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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. Do you think the club should jump on the Sunderland and Man City bandwagon with a behind the scenes documentary once Scholes takes over?


    Play this right and the club could become Football Manager in reality


    Some people can’t wait for him to fail.  If he does, who cares?  He’s the most interesting and exciting candidate we’ll have lined up.  Secure some quality from the Prem and fingers crossed we start moving up that table and add a few hundred or more to the gates.  Don’t even care if it’s United fans reminiscing 

  2. I hope it’s agreed and signed.  


    Social media’s now awash with everyone having their view on whether he’d be successful or not, whether he’s a fan or not, suggesting it’ll turn into a nightmare like Neville at Valencia.


    AL’s back tomorrow but if it’s not signed I see a risk of Scholes pulling out due to all the attention.  

  3. 3 minutes ago, oafc1955 said:


    Nicky Butt..where’s that come from??


    A few sad they saw Butt with Scholes at the game yesterday.  I imagine he’ll bring in coaches he knows.  He’ll want to maximise his chances of success hence my feel that there’s more to this story than AL convincing Scholes to take on the managers job.

  4. Lets be honest here; we need Scholes more than he needs us.


    In our current position we cannot attract the type of manager needed to lift us so we need someone who has an affinity with the club and doesn’t need the wage.  Scholes ticks both of those boxes.


    If he is coming then this signals a monumental shift for the club.  Scholes is holding all the cards so wouldn’t come here if he had no budget or no say in player recruitment.   He doesn’t need the aggro, doesn’t need us blotting his managerial copybook and could easily start much higher like Lampard or Gerrard.  My gut feel is that this means AL has demonstrated that he has the funds or someone else is now investing and Scholes in the hot seat was the condition.  Scholes is a major attraction to players and football mad - and rich - people.  It’ll add to the gate and even more so if he can get us winning and playing attractive football along the way.


    Having Scholes and Butt coaching means we’ll get decent youth players from the Premier League plus abroad.  Clubs will relish them coaching their kids and gaining experience in the lower leagues.  Scholes would have done his homework with his contacts before agreeing to this; will you loan me X, Y or Z ?  


    Im giving AL all the credit here but I also think there’s someone else now involved to convince Scholes to manage us at this level.

  5. The weird thing is the lack of posts from local media.  Normally if it’s sensational but total bollocks then they’re quick to discredit it.  


    Bill Rice has said “watch this space”.  Alan Nixon cryptic with his bet post.


    Why do I get the feeling that people close to Scholes and club are keeping this closely under wraps and therefore more likely to be true than not.

  6. Alan Nixon laughed it off a few seconds ago on Twitter.  Wouldn’t put 10p on it apparently.


    1/20 is mad odds and normally reflecting the bookies knowing something


    Scholes doesn’t strike me as an idiot and doesn’t need this job so AL must have convinced him somehow that the job is worth it.  Either that or he’s seen his pals take managers jobs, fancies a stab and knows it’s a no lose situation as he can blame AL if it goes sour.  He could easily get a coaching job at United even he he relegated us 

  7. 5 minutes ago, LaticMark said:


    It would take more than a £2 bet to shift the odds from 10/1 to 4/6 in 24 hours, but that is all we have at the moment!


    If Latics were to appoint a new manager next week I'd expect him to be at Macclesfield today, so if you're are going this afternoon keep 'em peeled. :goggle:  


    Or in Dubai with AL

  8. 22 minutes ago, GlossopLatic said:

    If you buy domestic players they don't take that long to adjust they usually hit the ground running. which is the other major advantage.


    Adam Rooney didn’t.  Nor did half of the other players Wellens brought in last year or Dunn before him.  


    I dont think Lang or Surridge had much to do with being domestic players but skilful players.  



  9. Aside from someone putting £2 on him on SkyBet, is there anything more reliable linking Scholes to the manager’s job?


    Unless being just a coach appeals to him, do you honestly think he’d take it?


    I cannot imagine Paul being happy not having money to buy players and the owner/owner’s brother acquiring players anyway.  Unless it taps us into Manchester United youth team.

  10. Don’t care where we sign them from.  Don’t care who buys them.  Don’t even care who’s coaching them.....as long as we’re winning.


    I still get a sense of xenophobia from some of the media because we’ve got a foreign owner who’s buying or loaning foreign players.  Comments like “flooding the team”, “basement French leagues” have started to disappear but it’s still around because we’re not following the traditional manager buying players model.


