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Posts posted by maddog

  1. If it wasn't Pete, it could have been my brother - he lives around there - Dudley Gardens, Trinity.


    Reading this has convinced me that we need to set up a Scottish and North East branch of OASIS.


    SANE will shortly be born.

    Wish I'd stayed up there now. Would have been nice to be sane for a change ;) .


    How about Independent New Scottish And North East (INSANE) branch? :D

  2. I've also been called on for wedding duties. Isn't it supposed to be bad luck to be bridesmaid 3 times? :blink:


    So my birthday weekend in newcastle will be taken up having dress fittings. Nice. I'd like to go to one where I just turn up in a nice outfit, no advance planning needed.


    But that's in a couple of weeks.


    For this weekend (including spending about 3 hours this evening at the airport cos I can get a free lift then).......


    :drinking45::drinking66::drinking45::drinking66::drinking45::drinking66::gossip: :rolleyes4: :toilet: :sleeping2: :grin:

  3. I'm supposed to be off to Dublin tomorrow for a nice long weekend. Hope the snow due doesn't mean I can't go/will be delayed (my mate at the other end would be unimpressed as she's having to pick me up at half 11 at night as it is) :angry: . Should be a good one if I do finally get there. Never been over to Ireland before, so will get to see some of Dubline, Kildare, and Carlow. The original suggested itinerary was to do lots of shopping, walking and drinking. I have managed to knock this down to minimal walking, no shopping, and 99% drinking, which was quite impressive, I thought B) !


    Early finish today, which was nice. Although it would have been nicer if I hadn't had to spend the rest of it having mandatory training on Health and Safety, Fire awareness, Smoking awareness (which, despite my patch, just made me want a fag) and some other rubbish entirely unrelated to my job.


    I was seriously losing the will to live at several points during the day.


    I managed to buy some more de-icer when my last can ran out (you know, before I got to the windscreen ;) ), then yesterday, when the frost started up again, I managed to break the nozzle thing off after its first use, rendering said can useless. So I just went and stole some from my brother, who, since he runs a minibus company, had about 20 cans. I wouldn't fancy having to defrost 4 minibuses every morning before work. My poor little hand freezes at just having to do one car.


    Haven't tried the hot water thing yet. I keep forgetting, and by the time I get to that car, I can't be bothered going back up stairs through 2 locked doors. Yes, I'm just a lazy arse.


    Had my first gym session after my induction the other day, and it actually wasn't bad at all. It was even vaguely entertaining. And I can still move! First 2 (count em!) classes tonight. Step, burn and tone or summat (steps.........hmmmmmmm, tone.....ok, burn.....definitely not sure, especially as I am now aware of fires ;) ) and holistic fusion, which is apparently like yoga and meditation. Not sure I'll like that one, bit too much like rubbish for me.

  4. What I'm saying is just be careful, you might think smashing to pieces will prevent people accessing the data - it doesn't - it can still be retrievable. It's possible to recover data from hard discs that have been in a fire - I've heard of drives being recovered from an inferno that reached 1700 degrees Fahrenheit for Chissake - been sunken at the bottom of a river or lake for two or more days, and yes - even the hard drives that have been crushed beyond recognition...


    The only real way of removing the data, is to degause the drive and then destroying the platters.

    At the moment, the plan is just to get rid of the rest of the stuff - tower, monitor, etc. I have the hard drive, and might even keep it, but I will make sure it is destroyed properly if I do decide to dispose of it.


    Cheers for the warning though!

  5. Which tip are you taking it to?

    That's a very good question. Emailed the Oldham refuse people today asking where I could take the stuff to, if anywhere. Anyone got any tips? I'm in Rochdale, but work in Oldham. I've heard tips have special PC sections? Is it a vicious rumour?

  6. After taking advice from people on JKLatics, I have decided to remove my hard drive from my old pc and smash it to bits with a hammer :D before taking it to the tip.


    I was very proud of myself for getting the cover off and being able to see inside, but I'm not 100% sure what my hard drive looks like. There are a couple of flat green bits (motherboard??), and I have unscrewed and removed one block thing, which I have just noticed is my Floppy drive :sign0007: . The other block thing just below it looks like it might be hard driveish - is this likely? it's sort of green underneath, with a load of black squares surrounded by silver metal. On the top, it sort of has a silver circle thing.


    Can anyone confirm this is the bit I need to smash up? (Also, is this the only bit I need to smash up in terms of security, etc, before dumping it?)




    (sorry this is a bit rambly, I'm clueless when I start taking things apart)

  7. I thought Porter scored......but then i didnt really didnt give a rubbish when it went in the net and everyone went ballistic :icon_peace:

    I said about after 60 mins that we deserved to win,a dn i didn't care how e did it, z\ 70 yeard hoof and an own goal would do it......i it seems my wish came true! :D

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