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Posts posted by simplythemostimportantkick

  1. 29 minutes ago, LaticsPete said:

    A real downbeat interview. Definitely knew that he had nowhere to go with that team. Can't help but feel sorry for the guy. I wonder if he was told before the coach trip back? That would have been an uncomfortable journey.


    He must’ve known there was an elite level world famous scout, with knowledge of the game he could only dream of, watching his star talent. You’d have to be at that standard to know we should deffo sign a crock, after seeing him for about half hour. 

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, south east latic said:

    Some properly embarrassing posts during the first half in this thread calling out Mellon. First half was crap but these players have proven time and again that, as a collective, they aren’t up to it consistently. Second half was so much better and whatever Mellon said to them worked. 

    5 promotions is it he’s won? More promotions on his CV than we’ve had in best part of 70 years. Let him crack on ffs. It won’t get fundamentally better until we’ve undone some of the recruitment mess of the past 18 months but Mellon’s already shown enough to earn time from us fans without people getting on his back

    Upvoted on the 8th word

    1 hour ago, Bobledgersheart said:

    Still his Uncle !

    As has been said by multiple people. Trouble is they are all blocked so he won’t see it. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, wiseowl said:

    Strange world we live in. Whilst I agree with your general sentiment (oafc1955), why is it whenever someone expresses an opinion (sometimes valid) that doesn't agree with the majority of human sheep, they need to be removed from whatever platform? Free speech is fundamental to a democracy. We are turning into a communist state in many regards. I`ve decided to abandon all social media now - including here - it's just such an unbalanced place with little leftie cliques everywhere.

    Going97758 times is that ? Just piss off if you wanna, don’t need to announce it 🙄

    • Like 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, wiseowl said:

    My overwhelming emotion after today is one of sadness. Had we notched a victory - even a scruffy one and followed that up in the next 2 home games, we'd have been nicely poised AND KEPT THE ATTENDANCE ON PAR. I heard too many people saying today that they'd had enough of home games for a while - and that's a worry.


    As poor a display as you'll see that today - utterly bewildering after Barnet. 


    A lot of poor performances from individuals but midfield is still the glaring weakness. Honestly think we need 2 in there (and been saying it for a while, so not knee jerk). Not quite sure what Lundstram has brought to the party - plays the easy sideways or backward ball most of the time.


    We also need Hobson's quality at the back - they ran through us with ease today.

    Another performance like that and you’ll deffo be boycotting?

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Summerdeep said:

    Any news on Norwood's injury from last night's match? He looked to be struggling when attempting to run towards Hallam Hope to congratulate him on scoring our fourth goal.

    I wouldn’t have played him at all last night, not after limping off the night before. 

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