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Former Luton Chairman dies

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The bloke who came up with the idea for football ID cards and who made Kenilworth home only (doing us a favour then). Wrong on those issues, although he had the right idea about rapists.



David Evans

Millionaire businessman and outspoken MP who saw himself as a champion of grass-roots Conservatism


Last Updated: 8:38PM BST 22 Oct 2008


David Evans, who died on Tuesday aged 73, was a self-made millionaire businessman and Conservative MP; during his decade in the Commons (1987-97) he was acknowledged to be one of the most colourful MPs in the House.


To say that Evans was a man of strong views would be to understate the case. There was probably no one more contemptuous of the wiles of the spin doctor or of the whispered back-stabbing in the corridors of Westminster: a classic grass-roots Conservative, Evans said what he thought, in plain terms, without fear and damn the consequences. "Do-gooding" liberals, teenage thugs, proselytising homosexuals, and those among the unemployed who showed no diligence in looking for work were among those who felt the lash of his tongue.


He once remarked: "I am a Right-wing disciplinarian. I do not trust Russians. The more nuclear weapons the better." He also suggested that the cat-o'-nine-tails should be used on football hooligans, and it is said that it was he who persuaded Margaret Thatcher of the virtues of football identity cards. He supported the return of capital punishment, and declared that the way to deal with rapists was to castrate them.


On one occasion he derided the (female) Labour candidate in his constituency because she lived with a boyfriend and "three bastard children", and had never done a proper job. His thoughts on the environment were unequivocal: "I'm more concerned about litter in Parliament Square than the ozone layer."


Evans believed that Britons had become "more and more lazy since the Second World War". He liked to claim that he had never read a poem, and that his favourite play was The Mousetrap. When addressing the House he would frequently invoke "My Janice" (his wife) to reinforce his point.


If he was regarded by his colleagues in the party as something of a loose cannon, Evans appeared happy to accept it: "I cannot see myself in the Cabinet," he once said. As a rich and successful man outside the world of politics, he had an independence enjoyed by few of his fellow MPs.


He once described his prime minister, John Major, as "vindictive" and the National Heritage Secretary, Virginia Bottomley, as "dead from the neck up" (although he later apologised, to Mrs Bottomley). None the less, he had his heavyweight champions in the party, not only Margaret Thatcher but also Michael Portillo and John Redwood (it was Evans who persuaded Redwood to challenge John Major in the 1995 leadership contest, and became his campaign manager).


David John Evans was born in north London on St George's Day 1935, the son of a postman; his mother sewed together the pelts to make fur coats, and the money she made enabled the family to buy a terrace house in Edmonton. David was educated at Raglan Road School, Enfield, where he failed the 11-plus, and went on to Tottenham Technical College.


At the age of 10 he had a milk round, selling both the milk and the manure from the horse that pulled the cart. But his early ambitions were in sport, and from 1951 to 1954 he was a footballer on the books of Aston Villa. He was also briefly taken on by Gloucestershire and Warwickshire County Cricket Clubs; a fine opening batsman, in the 1960s he captained the Club Cricket Conference.


In 1960, aged 25, Evans embarked on the path that was to make his fortune, founding an office and industrial cleaning business called Exclusive Office Cleaning. From the outset he demonstrated his ambition and capacity for hard work. His wife Janice acted as his personal assistant, and in the beginning they did the cleaning jobs themselves, scrubbing floors side by side and using their garage as a headquarters.


His big break came when the fledgling firm won the first private contract for local authority refuse collection and cleaning, at Southend-on-Sea. By 1982 his company, now known as Brengreen Holdings, employed some 30,000 workers. Four years later he sold the business for £32 million.


Evans had joined the Tory Party in 1968, but despite his efforts to be accepted as a candidate, and his hard work for the St Albans Conservative Association, it was a further 18 years before he was invited to contest a parliamentary seat. "Under Ted Heath," he once reflected, "the Tories were all stockbrokers and landed gentry – I didn't have the right accent." It was, Evans said, the example of Mrs Thatcher that changed his prospects: "She's a grocer's daughter come up the hard way, like me." In 1987 he was elected MP for Welwyn and Hatfield, in Hertfordshire, a largely middle-class constituency which included two new towns, with a majority of 10,903.


In the House, Evans proved himself a champion of grammar schools, of privatisation and of small businesses. As early as 1989 he was calling for identity cards for the detection of social security fraud and illegal immigrants.


Many of his friends believe that Evans would have made an excellent minister for sport. As it was, he was parliamentary private secretary to the ministers for industry (1990–91), corporate affairs (1991–92) and local government (1992–93) as well as to John Redwood as Secretary of State for Wales in 1993.


Evans resigned as Redwood's PPS to win election to the executive of the 1922 Committee, on which he served from 1993 to 1997. He was also a member of the select committee on deregulation (1995–97).


In the 1992 general election Evans retained Welwyn and Hatfield with a slightly reduced majority (8,465), but lost the seat when Labour came to power five years later.


In 1998 the "Birmingham Six" won an apology and libel damages from him after he had implied that they had been guilty of hundreds of terrorist murders, even though they had been cleared by the Court of Appeal.


Evans continued to have interests outside politics. He was chairman of another cleaning business, the Broadreach Group, from 1990 to 2002; Broadreach, which had contracts with high street retailers such as Sainsbury's, Homebase and Comet, was sold to MacLellan in 2002 for around £17 million.


Evans was chairman of Luton Town Football Club from 1984 to 1989 (and a director from 1977 to 1990); in an attempt to end hooliganism, in 1986 he banned away fans from Luton's Kenilworth Road ground. Meanwhile, his early interest in cricket never dimmed: he was a member of the council of Lord's Taverners from 1978 to 1996, and its chairman from 1982 to 1984. He was also a member of MCC.


He was much admired and valued by his friends, one of whom described his public persona as an MP as "David being flippant – the froth on the pint of beer. He was a seriously good guy." He was generous to a fault, witty, but above all loyal to those who repaid his trust in full.


David Evans married, in 1956, Janice Hazel Masters, who survives him with their two sons and one daughter.

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In a two-fingered gesture to him, I got into Kenilworth Road twice as an away fan, thanks to a Luton-based Leeds fan who was registered with Luton Town and therefore able to buy tickets. It was co-ordinated through the Football Supporters' Association, and fans of visiting clubs arranged with the Leeds fan to buy their tickets. Then on arrival in Luton the visiting fans collected the tickets from the porch of his house and pushed the money through the door, while he was on his travels watching Leeds.


David Evans 0 Fan Power 1

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