does, for our sake anyway. But its a case of if he does become Englands best right back would city ever need or want to sell him?

  6. Please don't assume I am ignorant toward dyslexia Diego. I have close contact with two people who suffer completely different forms of the complaint, and am fully aware of how it can manifest itself.

    Roylearmy's posts are hastily written, and textstyled in parts. 'Txtspk' is mainly responsible for the degeneration of the written word in Britain's youth - it encourages lazy writing such as that of Roylearmy.

    Roylearmy is also a **** :wink:


    Very true outoftheblue, many people have this dissorder and continue with there life without problem, Noel Galleger springs to mind as being a fellow sufferer.

    As you put it I don't feel Royal Army suffers from this I think he's just a 11yr old boy/gangster who hasn't had enough English lessons yet.


    For example:"sod off back on chairman site and stop running your gob on this site b4 your reported prove it if am robinho you silly willy".


    "bull:censored: i prove you something i just dont no who the hell you are and i seen that forum you talking about i am still on that as someone but am not called robinho who you think i have report you and and i put you in ban box on this forum so dont bother replying back you think **** attacking me for nothing 1st person to attack me on here"


    I don't particularly like getting into these rants on forums but Royal Army is a clown, he never had any valid information to offer and when this was questioned he became childish and abusive, just like on this occasion.

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