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Bored Civil Servants of the Month


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What a bunch of arse, so to speak...



Offensive number plates withdrawn

Two "offensive" number plates have been withdrawn from a Worcestershire auction.

The plates F4 GOT and D1 KES, which bear resemblance to the derogatory terms faggot and dykes, were due to go under the hammer in Broadway.

The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) removed the plates on grounds of "the clear potential offence".

The gay rights group Stonewall said such action by public authorities helped to make Britain "more equal".

A spokesman said: "We welcome the action by the DVLA in ensuring that these potentially offensive items were withdrawn from sale."

The plates were due to be among 1,600 plates auctioned later this week.

Each of the private plates had a reserve price of £900.

A spokesman for the DVLA said: "DVLA has responsibility to ensure that the combinations used on registration marks do not cause general upset or offence.

"Having reviewed the appropriateness of the registration marks F4 GOT and D1 KES, we have withdrawn these marks from sale on the grounds of the clear potential offence they may cause."


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Guest Scratch2000uk
What a bunch of arse, so to speak...



Dear oh dear Nanny state strikes again. :ranting:


A faggot is a kind of meatball. Faggots are a traditional dish in the UK, especially the Midlands of England. It is made from meat off-cuts and offal.



1. an embankment for controlling or holding back the waters of the sea or a river: They built a temporary dike of sandbags to keep the river from flooding the town.

2. a ditch.

3. a bank of earth formed of material being excavated.

4. a causeway.

5. British Dialect. a low wall or fence, esp. of earth or stone, for dividing or enclosing land.

6. an obstacle; barrier.

7. Geology.

a. a long, narrow, cross-cutting mass of igneous rock intruded into a fissure in older rock.

b. a similar mass of rock composed of other kinds of material, as sandstone.

8. Chiefly Australian Slang. a urinal.

–verb (used with object)

9. to furnish or drain with a dike.

10. to enclose, restrain, or protect by a dike: to dike a tract of land.


No mention of any rug munchers there. :lol:

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From the thread title, I thought you were asking for candidates :wink:.


I was about to put myself forward, after the most mind-numbingly awful day ever.


Edit: who on earth would be offended by D1 KES or F4 GOT!?

Edited by maddog
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Most nuns and Ashley Cole?

What does Lady's Man Ashley have to do with it?


I could honestly have seen a bidding war between loads of well to do gay man for the FAGGOT one. All money that could have been spent on birching young children or cutting my taxes.

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That "Dike" is the name of the ancient Greek goddess of moral justice, and that its use to denote a wall or bank built to contain water or enclose a separate land dates back to the 1st millennium BCE, shows a very long, deeply rooted history of positive meaning applicable to women and to woman's power, despite the modern day suggested etymology of a misstatement of the Greek term "hermaphrodite."

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