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Remember Everton

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I watched Oldham Athletic with great pride tonight! I don't come from Oldham, I'm from Ireland, but have been supporting Oldham for over 20 years following Frankie Bunn's 6 goals! The thing I have always said about Oldham when people ask why I support them, is that they always play football, and well! Tonight, some of my mates watched, and said they couldn't switch over to the monkey ball to see Ireland beat France, but stayed watching Oldham, as the heart they showed was unbelievable. The point I want to make was that the skill the Oldham team showed tonight both before and after the sending off, made me proud to be an Oldham supporter. I have listened to plenty of games and read loads of comments on this board, and am sure many are justified, but the team are good, better than Leicester, and need to perform better against lower league teams, but I am proud to support any team that shows such heart! Show the support they and the manager deserve, teams are winners, not individuals.

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I watched Oldham Athletic with great pride tonight! I don't come from Oldham, I'm from Ireland, but have been supporting Oldham for over 20 years following Frankie Bunn's 6 goals! The thing I have always said about Oldham when people ask why I support them, is that they always play football, and well! Tonight, some of my mates watched, and said they couldn't switch over to the monkey ball to see Ireland beat France, but stayed watching Oldham, as the heart they showed was unbelievable. The point I want to make was that the skill the Oldham team showed tonight both before and after the sending off, made me proud to be an Oldham supporter. I have listened to plenty of games and read loads of comments on this board, and am sure many are justified, but the team are good, better than Leicester, and need to perform better against lower league teams, but I am proud to support any team that shows such heart! Show the support they and the manager deserve, teams are winners, not individuals.



sweet!.....thats pretty much latics.

its the crap consistancy we are always get annoyed about..leicester//hereford... etc

support today was total bliss!..no corps...no coco types...just brilliant..it rocked!

but its been a leo day!

bed time!

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Jaysus, Lags, that's a quick response! I expected most to ignore me, but still think they were good tonight. I meant to say that I hope that following a good TV result, that we don't get another H'Field after!


Yes the boys did terrific. Without doubt. Just shows with that level of commitment every week we'd be in the Auto spots. If they want it, we all know now they can achieve it.


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Yes the boys did terrific. Without doubt. Just shows with that level of commitment every week we'd be in the Auto spots. If they want it, we all know now they can achieve it.


Hiya Chikin, soon as Greg was marched the whole of the team, management included raised thier game 10%, hearts on sleeve, backs to the wall, etc, now if we did that every game we would be talkin auto now, lets learn from it and the season starts here.

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