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    Oldham Athletic

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Brian "Killer" Kilcline

Brian "Killer" Kilcline (1/15)



  1. Has played every game since being back - first 3 coming on as a sub and playing full game in other 3 - 13 points from 18. Enjoying playing and being involved. Good luck today - hopefully can start a good run and a move up the table. #oafc #sufc #ktf #uptheiron
  2. Cheers Kieran, will pass your good wishes on. Yes can't deny I'm happy getting my family back together but more so for him to be back doing what he loves wherever that is; just the icing on the cake that its back at a club extremely close to our hearts.
  3. Sorry tried to post pic of article but didn't work :-(
  4. Appreciate the comments. To say he doesn't fit the gaffers style of play is no bother, that may be the case but won't stop him trying. I just felt like he was being singled out for criticism and being used as a scape goat for yesterday's loss when he wasn't even on the pitch when the goal was scored. I do try not to take it personally honest!
  5. I'm not trying to say he didn't have an off game, there'll be no one harder on him than himself. He's never been the quickest and never will be but despite this he's had 11 years as a professional including 3 promotions so must have something to offer more than a 40 year old who plays 5 a side once a week.
  6. His contract is with Oldham and until the manager or chairman tell him otherwise, he will remain loyal to Oldham.
  7. Nice to see support of a player who comes into a game when his team are already losing and under the kosh with very little pre-season time under his belt who, despite this, continues to work hard every day in training and endeavours to remain a positive influence on younger professionals around him finding their way in the game. ?
  8. Guilty as charged! Was going to ask if a couple of injuries all season constitutes as injuries getting on a bit these days but decided to steer clear! Didn't realise it posted my quote - apologies.
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