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Posts posted by Nervous_Tic

  1. Man Utd or Man City - Unlike many I've no axe to grind with City.

    Liverpool or Everton - By and large Liverpool fans are annoying and deluded, especially the one I work with.

    Arsenal or Tottenham - Not bothered really, but like Arsenal's style of play

    Southampton or Portsmouth - seem like a nice club apart from 'that' famous idiot fan

    Newcastle or Sunderland - Went to uni in the north east. Most of the Magpies I met were pillocks whereas most of the Mackems I met were all right really

    Rangers or Celtic - Rangers always won everything when I was young, so chose Celtic

    Real Madrid or Barcelona - well-run club, play nice football

    Ajax vs Feyenoord - meh

    AC Milan or Juventus - Have some good players

    Bristol Rovers or Bristol City - not bothered but City seem to be going places

    Boca or River Plate - better name

    Dortmund or Schalke - erm

  2. Allan Smart

    Michael Clegg

    David Reeves

    David Beharall

    Dele Adebola

    Andy Goram

    Matty Appleby

    Paul Murray

    Julian Baudet

    Christian Colluso

    Paul Rachubka


    Would it be going too far to say that Mick Wadsworth was to David O'Leary as Chris M**re was to Peter Ridsdale?


    All the mental scars left by the 1-7 Cardiff match would still be too fresh in the mind if Wadsworth did come back, in any capacity.

  3. All the best Ernie. Always put in all the effort he could on the pitch and for this he is deservedly held in high regard.


    Having lost 2 close relatives to cancer I can only too painfully imagine what he and his family are going through right now. I will definitely get behind any Cancer Research fund raiser that happens and I agree that such an event should include Gary Kelly too.


    Get well soon.

  4. This was against Barnsley. Blokes at work who are Barnsely fans and we meet up before and after games when we play each other - they have this down of one of the funniest things they have seen following the Tykes.


    Classic moment.


    Think it was the game we were poor and losing 2-1 and Vernon popped two late goals (both stoppage time?) to win 3-2.


    I think that's a different game against Barnsley. The one involving the bloke falling over the advertising boards was in the play-off season under Dowie, a game we won 2-1 as I remember. The 3-2 win with 2 late late goals was under Talbot a couple of seasons later.

  5. Two sausages in a pan. One says to the other "Cor, it's a bit hot in here isn't it?"

    ...The other says "Aaagh! A talking sausage!"




    Two cows in a field. One says "Moo!"

    The other says "I was about to say that"




    A woodworm goes into a bar, and finds the bar tender.




    Did you hear about the magic tractor?

    It went down the road, and turned into a field!

  6. I was gonna post on the Andy Barlow thread last week, but by coincidence it's very relevant here too. Both Frankie Bunn and Andy Barlow lived on the next street along from me in Uppermill when I was a kid.


    This was before I really got into watching the Latics - in fact my first game was Frankie's testimonial. Me and my mates we would always walk past their houses whenever we were going for a kickabout (it was on the way to the nearest pitch) and my mates who were more avid fans at the time would always give them a chant as we went past. If either of them was out in their respective front gardens they'd always say hello and came across as really friendly.


    When I was about 16 I was having a kickabout up at St. Chads school with various people when a bunch of kids came and gave us a game. Possibly the smallest kid there, can't have been more than about 9 years old, absolutely wiped the floor with every one of us. Turned out he was Frank Bunn's son.


    Finally, a couple of years' later I was working part time during college delivering Kleeneze catalogues to the houses in my local area (I know, I became public enemy number 1 in the space of about 2 months!) Anyway, Frankie Bunn's wife put an order in. As she'd filled out the order form she put the telephone number as "Ex-Directory" :lol:

  7. I was quite subtle about it, only one of my mates, who they had thoughtfully put with all of the single girlfriends of the bride, drink 3 bottles of wine in a very short space of time and explained in graphic detail about how the groom had managed on separate occasions to accidentally have sex acts performed on him by a labrador and by a bloke in drag. Original Big Threaders know more about this guy than I think is fit for a more public airing, I'll tell you a few tales in person, preferably when you are feeling a bit queezy.


    Tell em the one about the nappy.

  8. Jimi, did I walk past you in Manchester the other day? Sort of around half five, heading up Oxford Road, near the Palace Theatre, on Monday and possibly other days too this week?


    Granted we've only met once for about 20 minutes in a pub last year, or more likely due to my own senility, my memory of exactly what you look like is somewhat blurred. I didn't wanna say 'ello in case it wasn't you, but next time assuming you would recognise me, feel free to stop me by any means you wish.


    (Good opportunistic cheating for the 00 by the way.)



    So, I've started my new job in Salford Quays. Other than the fact you can see Old Trafford from the window, everything is going just fine. :grin:

  9. Gotta add my approval to his signing. A well respected goalkeeper, a legend from his Forest days, bags of experience. Plus he'll soon sort out any jip that the back four (Gregan and his 3 buttocks <_< ) want to give him.


    My only concern is, as others say, his injury record. I can seem to remember him being injured in every match when he was at Fulham.

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