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Uefa Probes Champions League Match-Fixing

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Maybe if UEFA did away with the ridiculous notion of the team coming third in a Champions League group getting a place in the UEFA cup (or Europa League or whatever it is called) then they wouldn't have so many cases. If a draw suits both teams you'd be very daft not to bet on the result being a draw.


Plus in a two legged tie where you've been hammered in the first leg wouldn't you be tempted to fix the second leg when you have no chance of progressing. Match fixing is not new- the great Marseille team (which had about 75% of the French World cup winning team in it) of the early 90s got caught but were only punished domestically- they still got to win the last (or possibly second last) European cup. I think Leeds were done over in a match-fixing scandal in the 70s too.

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They should head to Malaga and Tenerfire where there is already a recorded admission of guilt.


Or the land that time forgot.


What recorded admission of guilt was that? Don't believe anything that the Real Sociedad chairman says. In fact, wasn't it him that paid the Tenerife players to win the game?

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What recorded admission of guilt was that? Don't believe anything that the Real Sociedad chairman says. In fact, wasn't it him that paid the Tenerife players to win the game?



Or the former Tenerife player in question on tape:


Badiola: "How much would it cost? I mean, in your case you were paid to lose this match? It's just to know, I don't have any experience on this, how much did it cost for us not to get promoted?"

Jesuli: "I tell you, honestly ... that I don't remember. But ... it really annoyed me to take that money."

Badiola: "€5,000, €7,000?"

Jesuli: "Yes, around that. If it wasn't €7,000 it was €6,000."


So, that says to me it was Malaga paying Tenerife to LOSE the game. That's not an incentive (which i don't especially agree with either, but it shouldn't really make a difference), but corruption at it's highest level.


I've not heard of them (the Spanish FA) following this up at all, and lets be honest it needs investigating to say the least.


*Being honest UEFA/FIFA need to get together and look at this. If guilty both teams should be expelled from football. Until an investigation happens they should ban all spanish clubs from European action IMO. That should get their <cough> potentially <cough mode off/*> corrupt arses in gear.

Edited by OldhamSheridan
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The former Tenerife player Jesuli never even played in the game and has since categorically denied it. Besides it was a conversation engineered by the Real Sociedad president, Badiola. The Spanish FA probably treated the accusation with the contempt that it deserved.

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