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Posts posted by MAC0AFC

  1. theirs better out of contract players then croft today.. it's strange how most of these out of contract players tend to have lost their way somewhere (most probably agents) i honestly don't think half of agents nowadays do much for a player!


    paul scholes never had an agent, he didnt need one he relied on his talent to earn himself a better contract

  2. only my opinion but... i don't mind category games - for the likes of sheffield united/wolves/preston/bradford who are always going to bring a big away following no matter what the price!

    they could be category A


    category B can be the big standard charge of £22 for all those with a few hundred! and category C for those with no following at all £20


    that way you make the most of the big followings who aren't too fussed about the price! and £22 for the average club no one argues with

  3. It's the TV money which is the real villan when it comes to ticket prices IMO, they're subsidising the top clubs with the rest of the Football Pyramid have limited streams of income.


    I think the best way for them to take notice would be for the fans to turn up outside the ground and not go inside, it would then give the directors a clear indication of how much income they're losing. If people just stayed at home then they would probably just assume that we don't have that good an away following

    good idea, not sure it will ever pursue though
  4. Having a right good debate if Durham on twitter. He doesn't see an issue with the pricing.

    he's being proper childish about it, instead of discussing it like a man he's trying to mock you... well annoyed me, i said 'discuss it on the station and see what the callers think, you'll soon see that the callers agree it's overpriced for a league one game against oldham'
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