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Posts posted by AndyGortonsMatches

  1. David "Chicken" Currie

    Brian "The Viking" Kilcline

    Ian Haemorrhoid


    David Currie

    Apart from his 'tache anonymous in most games, one world class display against Notts County in the League Cup and the unforgivable chickening out at Old Trafford.



    Dreadful, but once did a slide tackle on the plastic that stretched 30 yards taking no prisoners.



    Not bad really, a poor mans Crouch at best - favourite goals being the leveller against City and winner at Wolves both Dec 96.

  2. Exactly the pint I was going to make.

    I wonder if the people that uproared about redcution in budget are the same that are complaining about a seaon ticket price freeze.


    It is a net reduction when increased operating costs (eg utilities) and therefore a net redcution in playing budget.


    The club got more than enough bonus income last season to subsidise ST's a little for one season.


    But it always disappears down that mystery black hole, the one Stotty installed in the early 90's.

  3. "With a new stand to pay for and a troubling financial climate, even the lucrative televised FA Cup run hasn’t prevented a tightening of the purse strings."


    Wasnt the new stand on the cards without the unexepected windfall of the cup run..


    I really was expecting a moderate increase in budget this year to reflect the bonus income, seems not and again my enthusiasm for the next season is hit for six.

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