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    Oldham Athletic

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David Currie

David Currie (2/15)



  1. 'Some go east, and some go west, 'Some step aside and try their best, 'Some living big, but most living small, 'They just can't find no food at all (they starving)...'
  2. 'All my good life I've been a lonely man, 'Teaching people who don't understand, And even though I tried my best, 'I still can't find no happiness...'
  3. In some cases perhaps. In others people simply refuse to believe what's happening because they don't want to believe it.
  4. People tend not to recognise the true meaning of the events they're living through.
  5. The nail has been hit firmly on the head. A complete restyling of the club as a fourth division or non-league outfit is taking place before our eyes as a response to the failure of successive boards to arrest the post-1994 slide.
  6. We did not bounce back then, and we will not bounce back this time. It's happening in a worse situation, both for the club itself and for smaller clubs in general.
  7. I'm going while I still can. Before they knacker the club completely.
  8. You can only see the backs of the people who are sitting right where you are now, my dear fellow.
  9. Rubicon, crossing of; point of no return, reached; tipping point: For the club, all of those things now lie firmly in the past. What do people think Barry Owen's statement the other night was all about?
  10. When the fans' representative on the board tells us that we should look to Darlington for inspiration, and club spokesmen think that mere exhortation will suffice at this stage in the unfolding disaster, there is no enlightenment to be had.
  11. How can a problem be overcome when there is little or no understanding its very nature?
  12. It's exactly the same thing in effect. So, for the fourth time, are you going to tell us what you think has changed in seven years other than us 'still having a club to support?'
  13. So once again: In seven years, Barry, what has changed? We were 'glad to still have a club to support' back then, and to judge from your comments on Darlington, we should still merely be glad to have one. Despite the worse league position, the inferior playing squad, the three-sided ground and a furture just as uncertain. What's changed really?
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