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Everything posted by AndrewDodd

  1. That time again! Ready for another day at the desk tomorrow. G'night everybody x

  2. Back at my desk, building websites...

  3. Goodnight everybody - sleep peacefully x

  4. Yay! It's Thomas time!

  5. Needs a huge pick-me-up from somewhere but until I find it, it's painkillers and bed!

  6. Bloody Microsoft... Pfft

  7. Hi Ho, Hi Ho - it's off to work I go!

  8. Grrr... Insomnia sucks!

  9. And so to bed.. G'night lovely people - especially those most dear to me x

  10. Loves Tramadol I do! Wish these spasms would do one..

  11. Happy Monday people! Yeh, right.. LOL

  12. Website design on a Sunday? Hmmm...

  13. Sing a new song, Chiquitita....

  14. Bedtime... G'night dear friends, sleep well x

  15. Oh well, no Thomas time til tomorrow - need some pain relief and TLC! Any offers? ;)

  16. Soon be Thomas time... Yippee x

  17. G'night beautiful people - here's to a decent spasm-free, painless sleep!

  18. Morning people...

  19. Back spasms.. Bad times! :(

  20. A day at the desk methinks - am not that good at water skiing! Morning people..

  21. And so to bed.. Hopefully the neighbour won't piss me off tonight. G'night folks x

  22. Would like to thank my good friend Miss Kelly for just being her!

  23. Sorry Andy, I think Roger is just too good for you...

  24. 80's fest while working.. :P

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