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Posts posted by R.O.A.M

  1. My loyalties are no differently split thans yours are to Royton and Shaw. :wink::lol:


    I saw the way you lot behaved in the Rifle for the Donny/Leeds game. Cheering and celebrating at the final whistle. Disgraceful scenes. Didnt those Stewards in the Paddock teach you boys anything. :wink:


    Ha you'll be pleased to know i've thrown in the towel on Shaw and will be moving out within 2 weeks.


    Wht can I say I have no time for either team but detest Leeds always have, '15 points who gives a ****, you're 'super' Leeds & you ****** it up' I cannot wait until they visit us!!!! ^_^

  2. As far away from you riff raff as possible. :wink::)


    Depends on the game really. Probably the Grey Mare (sorry Punkster) for the games where teams dont bring many (especially the dippers if it has the same banter as last season - we ripped them to peices despite being massively outnumbered :lol: "Iaaaaaaaaaaan Mooooore..........." :lol: ) or Upsteps or somewhere in town for when Leeds, Hudd's come because I cant be bothered spending the best part of the day/night trying to get served amongst overweight yorkshiremen ordering a round of 12 pints. Plus it's cheaper. We went in Upsteps for Leeds last year - No queue, pint after pint whilst I got text after text off people who'd declined the invite in various pubs around the ground who where dying of thirst. :grin:


    Agree with the CG comments. For any of those who dragged me in there many a time last season, all because you "cant be bothered to walk down a hill". For shame. I'm not drinking out of a plastic cup this season thank you very much. Especially for the price they charge and how bad it is.



    Riff raff, don't get me started 'will she, won't she' :wink:

  3. I think it was '75/'76. Surely you should remember, Chris. You must have played with him enough times :wink:


    By the way, it was Steve Gardner I saw playing for England schoolboys and not Steve Edwards. Drinking too much Chang can play tricks with your memory!!



    Yes! Mark Hotte was in that line up!!


    Anyone remember him doing a diving header....... into the floor.

  4. I tell ya don't it make your blood boil how the bigger clubs get special caring treatment. Swindon recieved a mega punishment way back whilst Dirty Leeds even tried to get their 15 points over turned. Now Luton Town are smacked 30 points in League two next season. I think that's non league for them!!



    It's harsh for sure but, I hate Luton, the town, the ground, the way they play dirty, everything about Luton so i'm not losing sleep! Am I evil? :blink:

  5. Your right the staff are very helpful, sometimes they have off days like us all - Janice C did the same for me now I have changed from the NSM stand to the Main Stand. Now I have a seat on the half way line and a great view



    He is called Robin i'm led to believe and he certainly is a horrible ****

  6. ernie's baby is due in 4 weeks time. desperately sad situation, so tragic.


    after visiting him last week, i can only pray that his suffering comes to an end sooner rather than later, both for him and louise and his family.


    his indefeatable spirit is truly inspiring, even trying to raise a smile when we visited. wearing his latics shorts, he is a battler to the end.


    many of his former teammates have been at his side this week, and they are, as we are absolutely devastated to see his deterioration in such a quick time.


    i am in touch with his family frequently, so will inform of any updates, still praying for a miracle.


    It's awful to even read the board, brings tears to the eyes, such a true gent.

  7. Good pics Si, but why didnt this round the clock security chase you off with a pitchfork. "Gerr'of My Land." - Pfft. They should go down to the farms near Vitaluxan down the lanes in 'dale, to see how to keep the pesky buggers away from private property. :lol:



    Particularly like the 3rd last photo for two reasons. Those steps I walked up and down every single week and for that stupid random grey chair that despite the stand being in process of being demolished, still hasnt been removed yet. :lol::lol: It was there all last season and I dont think anyone could answer why. Just a seat for those too scared to stay in the rain at half time who cowered under the pie bar. :wink:



    Hmmm, and who was that :unsure:

  8. Would be interesting to know if those who voted for this shirt:



    are a bit confused when the technologically challenged pictures depict the shirt thus:



    and then the actual shirt which I saw this morning is the same fluorescent yellow worn in high-vis workplaces everywhere:


    picture courtesy of BigfinLatic


    See OAFCguy's video for the actual shirt.



    It's the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen, ever!!!!


    But I bought it!

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