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Posts posted by beag_teeets

  1. Mads, you are not the only Big Fredder to have joined the fitness brigade. Clare and I have also joined a big expensive gym, been a few times so far, can see how it can get dull and know what you mean G about the cocks that frequent gyms. Yes pal, I am fat, that is why I am here trying to do something about it rather than sitting in the pub necking more calories by the glass.


    Only got 6 months to get in some sort of better shape for the wedding.

  2. Oh, and I was very drunk off this morning - late for a meeting, got the de-icer out, did the sides and back of the car. Then ran out just in time for starting to defrost the windscreen, so had to sit with the blowers on hot for 15 minutes to melt the ice before I could leave home.



    Sorry mads but why didn't you start with the windscreen?


    This has to be the clearest example of the difference between men and women yet. When I clear the ice off the car I slightly boil the kettle then clear the windscreen as this is the main thing I will be using to look out of.


    Yes, I do look through the back and the sides but they are not the most important windows to clear, if you had cleared the windscreen then ran out of de-icer you could have opened the side windows to see out of them (granted you would have been a bit colder but you would have had visibilty) you could also have used the rear window heater to clear the rear window.

  3. Yes cos Mr Rum has indicated that there is another wayooooohhhhhhhh fancy there being a Len Fairclough smiley, some younger viewers might need an explanation there, ask yer folks!


    Out of all the fiddlers over the years for some reason Len Fairclough's name sticks in my mind too. Probably because he was one of the first to be named and shamed perhaps.


    P.s Whats with this monika & sheelloooshhfjv thing??

  4. C'mon expand on that, and just saying they are fat and got beards won't cut it.


    That fella's face just turns my stomach



    He looks like a hamster with a bit less facial hair and a guitar and the woman out of them looks like that Beth Ditto woman.


    BDB - Born in the Uk, one of the best songs of last year, could have done with another verse as when it ends it leaves you wanting more.

  5. I saw the gossip on Jonathan Ross and thought whaddafuk!?!?! Now she is everywhere, well, not too hard for her as she makes Michelle McMassive look like she is a size 0.


    I think I have got old and I don't mind one bit. In the Observer Music Monthly they had their ones to watch this year, I just looked at the pictures and thought "They say nothing to me about my life" and said to the missus that I have absolutely no interest in these bunch of muppets. I saw that one of them, Mika had gone to Number one with his debut single/download.


    The last piece of music I heard that got me excited is Issac Hayes version of Walk On By, one of my favourite songs anyway but this version is up there with Dionne Warwicks. I came across it on this:



    Which is the best thing on youtube, needs sound and it is nearly 10 mins long but well worth it.


    Jimi - Arcade Fire are quality.


    Next band - Muse. I like that one that starts off quiet, then has a loud bit, then a quiet bit before having a really loud bit and occasionally ending with another quiet bit. I love non-formulaic music me!

  6. The View




    This years next big thing. Their debut album will be everywhere, they will spend the year on the road, try to "crack america" be rushed into making their second album and churn out a sub-standard copy of their debut.


    Meanwhile the music press and internet sites will have turned their attention to some other bunch of young exciting pretenders and will snub The View resulting in poor sales for the 2nd album and getting dropped by their label and the bassist leaving.


    On a related note - T'Arctic Monkeys.

  7. I like the odd Heaven 17 track but not my thang. I guess I only know the chart stuff so can't really judge.


    Massive attack on the other hand - quality as has been said. For me the protection album is probably their best and whilst there are some good bits on the 100th Window album it suffers by only one of the original members being left.


    U2 - Discuss.


    My view - started off with good intentions and did some ok stuff, these days they are a parody of themselves, haven't do a worthwhile tune for years and are now just churning out music for people who don't really like music.

  8. What Fliping use to anyone at all,  is a man who does the thing I said above?    For me, he would be better off dead.  


    Fair point. However I can be quite intolerant of alot of people and think that this same point can be made for about 75% of the population, their lives add nothing to humanity and they only consume the earth's resources at an alarming rate without giving anything worthwhile back.


    I too would like the job of dealing with these oxygen thieves and I would do it with a smile on my face.

  9. We in the west judge China as being poor on human rights as they do stuff like that and as Steve says just because something is cheap doesn't mean it is the best way to deal with it.


    Keeping people in prison for the rest of their lives doesn't achieve anything but for me it is preferable to killing them. No right answers on this, some of the greatest minds have struggled to find an answer and brilliant as we are I doubt we will get the solution on here.

  10. Few quickies on the hot potato - re: the state's laws, it isn't against the law to kill someone, only to murder them. It's illegal to lock someone up and not let them out, or to take their money from them, but we have prisons and fines.


    Just to clarify, where I used kill I was using it as generic term to cover murder, manslaughter, unlawful killing, bombing, throwing in a vat of acid then laughing like a maniac in a rather sharp suit and making some quip about how everyone will now fear the badger or whatever supervillain name you have chosen.


    Secondly, the old kidnap/prison analogy does kinda defeat the state shouldn't murder murderers/ imprison kidnappers argument, however incarceration is quite widely accepted as a means of removing someone who has been found guilty from wider society.


    As I said, tricky area that we haven't found a solution to in thousands of years. We probably won't find a "solution" and will have to make do with a "best fit" compromise.


    Anyways, lurgy still bad, my ankles and knees hurt today too, dragged myself in as I have a meeting but think I will go straight home to bed after that.


    Chris Taylor was quality, I know we don't do footie on here but thank jehovah that he is latics through and through.

  11. Very tricky area, I am against it but it is very difficult to justify why. I think it is wrong for a state to kill a person for breaking the laws that the state has set, usually out of political expediency.


    I think it is hypocritical to kill a murderer as it is commiting the same act as the person is being punished for. When it comes to kiddy-fiddlers and rapists, the other great taboos of our society I am swayed by the argument that if you assign the death penalty to these offences then it makes the offender less likely to keep the victim alive. The logic being that if he is going to be strung up for the rape/fiddle then he may be more inclined to kill the victim to prevent them testifying against him.


    Although, in many case it might be easier for some victims not to have to live with the memories - then again the victims loved ones have to deal with the loss.


    As I said, it is a tricky one. On the other hand what is the point in keeping the offender alive and in prison until they die? Not much really, doesn't bring the victim back and doesn't stop others commiting similar offences. I reject the deterent argument for several reasons such as no criminal ever thinks they will get caught, hence they still commit crimes..etc..


    Capital punishment usually ends up as retribution rather than justice and unfortunately in the thousands of years that man has been alive this is one question that hasn't been answered. What is the correct way to deal with people who go against a society's laws?

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