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Oh Heck C-Beck

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Posts posted by Oh Heck C-Beck

  1. I thought Mellor played excellent in midfield when LJ first came in. Was really surprised to not see him kick on and command a starting place last season, something is not right and I would guess it is his attitude and performances in training, meaning he doesn't warrant a starting spot.


    I don't buy into this not enough chances for the young players, if they are good enough and show the right attitude they will get in. I always thought Winchester looked talented but expected him to be another one on the scrap heap, very surprised to see him nail down a starting spot and consistent performances, sounds like he has well and truly proved me wrong and I assume this is down to his hard work.


    Lets hope Mellor can do the same instead of writing him off. If he doesn't I am sure he will be looking for a new club when his contract runs out.

  2. It's very funny reading this board when out of the country. Football opinion really does swing from one extreme to the other. I thought the knives were being sharpened for LJ two weeks ago from the tone on here and was fearing the worst for this season. Really shocked from the initial comments this season that we have strung three victories together. Long may it continue.


    Sounds like Winchester has decided he wants to be a professional footballer too. Always looked talented but most times I have seen him the game passed him by. Really good to hear he is turning it around. Hopefully Mellor can too and Bove and Truelove can make an impact.

  3. There will always be negativity until people wake up to the reality of the situation we are in. I found it baffling the amount of people posting about being top half pre season based on a few half decent friendly results.


    Since Shez left we have not invested in the squad and and year on year we replace like for like. By that I mean some good players, some average players and some bad players. Whenever we lose good players lots of people talk about how we won't miss them but I feel this where our expectations are really wrong.


    A team challenging at the top will not lose and replace it's best players. It will keep them and add to them. We are just treading water and it is no surprise we always finish in roughly the same position.


    Yes on an individual level we might not miss the likes ok Korey Smith, Tarkowski etc but football is a team game and collectively our squad has not become stronger over the last few years.


    We can give it time, but we will need a lot of luck to be challenging in the top half without more investment.

  4. Forte was very good first half, not just scoring the goals but getting back to help out in defence. Great turn in the middle of the park at one point where he motored away. He's gonna be good to watch and it appears we aren't as lacking upfront as seems to be the consensus of opinion. He faded second half.


    Kusunga wasn't very good. Went down too easily looking for a free kick to help them with their second.

    James Wilson was excellent. So composed - keeps it, and makes it look, simple.

    Brian was alright. I like Connor Brown but Wilson looks far more solid and will be dependable I reckon.

    Mills was ok but not as impressive as he was in his first spell.

    Rachubka solid. A great save at one point.


    Jones & Kelly I couldn't quite weigh up. Neither did much wrong but nothing great either. Kelly's long range passing was good, he's bigger than I expected too.


    Winchester played well but seemed to be concentrating on getting stuck in, which he's not very good at, rather than creating, which he is good at.


    Clarke Harris had a bad day but he did have a few decent moments. He won headers and it was hard to tell whether it was his knockdowns that were poor or his team mates weren't doing enough to get on the end of them.


    Elokobi shored up the defence to preserve the point in th short time he was on.


    Philliskirk didn't do much.


    Gros looked lively, good movement on and off the ball. I'll be interested to see more of him. A bit of a Paul Warne type so he'll be popular.


    Thanks that's more like it:) Listening to LP I forgot Dayton was even playing. Out of the new players Jones seemed to be involved in a few almost costly turn overs of possession.

  5. We've signed a player and hardly anybody has even commented on the fact he scored two goals on his debut whilst tracking back and playing pretty well all afternoon......


    I can't wait to show my kids the goals and explain all about him tomorrow morning.


    I'll shield them from the fact that many (most?) of our fellow fans are a set of oddball :censored: who've completely lost what supporting a football team and it's players is all about.


    I really do despair

    Maybe most of our 4000 fans are still on the way back from the game. Or perhaps most of us didn't get a chance to go.


    If you went, instead of moaning why not give us some info on the match instead of shooting your mouth off like an oddball :censored: ;)

  6. I have been away from the UK for just over a year now so can only go off what I read online and what friends have told me, and while I don't think we will be going for promotion I do think it looks like a fairly strong squad for the starting day for a change. It usually takes about a month to get all our signings in place.


    I know many people are not keen on loan players but a couple of decent ones bought in at the right time could strengthen us further.


    Fingers crossed for 3 points today.

  7. Disagree with your comment about LJ spouting nonsense, he was just hinting that we are probably playing a very fluid formation so it is nonsense to say we are 352 or 442 etc because it will change depending on the opposition and game.


    Personally I dont think the formation is the biggest worry, it is the style of play and personnel which will make or break the season.

  8. I reiterate my statement from previously, my definition of a stringent medical might be a lot more stringent than the club's/Matt Chambers'

    On the flip side you could argue a professional football club medical that could result in hundreds of thousands of pounds being spent might be more stringent than what we think. I don't recall us signing too many really injury prone players over the years, just a lot of :censored: ones, but sadly medically don't cover that yet;)

  9. Yes he is replaceable but he will be very much missed and our squad will continue to be weak if it is another pre season of replace like for like. We will struggle to challenge until we add good players to the likes of Grounds to add competition rather than just replace them.


    I know there is not really much we can do until we get more investment but it is still frustrating.


    The club perhaps should have replied sooner but I don't see the issue with them not being in a position to offer further details at this point. I was under the impression that it would be outsourced anyway, so until the new company takes over, i'm not sure what can be done other than OAFC passing on the details to them of interesting parties. It's better to ensure that services can be delivered as promised in the long term, than getting a bad name for mucking things up from the outset. Though granted, they perhaps could spin and deal with such situations more positively.

    Yes they don't have the full details but wit the figures mentioned surely they should be building up relationships here. Even if they outsource having a list and relationship with potential customers should help with this process.

  11. Utter garbage in terms of improving the national team. Yes it wont be challenging at the moment but that is more down to the fact that a lot of good players have aged and we are in a transitional stage. There are still many good English players at the top level, enough to form a decent national team and we can still hold our own.


    To actually win something we probably need a successful English club side with a core of 6 or 7 great English players that can star for club and country, who know each others game inside out, like Barcelona and Spain. This will be more down to luck than anything. Maybe the money for winning the Premier League should increase for every English player who has played more than 75% of games, these clubs are motivated by money.


    Back to the real world they could do a lot worse than invest in grass routes and training additional coaches needed throughout the game rather than this stupid B team idea. If they really want B teams make the big clubs enter them at the bottom of the pyramid with different names and grounds, bound by the same transfer rules as anyone else.

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