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Only Blue

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Posts posted by Only Blue

  1. 38 minutes ago, deyres42 said:

    Considering the tantrums he threw, the continued assertions that he knows what good looks like and the pathetic end to the season I really thought we would have some signings lined up ready to go early doors to get some feelgood factor back into the place.

    I am not really sure we need the feelgood factor yet as this is the quiet down time for more or less everyone.


    Let's just see what happens by mid-July and let us all look forward and stop dwelling on last season as nothing we say or do is going to change anything about it now.


  2. 9 minutes ago, deyres42 said:

    1st to 9th = start of month

    10th to 21th = middle of month

    22nd to last day of month = end of month 


    Those are the official internationally recognised metrics.

    The title of this thread is so right, you two are debating whether 10th of the month is classed as the middle!!!!


    Us Latics fans can definitely argue over absolutely anything and it is brilliant :)


  3. 6 minutes ago, Lee Sinnott said:

    It was more in response to posts above, implying he was staying on because he had posted the pic. I imagine he'll get fixed up, and not too far from home, but we need to move on from him...

    Yes true I went off topic a bit.


    It's because I can't bring myself to speculate on any signings as you find out sooner or later, but I just love seeing profile pics etc. of people in Latics gear especially when it's a player.


    So obviously Norwood annoyed me. Only kidding!!!! I don't care.

  4. 2 hours ago, Lee Sinnott said:

    Think people are reading too much into him changing his profile pic to a picture of him and his kids...

    The fact that his profile pic is him and his kids in a Latics kit warms my heart.


    He is one of the few players who seems to actually like our club :)


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  5. 1 hour ago, Guy Branston Pickle said:

    Writing the season off before we've even made a signing is hilariously pessimistic even for this place



    Oldham Sunday League are still playing their finals so even though our league has finished in my eyes the football season isn't even over yet. :)


    There will be signings and players leaving so once that starts to happen we will have plenty of debate then

  6. 1 minute ago, O.A.F.C. said:

    I'd say the blame lies with Mellon.  It's his job to protect his players and accept responsibility, something he seems to rarely do.

    That's a whole new debate but this was set off by saying Mellon blamed the fans which was not the case at all.


    You can interpret what he said differently but you can't actually say he blames the fans.

  7. 39 minutes ago, JoeP said:


    The players seem to be choosing to listen to the negative, rather than the positive crowd reaction.  The atmosphere at BP - thanks to the Athleticos - has been the best since the Premier League days. We were 3-0 down at home to Fylde in a massive game last season and the Athleticos were singing "Mickey Mellon's Blue and White Army"!  Being negative is counter-productive, but I thought that specific moment laughed in the face of this "the fans are too negative" theory...


    It's a cop-out blaming fans negativity.  Unfortunately, when you buy, manage or play for this club, you take on the burden of 33 years of decline.  Not your fault - no one's saying it is - but there has to be some empathy that while it's new for you, it's not new for the vast majority of fans in the ground.  Yes, we have knobheads in the crowd - but every club does.  You have to put your big-boy pants on and ignore them or laugh at them. Otherwise I'm not sure playing for a bigger club is for you.  


    It's seen as a negative that our fans "love a trier" who runs around- I've never really understood why. If you try, never give up and also have a bit of quality to impact games, you'll get the fans onside.  Having the inability to cope with the pressure of playing for us is not the fans fault.



    Totally agree.


    At the start of every match the fans, especially the Athleticos, create a positive atmosphere. It's only AFTER the players stop running off the ball, back out of 50/50s,  constantly pass sideways and back that it turns.


    Having said that in the past the Athleticos have still plugged away, but by the end of this season even that had gone. Also this isn't fans turning after one poor game, it's after game after game for several years. There is hardly ever a surprise moment where the players have remotely entertained us.


    I know it's used against us but don't do the three things I have said and it won't be an issue. Oh and stop slowing it down at throw-ins, dead-ball kicks, actually my list could be larger :)


  8. I think we are in danger of getting fixated with the figures.


    It's more than understandable that the number will dip after last season and would do at most clubs so let's not beat ourselves up about it.


    As long as we get the product right on the pitch the supporters will come back.



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  9. 2 minutes ago, daniel said:

    Absolute tripe. We may as well pack up now then if top half NL is our baseline. Are you privy to Frank Rothwell’s wealth? We had the biggest budget in the league last season, and will be top 3 at least again next. It’s all about how recruitment goes and seeing if we can learn from previous mistakes. 



    The budget won't be an issue if you choose the right player.

  10. 3 hours ago, Dave_Og said:

    Many things that I struggle to get my head around, one would be Lundstram.Apparently he'd struggled to adjust to being at a bigger club? He's not got much of a career ahead of him if that's really the case. It's not like he's moved to Real Madrid 

    I know Dave but if he gets nervous about playing and is brave enough to tell us all then a bit of support for him wouldn't be a bad thing.


    It's all relative what worries you, I worried when my pub team got promoted to the Oldham Sunday premier league :)



  11. 2 minutes ago, yarddog73 said:

    Why wouldn't that be available to all fans then?, not looking for an argument it's just a simple question as to how the club communicates to those not part of the Foundation.

    Oh no!!! It's looking like the Foundation will have to make a statement about the £1 per month.


    That's not the statement we wanted !!!! :)


  12. I agree with oafc 1955 and League One. I always try and stay positive where possible, but that interview definitely knocked me a bit.


    I love a rallying cry and it's something I feel I need to get me going again :)


    Come on Latics , I know some people will pick at any sort of statement but I feel saying nothing is worse.


  13. 41 minutes ago, astottie said:

    If I've read it correctly Gateshead have known about and been trying to sort the problem with the council for the past 2 years.

    The NL could have set a deadline, say 10 matches ago and stated that if Gateshead finish in the play-offs the next team down takes their place.


    No team should get a bye 

  14. Only just logged on after drinking to forget yesterday, so not sure if anyone has mentioned the two points I have issue with in MM's interview.


    I was praying he wouldn't use the "tired" excuse but he did. It's embarrassing to even mention that when Wealdstone and Halifax had to plough through so many fixtures.


    Also to accuse the guy interviewing him as using lazy journalism is the the most ironic comment of the lot. He was allowed to waffle on bemoaning these cherubs were knackered. Pick players who hadn't "tired" themselves out on Thursday then.


    He said one word that summed up the terrible run of results and MM slates him for laziness. MM then just picked out the odd decent draw against Chesterfield for example and lazily skipped the bad draws and defeats against Oxford etc.



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  15. 13 hours ago, BradKnowles1 said:

    We lose tomorrow I’m being serious I will boo like I’ve never booed before 

    I feel total silence and then walk out is better. Eerie silence shows the total deflation of the fans.


    Being completely disappointed in them is better than anger, this only brings anger back at you. Sorry dad mode kicked in :)


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