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Posts posted by maddog

  1. You wouldn't happen to have a nurses uniform would you?


    It's more of a Nursing Assistant uniform. Although I doubt it would have the same effect as the fully-fledged version :sad3: .


    I still have my old school uniform. Although fitting in it would be a task in itself :sign0007: .


    Did you see him on 'Just the Two of Us'?

    He's very thin and gaunt compared to how vibrant he looked in his youth.(too much of the illegal stuff!!!!!!!!!) :smoking:


    God I was in love with that guy and saw them live so many times! :tongue3:


    I know he aint a patch on what he used to be, but he's still got that sparkle in his eyes. Of course, that could be the coke. :blink:



  3. Hey are you knocking The Wets???!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mr.Pellow was my first major crush when I was 13. :wub:


    (not anymore, looking at him now.....) :unsure:

    Bet you were thrilled when they were No1 for 52weeks!!!!!! :D


    For most hated songs I'd nominate that one that goes : ''whatsa madda you hey, gotta no respect.....................''


    Erm, think it's ''Shudd upa ya face!!!'' :sign0094:

    I'd still do 'im :D

  4. Totally agree with the 'each to their own' sentiment when it comes to music, but it bothers me when people say they like something because its 'inoffensive'.


    I want to be caught up by music, where you can't listen to it whilst working or driving because it captivates you so much!


    Must just be me :blink:

    I didn't say I liked it because it was inoffensive. I said I liked it when I was younger. Now, I find it inoffensive!


    I agree with your second bit. There have been a few times I've had to stop the car when a song I've not heard before has come on the radio, just so I can listen to it properly.

  5. Pop? Kylie? Robbie? West:censored:e?

    I find them inoffensive, but that's more music from my earlier years.


    This year I arrrrve been mostly listening to James Morrison, the Kooks, Paulo Nutini, Keane, Snow Patrol, the Killers, Razorlight.


    But also like stuff like Kelly Clarkson, Sugababes....yer, know, stuff about 20 years too young for me :)


    Edit: Basically, I just like catchy tunes and summat I can sing (or screech) along to!

  6. The 80's stuff was good. What is your 'interesting' taste in music?

    Taste that used to be the norm, before it became trendy to be a Music Snob. I've never heard of 99% of the artists on that ipod thread! Frankly Mr Shankly takes great pleasure in guffawing (that's the best word to describe what he does) whenever I say I like a song.




    I'm talking mostly mainstream stuff. No R n B bobbins. Mostly pop and Indie stuff. Although the MS's would say the stuff I like isn't 'real' indies, man. ;)


    Don't care - you likes whatcha likes. :D

  7. Don't tarnish the class that is/was R'n'B with rubbish like Beyonce!


    She hasn't got the slightest clue what blues is about!

    R n B really aint what it used to be though. Not that I liked it first time round though either. :blush:


    I have an 'interesting' taste in music.

  8. A little birdie told me that it might be the case that Moderators and Admin can read other people's PMs that are in their inbox, sent or saved boxes :blink: .


    Can anyone plase clarify if this is the case or not? If it is, I reckon there should be some notice of this somewhere so people know they can be snooped at <_< !


    If not.......as you were :D


    Ta very muchly.

  9. When we had the space saver on, Dan came home and said 'Where the F**K did you nick that BMX wheel from?'


    What's a space saver? Sorry if that's a girl question.


    Never had a flat or blow out, touch wood. Think I said on the Real Big Thread once, I wouldn't have the first clue about what to do if I did. That's why I have breakdown cover. I wouldn't even attempt to do anything myself. Also, when a coily thing on my suspension went, a proper garage had problems getting my wheel off, cos there's special nut thing. So I would have no chance.

  10. I don't do moisturiser. My face was born self-moisturising. Always take my make up off at night, or my face breaks out into a blotchy spotty mess (even more so than usual)*.


    Had a fantastic weekend away in Ireland. My friend is renting a place overlooking the Curragh Race course in Kildare, which was a very quiet and picturesque place to stay. Spent 3 days drunk :drinking66: , with my bedtimes being 5.40am, 3.40am and 8.40am. Spent Friday in Dublin, Saturday in Carlow** and Newbridge and Sunday on Elaine's sofa. Was great to see the girls again, have a girlie gossip, catch up, and generally put the world to rights :gossip: .


    Been getting right into my new healthy lifestyle. The non-smoking in the week is going well, the dodgy soup making, and going to the gym.....managing to stick to them all quite well. With the gym thing, though, I'm finding it eats into my 'lounging around' time a bit too much for my liking, I feel like I haven't stopped. But, strangely, despite being knackered, I actually feel more energetic. :bounce:. Bizarre.


    Finally managed to take my old PC to the tip today, which was an experience. Everything else seemed to have a place to put it, a cage, a skip......pcs went in a burnt out hole in the ground. Just reminds me of being little and my dad taking me to the tip (dunno why I always had to go with him) when our dustbin got full, get rid of old Christmas trees, etc.


    And finally, I have my first bout of babysitting to do on Friday, in exchange for my return airport taxi. Hoping they'll all be in bed by the time I get there, and still be there until I leave. Surely even I can't fail to babysit 3 kids for a few hours? Watch this space.


    * Presuming I don't pass out drunk before I manage it.

    **Where we had a trip to a nunnery for an 'order' of Nuns called the Poor Clares. We found this quite amusing, especially when we spotted the array of photo opportunities next to the sign saying 'Poor Clare's Masses' :devilish: ;).

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