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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. all the time. do you drink a lot before matches?
  2. hope that stat feeling against momentum isn't just my opinion..
  3. if we say the season started when tea time took over where would we be in the league?
  4. Kitch for Green one change not sure who has dropped out of squad
  5. almost nailed on that lve got them confused now you mention rochdale
  6. his 'pass completion rate' is actually near 100% if we count passes that went to the exact player he was aiming for!
  7. he has ran out of UK pubs to randomly find out important stuff so now he is in benidorm!!
  8. notice Sheron has stopped passing tp the oppo since we stopped wearing red against teams wearing green. could just be a coincidence.
  9. indeed. people who think signing class players is puzzling have been damaged by our recent history havent they!!
  10. this desire lacking shower of shit are going nowhere. if the season wasnt over in december then it must be now its a disgrace wasting Franks money there he is rowing the planet and weve spent his cash on gerriactric strikers who dont even smile??? hahahahahahaaaa muppetts sit down shut up sit down shut up
  11. Green havin a stormer IMO but probably get abused by the windemere lot
  12. yeah hes looked like a kid playin mens Football every time lve seen him. which is the whole point l suppose!
  13. top squad man Green decent assists chips in goals and terrifies defenders. deploy the Speedboat.
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