    AL is a foreign owner but before that he was a foreign football agent who was successful enough to blow millions in buying a football club.  Granted he’s hot-headed but perhaps he has insight to acquire a lower-league team who could, one day, return to the multi-millions in Championship/Premier League.  Started at the bottom he can acquire affordable talent; playing away from the radar and not asking ridiculous money on wages or fees.  We can develop them - and the club - along the way to sell them for a profit and make the club self-sustainable and, dare I say it, profitable too.


    It may succeed, it may not.  However AL is keeping our club alive.  Stuff the sycophantic press, ex-players, ex-owners and ex-managers who criticise anyone who challenges the old school way of doing things and refuse to pander to the professional footballer community.

  11. Scholes may have been a quality footballer but he won’t be playing for us, will he?


    I’ll take your Scholes and raise you Hoddle.  Brilliant footballer but only showed promise as a coach for England when he had the best players at his disposal.  It was often said that when managing Swindon, Wolves and even Chelsea, he became quickly frustrated when the players couldn’t repeat on the pitch what he could do or tried to coach.


    Imagine Scholes demonstrating pinpoint passing in training then players at our level tried the same but were 10 yards away from their targets?


    Its not necessarily the coaching but fitness, tactics, mentality and funds to strengthen that’s the key.  Give someone like Wild security to continue as manager, a realistic budget to strengthen and time to move us on then that would be my preference.  It’s all about personality and teamwork; you can see the camaraderie between the players and Wild in the last few games.

  12. Fuck it, can’t be arsed with a tin hat but I’d fully support AL if he opted to move the club to a new location.  Granted a smaller stadium but with four decent stands, better facilities etc.


    AL would then own the club, the stadium, the land and facilities.  Choose the right area and we could retain most or all the existing ST base but potentially entice more from a new area based on affordable pricing and a better match day experience.


    I’d love to stay at BP but two of the four stands need bulldozing.  I was even thinking if it was possible to partner with a cinema complex or similar to build around BP with restaurants, pubs etc.  In return BP is rebuilt on existing site and became a leisure area with sport facilities.  A lot of clubs have done this and those leisure facilities would benefit from match day footfall plus non-match day from surrounding housing.  If that’s no possible then replicate this, in partnership with a leisure company, in another area but on a smaller scale and a brand new stadium for OAFC


    BPs our home but we need to evolve

  13. Opinions on Blitz being on the pitch celebrating after the final whistle?!


    I suspect bring a creditor with that loan still need repaying, he’s got a vetted interest in our fortunes still.


    Am I right in thinking that him and Corney fell out?  If so perhaps he’s taking more of an interest and may consider buying back into the playing side?!

  14. Hopefully not Paul Gladon.  A striker signed by Wolves when they were throwing money around and a lot of fans I know still question why £1 million was spent to acquire him.  


    He’s struggled at Wolves and only played three games before returning back on loan to Heracles in the Dutch league where he’s struggled since.  Wolves have tried to loan him out to Championship teams and below with no interest.  Despite being over six foot, he’s lacking the physical presence.


    Not for me

  15. 10 minutes ago, archiecat said:

    So he puts in 3.5 million and is still subsidising the club to the tune of £200k per month and there are still debts including the Necarcu loan ? 

    i am inclined to agree with Eyresy,things do not stack up at all yet people hang on his every word as gospel. 


    Probably the debts were much deeper than the due diligence unearthed?  


    Lets give the bloke some time eh?  I was pushing for an interview and we got one.  Ok it didn’t confirm everything around the future at this stage but let’s see in January     what materialises in terms of squad additions or not.


    Also remember in the interview Mike did say that certain things couldn’t be discussed because of legal reasons.  As said earlier; Corney misleading the DD perhaps, player releases and possibly Wellens.  On the topic of Wellens, if I blew a fortune outside my budget to support a manager to avoid relegation and we went down without a fight then I’d be reluctant to pay off his contract especially if there are clauses around performance.

  16. Just now, deyres42 said:


    What he says and what is actually happening don't seem to stack up.


    Can you give examples?


    I thought he explained himself on why payments were late.


    The more I think of the snipers, it’s boiled down into three camps -


    1. Ex-players who weren’t used to having their performance criticised or bitter when informed that there were not needed and needed to go.


    2. An ex-owner who had to be forced from the board and the club


    3. Journos who wrote articles based on information from those ex-players and the ex-owner

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