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Hank Kingsley

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Everything posted by Hank Kingsley

  1. So if you believe the consensus on here we'll get hammered Saturday cos all the players hate him so they won't try a leg.
  2. You sure about that cos that's not what their posts imply.
  3. Err..being played out of position in the majority of games is the main reason. Perhaps the reason he's scored what's proved to be the winner in lots of games is down to the desire and will to win he has compared to his teammates. Let's see how many he gets for Blackpool if they play him up front.
  4. Your never going to win with certain posters on here and we all know who they are - they've got an agenda, they hate Dunn and want him out. Their desparate attempt to find negatives in anything he says is ample evidence of that. I truly believe they'll be genuinely gutted if we stay up. They put their petty little prejudices above the team just so they can bask in some supposed glory of being able to say 'I told you so' They're an irrelevance really.
  5. Greyhound - ten minutes walk from the ground and away friendly.
  6. That one line speaks volumes about your understanding of the game.
  7. yarddog73, on 07 Jan 2016 - 1:04 PM, said: Like that will ever happen!
  8. Seriously? Would love to see your evidence for that statement. The only concrete bid we've had is for Philliskirk and he's gone.
  9. “I don’t want any sympathy as I’ve not been unfairly treated. I’ve got a responsibility for results, and did I think I would do better? Of course I did. “Have I got a few things wrong? Yes.."
  10. Fair point, he's a rookie manager though, if he's in the job long enough he'll learn. He's too honest for his own good unfortunately. I think it's a breath of fresh air though, says what he thinks I can't fault him for that.
  11. Yea cos Lee Johnson believed in him didn't he. You seriously need to get a grip, all this resentment cn't be good for you.
  12. Fair play then if that's true . I agree but suspect we're in a minority, on here anyway.
  13. Philliskirk is a goal threat ,dropping him would've been mental. Playing him up front? Dunn would've been hung drawn and quartered, including by you. Great option to have off the bench and I'm sorry he's gone but the reason he wasn't starting was tactical, and correct imo.
  14. Who would you have started Yeates in front of? our top scorer or Mike Jones?
  15. You can bet your boots he will be though.
  16. We don't have any resolve mate. Corney will take whatever he can get.
  17. Good. I hope so. Their manager says they're still talking to us though.
  18. If you think this decision is bad just wait until we sell Murphy.
  19. Maybe - thing is he's actually got 'the gig' like it or not so the fans need to turn our attention to what happens on the pitch. I'm sure most supporters have the brains to realise the team needs backing cos if we turn on them as soon as we concede a goal or miss a sitter we're already doomed. Creating a negative atmosphere could be fatal to any chance of staying up. I have no problem with people thinking Dunn isn't the right man to be in charge, what's vital now is the players need to feel they have the support of the fans because it does affect performances. Apart from the few on here who probably can't wait for us to go down so they can gloat that they told us so, I would urge everyone who follows us whether they rate Dunn or hate him to get behind the team at games. It really could make the difference.
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