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Everything posted by PhilStarbucksSilkySkills

  1. I used to be one. My mother is a vicar. My father worked in the church. I grew out of it. p.s most people know that there are thousands of differents sects Christianity and that you all claim different beliefs. I'm not sure why you are feeling misunderstood.
  2. People don't like it when you mischaracterise their position. You have read my constant refutations on this subject and yet you still insist on parrotting this BS about us seeking to cause offence. Sing a new tune, because this one is getting old.
  3. No I don't. You did when you claimed that religion offered a moral compass. I actually said "You only get yours from the bible by cherry picking the verses you agree with anyway" I don't think you get your morals from your religion at all. In fact I'd be concerned for you if you did.
  4. Why do you need an externally bestowed moral compass? Why can't you make your own mind up? You only get yours from the bible by cherry picking the verses you agree with anyway. So why can't you admit that you do have your own moral compass? By the way, why does it matter? Why is "it offers a moral compass" an important stance to take when you are asking the question are gods real? The claim of the existance of deities is either acurate or not.
  5. I prefer sensitive subjects to trivial ones. I love football, but its difficult to say anything original about it.
  6. What the does that have to do with it? Yes I am an Oldham fan. Born and bred.
  7. Indeed. It's confusing "is" with "ought". Science tells us the way things are. It's says nothing about what we should do with that knowledge. Blaming the Nuclear Bomb on science is pretty pathetic. What we do with technology and discovery is up to groups and individuals to work out. Let's not forget that without science we wouldn't be having this conversation. We wouldn't have a roof over our head. We might not even beable to afford food. Science is progress.
  8. :lol: You need moral guidance do you oafc0000? And you think religion is necessary to provide it?
  9. They were taking the piss out of people who take themselves and their religion too seriously. So much so that they feel they can impose it on others. They were taking the piss out of the people who censor themselves out of fear. There is no difference between the sentiments of south park and the sentiments of those who support "draw mohammed day". It is not about causing offence, it is about showing that we are free to do something that might make them take offence, in spite of the threats. We are showing that intimidation will not work. You still don't get it do you? Have you seen the Skepchick video? Did you watch the AronRa video all the way through? Their views are exactly my views on this whole "draw mohammed day" thing. Are they looking to cause offence too, or are you just picking on me? Am I, or anyone else who supports this day stopping anyone from worshipping whatever invisible man they want? Who's bullying the masses? As I already told you, most muslims aren't going to care about this, so obviously we are not targetting masses. It's the ones that do care that need to get over themselves, and realise that we live in a civilised society where sticks and stones may break my bones but words (or cartoons) will never hurt me. In nut shell. If you are going to get upset by something so mundane then you deserve to be upset by this. And you deserve to be ridiculed for doing so. But either way noone can tell me or any other freedom loving person who I can or cannot ridicule, satirise, critisise or draw.
  10. I've never heard of anyone coming close to harm over such a depiction though. Besides, South Park showed Jebus doing internet porn in the same episode as the faux mohammed in the bear costume. I didn't hear a peep from anyone about that.
  11. Noone would care if people drew Jebus. I've certainly never heard of a christian threatening violence over the depiction of Jebus. So draw Jebus day (or satirise Jebus day) would be somewhat pointless if we are already free to do it (if we wanted) without needing to look over our shoulders. If of course Christians happened to be getting as hysterical as the minority of muslims are now, and threatening or committing violence, then of course people would be joining in on "draw jebus day". I actually expect more people would, since we are so much more surrounded by Christians.
  12. That IS what free speech is about. Offence is taken not given. And it is entirely subjective. Nothing is above criticism or ridicule. I have the right to say what I want and you have the right to ignore or aviod it. Pathetic! Such an ignorant and intellectually dishonest statement. Go ahead and label me a racist even though I have said nothing to indicate that I am. People like you make me sick.
  13. Unsuccesfully. You just chose not to take my word for it that this is about free speech and nothing else. Free speech is a principle that I hold very dear.
  14. I don't. I don't think I have said anything that could indicate I do either (in spite of oafc0000's constant strawman arguments). This has got NOTHING to do with race. It doesn't really have anything to do with religion either. I would be just as annoyed if it was a politically motivated group or individuals threatening violence over cartoons. For the record I'm a libertarian (ie social liberal) and slightly right wing (right wing refers to economic policy), not a fascist right winger.
  15. This is what my drawing of mohammed looks like for those who were curious:
  16. Look in the mirror. There's one of "those people" right there. You know, the pacifist, politically correct, turn the other cheek type that seek to pacify the minority by restricting the freedoms of the rest of us. There's all too many of you in political power.
  17. Ok, I'm done with this topic unless anyone else has something constructive to say. As far as OAFC0000 goes, he just seems intent on calling me names and asserting over and over again that I (and assumedly the millions around the world who are supporting this day) are being being offensive for the sake of it. This he asserts in spite of my constant refutations. I've got more important things to worry about than one man's lack of logic and reasoning skills. Some people are so hopelessly convinced that no argument can sway them. It's up to you folks, draw a cartoon of a long dead pedophile or don't. We live in a free world (for the most part).
  18. What makes you think this is just about the UK? This isn't about why you should be worried, this about is about standing by the people who have been killed by extremists or live their life under constant threat of violence from people who think "offence" is justification for the death penalty. It's also about protesting the people in society (muslim and non muslim alike) who sympathise with these people OR those who think saving people from being "offended" is sufficient justification for censorship.
  19. No. But I will not be told by someone under violent protest that I can't. Do you get it yet? Will it stop you eating cheese just because it offends his sensibilities or because he made a threat? You haven't been listening. You're so determined to show that I am supporting this cause out of spite and not standing up for the rights of myself or others. Calling me a cock only looking to cause offence, doesn't make it so.
  20. Fear out of nothing? Get your head out the hand and do some research. I've already given you examples to google. And what's my dogma, Einstein?
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